Top Fields Constructors Methods

public Class ClassLogger

extends Object
implements Logger
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
java.lang.System.Logger, .System.Logger.Level, java.util.ResourceBundle

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private final String
private final System.Logger

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
ClassLogger(String subsystem, String className)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public final void
config(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
config(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final boolean
public final void
debug(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
debug(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final boolean
public final void
error(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
error(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final void
fine(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
fine(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final boolean
public final void
finer(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
finer(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final boolean
public final void
finest(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
finest(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final boolean
public final String

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.getName.

Returns the name of this logger.
public final void
info(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
info(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final boolean
public final boolean
the log message level.

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.isLoggable.

Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by this logger.
public final void
the log message level.
a resource bundle to localize msg; can be null.
the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if bundle is not null); can be null.
a Throwable associated with the log message; can be null.

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.log.

Logs a localized message associated with a given throwable.
public final void
the log message level.
a resource bundle to localize format; can be null.
the string message format in java.text.MessageFormat format, (or a key in the message catalog if bundle is not null); can be null.
an optional list of parameters to the message (may be none).

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.log.

Logs a message with resource bundle and an optional list of parameters.
public final void
severe(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
severe(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final void
trace(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
trace(String func, String msg, Throwable t)

public final boolean
public final void
warning(String func, String msg)

public final void
public final void
public final boolean
Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

classNameback to summary
private final String className
loggerback to summary
private final System.Logger logger

Constructor Detail

ClassLoggerback to summary
public ClassLogger(String subsystem, String className)

Method Detail

configback to summary
public final void config(String func, String msg)
configback to summary
public final void config(String func, Throwable t)
configback to summary
public final void config(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
configOnback to summary
public final boolean configOn()
debugback to summary
public final void debug(String func, String msg)
debugback to summary
public final void debug(String func, Throwable t)
debugback to summary
public final void debug(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
debugOnback to summary
public final boolean debugOn()
errorback to summary
public final void error(String func, String msg)
errorback to summary
public final void error(String func, Throwable t)
errorback to summary
public final void error(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
fineback to summary
public final void fine(String func, String msg)
fineback to summary
public final void fine(String func, Throwable t)
fineback to summary
public final void fine(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
fineOnback to summary
public final boolean fineOn()
finerback to summary
public final void finer(String func, String msg)
finerback to summary
public final void finer(String func, Throwable t)
finerback to summary
public final void finer(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
finerOnback to summary
public final boolean finerOn()
finestback to summary
public final void finest(String func, String msg)
finestback to summary
public final void finest(String func, Throwable t)
finestback to summary
public final void finest(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
finestOnback to summary
public final boolean finestOn()
getNameback to summary
public final String getName()

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.getName.

Doc from java.lang.System.Logger.getName.

Returns the name of this logger.


the logger name.

infoback to summary
public final void info(String func, String msg)
infoback to summary
public final void info(String func, Throwable t)
infoback to summary
public final void info(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
infoOnback to summary
public final boolean infoOn()
isLoggableback to summary
public final boolean isLoggable(System.Logger.Level level)

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.isLoggable.

Doc from java.lang.System.Logger.isLoggable.

Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by this logger.


the log message level.


true if the given log message level is currently being logged.

logback to summary
public final void log(System.Logger.Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String msg, Throwable thrown)

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.log.

Doc from java.lang.System.Logger.log.

Logs a localized message associated with a given throwable. If the given resource bundle is non-null, the msg string is localized using the given resource bundle. Otherwise the msg string is not localized.


the log message level.


a resource bundle to localize msg; can be null.


the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if bundle is not null); can be null.


a Throwable associated with the log message; can be null.

logback to summary
public final void log(System.Logger.Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String format, Object... params)

Implements java.lang.System.Logger.log.

Doc from java.lang.System.Logger.log.

Logs a message with resource bundle and an optional list of parameters. If the given resource bundle is non-null, the format string is localized using the given resource bundle. Otherwise the format string is not localized.


the log message level.


a resource bundle to localize format; can be null.


the string message format in java.text.MessageFormat format, (or a key in the message catalog if bundle is not null); can be null.


an optional list of parameters to the message (may be none).

severeback to summary
public final void severe(String func, String msg)
severeback to summary
public final void severe(String func, Throwable t)
severeback to summary
public final void severe(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
traceback to summary
public final void trace(String func, String msg)
traceback to summary
public final void trace(String func, Throwable t)
traceback to summary
public final void trace(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
traceOnback to summary
public final boolean traceOn()
warningback to summary
public final void warning(String func, String msg)
warningback to summary
public final void warning(String func, Throwable t)
warningback to summary
public final void warning(String func, String msg, Throwable t)
warningOnback to summary
public final boolean warningOn()