Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv Class DiagnosticCommandInfo

extends Object
Class Inheritance

Diagnostic command information. It contains the description of a diagnostic command.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private final List<DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo>
private final String
private final boolean
private final String
private final String
private final String
private final String
private final String

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
DiagnosticCommandInfo(String name, String description, String impact, String permissionClass, String permissionName, String permissionAction, boolean enabled, List<DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo> arguments)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
pack-priv List<DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo>


a list of the diagnostic command arguments description

Returns the list of the diagnostic command arguments description.

pack-priv String


the diagnostic command description

Returns the diagnostic command description.

pack-priv String


the potential impact of the diagnostic command execution on the Java virtual machine behavior

Returns the potential impact of the diagnostic command execution on the Java virtual machine behavior.

pack-priv String


the diagnostic command name

Returns the diagnostic command name.

pack-priv String


the permission action required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required or if the permission has no action specified

Returns the permission action required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required or if the permission has no action specified.

pack-priv String


the name of the permission class name required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required

Returns the name of the permission class required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required.

pack-priv String


the permission name required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required

Returns the permission name required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required.

pack-priv boolean


true if the diagnostic command is enabled, false otherwise

Returns true if the diagnostic command is enabled, false otherwise.

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

argumentsback to summary
private final List<DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo> arguments
descriptionback to summary
private final String description
enabledback to summary
private final boolean enabled
impactback to summary
private final String impact
nameback to summary
private final String name
permissionActionback to summary
private final String permissionAction
permissionClassback to summary
private final String permissionClass
permissionNameback to summary
private final String permissionName

Constructor Detail

DiagnosticCommandInfoback to summary
pack-priv DiagnosticCommandInfo(String name, String description, String impact, String permissionClass, String permissionName, String permissionAction, boolean enabled, List<DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo> arguments)

Method Detail

getArgumentsInfoback to summary
pack-priv List<DiagnosticCommandArgumentInfo> getArgumentsInfo()

Returns the list of the diagnostic command arguments description. If the diagnostic command has no arguments, it returns an empty list.


a list of the diagnostic command arguments description

getDescriptionback to summary
pack-priv String getDescription()

Returns the diagnostic command description.


the diagnostic command description

getImpactback to summary
pack-priv String getImpact()

Returns the potential impact of the diagnostic command execution on the Java virtual machine behavior.


the potential impact of the diagnostic command execution on the Java virtual machine behavior

getNameback to summary
pack-priv String getName()

Returns the diagnostic command name.


the diagnostic command name

getPermissionActionback to summary
pack-priv String getPermissionAction()

Returns the permission action required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required or if the permission has no action specified.


the permission action required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required or if the permission has no action specified

getPermissionClassback to summary
pack-priv String getPermissionClass()

Returns the name of the permission class required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required.


the name of the permission class name required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required

getPermissionNameback to summary
pack-priv String getPermissionName()

Returns the permission name required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required.


the permission name required to be allowed to invoke the diagnostic command, or null if no permission is required

isEnabledback to summary
pack-priv boolean isEnabled()

Returns true if the diagnostic command is enabled, false otherwise. The enabled/disabled status of a diagnostic command can evolve during the lifetime of the Java virtual machine.


true if the diagnostic command is enabled, false otherwise