Top Fields Constructors Methods

public Class BMPMetadata

extends IIOMetadata
implements BMPConstants
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata, .IIOMetadataFormatImpl, .IIOMetadataNode, com.sun.imageio.plugins.common.I18N, .ImageUtil, org.w3c.dom.Node

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public int
public short
public int
public int
public double
public double
public double
public String
public int
public int
public int
public int
public int
public int
public int
public int
public int
public double
public double
public double
public int
public int
public int
public static final String
public byte[]
public int
public int
public int
public double
public double
public double
public int
public int
public int
Inherited from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private IIOMetadataNode
private void
addXYZPoints(IIOMetadataNode root, String name, double x, double y, double z)

private String
countBits(int num)

public Node
the desired metadata format.

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getAsTree.

Returns an XML DOM Node object that represents the root of a tree of metadata contained within this object according to the conventions defined by a given metadata format.
private Node
protected IIOMetadataNode

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardChromaNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the chroma information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available.
protected IIOMetadataNode

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardCompressionNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the compression information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available.
protected IIOMetadataNode

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardDataNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the data format information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available.
protected IIOMetadataNode

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardDimensionNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the dimension information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available.
public boolean

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.isReadOnly.

Returns true if this object does not support the mergeTree, setFromTree, and reset methods.
public void
the desired metadata format.
an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree.

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.mergeTree.

Alters the internal state of this IIOMetadata object from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax is defined by the given metadata format.
public void

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.reset.

Resets all the data stored in this object to default values, usually to the state this object was in immediately after construction, though the precise semantics are plug-in specific.
public void
the desired metadata format.
an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree.

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.setFromTree.

Sets the internal state of this IIOMetadata object from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax is defined by the given metadata format.
private String
toISO8859(byte[] data)

Inherited from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata:

Field Detail

alphaMaskback to summary
public int alphaMask
bitsPerPixelback to summary
public short bitsPerPixel
blueback to summary
public int blue
blueMaskback to summary
public int blueMask
blueXback to summary
public double blueX
blueYback to summary
public double blueY
blueZback to summary
public double blueZ
bmpVersionback to summary
public String bmpVersion
colorsImportantback to summary
public int colorsImportant
colorSpaceback to summary
public int colorSpace
colorsUsedback to summary
public int colorsUsed
compressionback to summary
public int compression
gammaBlueback to summary
public int gammaBlue
gammaGreenback to summary
public int gammaGreen
gammaRedback to summary
public int gammaRed
greenback to summary
public int green
greenMaskback to summary
public int greenMask
greenXback to summary
public double greenX
greenYback to summary
public double greenY
greenZback to summary
public double greenZ
heightback to summary
public int height
imageSizeback to summary
public int imageSize
intentback to summary
public int intent
nativeMetadataFormatNameback to summary
public static final String nativeMetadataFormatName

Hides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.nativeMetadataFormatName.

paletteback to summary
public byte[] palette
paletteSizeback to summary
public int paletteSize
redback to summary
public int red
redMaskback to summary
public int redMask
redXback to summary
public double redX
redYback to summary
public double redY
redZback to summary
public double redZ
widthback to summary
public int width
xPixelsPerMeterback to summary
public int xPixelsPerMeter
yPixelsPerMeterback to summary
public int yPixelsPerMeter

Constructor Detail

BMPMetadataback to summary
public BMPMetadata()

Method Detail

addChildNodeback to summary
private IIOMetadataNode addChildNode(IIOMetadataNode root, String name, Object object)
addXYZPointsback to summary
private void addXYZPoints(IIOMetadataNode root, String name, double x, double y, double z)
countBitsback to summary
private String countBits(int num)
getAsTreeback to summary
public Node getAsTree(String formatName)

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getAsTree.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getAsTree.

Returns an XML DOM Node object that represents the root of a tree of metadata contained within this object according to the conventions defined by a given metadata format.

The names of the available metadata formats may be queried using the getMetadataFormatNames method.


the desired metadata format.


an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree.

getNativeTreeback to summary
private Node getNativeTree()
getStandardChromaNodeback to summary
protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardChromaNode()

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardChromaNode.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardChromaNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the chroma information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available. This method is intended to be called by the utility routine getStandardTree.

The default implementation returns null.

Subclasses should override this method to produce an appropriate subtree if they wish to support the standard metadata format.


an IIOMetadataNode, or null.

getStandardCompressionNodeback to summary
protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardCompressionNode()

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardCompressionNode.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardCompressionNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the compression information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available. This method is intended to be called by the utility routine getStandardTree.

The default implementation returns null.

Subclasses should override this method to produce an appropriate subtree if they wish to support the standard metadata format.


an IIOMetadataNode, or null.

getStandardDataNodeback to summary
protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardDataNode()

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardDataNode.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardDataNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the data format information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available. This method is intended to be called by the utility routine getStandardTree.

The default implementation returns null.

Subclasses should override this method to produce an appropriate subtree if they wish to support the standard metadata format.


an IIOMetadataNode, or null.

getStandardDimensionNodeback to summary
protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardDimensionNode()

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardDimensionNode.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getStandardDimensionNode.

Returns an IIOMetadataNode representing the dimension information of the standard javax_imageio_1.0 metadata format, or null if no such information is available. This method is intended to be called by the utility routine getStandardTree.

The default implementation returns null.

Subclasses should override this method to produce an appropriate subtree if they wish to support the standard metadata format.


an IIOMetadataNode, or null.

isReadOnlyback to summary
public boolean isReadOnly()

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.isReadOnly.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.isReadOnly.

Returns true if this object does not support the mergeTree, setFromTree, and reset methods.


true if this IIOMetadata object cannot be modified.

mergeTreeback to summary
public void mergeTree(String formatName, Node root)

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.mergeTree.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.mergeTree.

Alters the internal state of this IIOMetadata object from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax is defined by the given metadata format. The previous state is altered only as necessary to accommodate the nodes that are present in the given tree. If the tree structure or contents are invalid, an IIOInvalidTreeException will be thrown.

As the semantics of how a tree or subtree may be merged with another tree are completely format-specific, plug-in authors may implement this method in whatever manner is most appropriate for the format, including simply replacing all existing state with the contents of the given tree.


the desired metadata format.


an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree.

resetback to summary
public void reset()

Implements abstract javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.reset.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.reset.

Resets all the data stored in this object to default values, usually to the state this object was in immediately after construction, though the precise semantics are plug-in specific. Note that there are many possible default values, depending on how the object was created.

setFromTreeback to summary
public void setFromTree(String formatName, Node root)

Overrides javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.setFromTree.

Doc from javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.setFromTree.

Sets the internal state of this IIOMetadata object from a tree of XML DOM Nodes whose syntax is defined by the given metadata format. The previous state is discarded. If the tree's structure or contents are invalid, an IIOInvalidTreeException will be thrown.

The default implementation calls reset followed by mergeTree(formatName, root).


the desired metadata format.


an XML DOM Node object forming the root of a tree.

toISO8859back to summary
private String toISO8859(byte[] data)