Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public abstract Class JConsolePlugin

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent, .PropertyChangeListener, java.util.ArrayList, .List, javax.swing.JPanel, .SwingWorker

A JConsole plugin class. JConsole uses the service provider mechanism to search the JConsole plugins. Users can provide their JConsole plugins in a jar file containing a file named

This file contains one line for each plugin, for example,


which is the fully qualified class name of the class implementing JConsolePlugin.

To load the JConsole plugins in JConsole, run:

jconsole -pluginpath <plugin-path> 

where <plugin-path> specifies the paths of JConsole plugins to look up which can be a directory or a jar file. Multiple paths are separated by the path separator character of the platform.

When a new JConsole window is created for a connection, an instance of each JConsolePlugin will be created. The JConsoleContext object is not available at its construction time. JConsole will set the JConsoleContext object for a plugin after the plugin object is created. It will then call its getTabs method and add the returned tabs to the JConsole window.

See Also

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private volatile JConsoleContext
private List<PropertyChangeListener>

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description


Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public final void
The PropertyChangeListener to be added

Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the JConsoleContext object for this plugin.

public void

Dispose this plugin.

public final JConsoleContext


the JConsoleContext object representing the connection to an application.

Returns the JConsoleContext object representing the connection to an application.

public abstract Map<String, JPanel>


a map of a tab name and a JPanel object representing the tabs to be added in the JConsole window; or an empty map.

Returns the tabs to be added in JConsole window.

public abstract SwingWorker<?, ?>


a SwingWorker to perform the GUI update; or null.

Returns a SwingWorker to perform the GUI update for this plugin at the same interval as JConsole updates the GUI.

public final void
the PropertyChangeListener to be removed

Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list of the JConsoleContext object for this plugin.

public final synchronized void
a JConsoleContext object

Sets the JConsoleContext object representing the connection to an application.

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

contextback to summary
private volatile JConsoleContext context
listenersback to summary
private List<PropertyChangeListener> listeners

Constructor Detail

JConsolePluginback to summary
protected JConsolePlugin()


Method Detail

addContextPropertyChangeListenerback to summary
public final void addContextPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)

Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the JConsoleContext object for this plugin. This method is a convenient method for this plugin to register a listener when the JConsoleContext object may or may not be available.

For example, a plugin constructor can call this method to register a listener to listen to the connectionState property changes and the listener will be added to the JConsoleContext object when it is available.


The PropertyChangeListener to be added

if listener is null.
disposeback to summary
public void dispose()

Dispose this plugin. This method is called by JConsole to inform that this plugin will be discarded and that it should free any resources that it has allocated. The JConsoleContext can be in any connection state when this method is called.

getContextback to summary
public final JConsoleContext getContext()

Returns the JConsoleContext object representing the connection to an application. This method may return null if it is called before the context is initialized.


the JConsoleContext object representing the connection to an application.

getTabsback to summary
public abstract Map<String, JPanel> getTabs()

Returns the tabs to be added in JConsole window.

The returned map contains one entry for each tab to be added in the tabbed pane in a JConsole window with the tab name as the key and the JPanel object as the value. This method returns an empty map if no tab is added by this plugin. This method will be called from the Event Dispatch Thread once at the new connection time.

Returns:Map<String, JPanel>

a map of a tab name and a JPanel object representing the tabs to be added in the JConsole window; or an empty map.

newSwingWorkerback to summary
public abstract SwingWorker<?, ?> newSwingWorker()

Returns a SwingWorker to perform the GUI update for this plugin at the same interval as JConsole updates the GUI.

JConsole schedules the GUI update at an interval specified for a connection. This method will be called at every update to obtain a SwingWorker for each plugin.

JConsole will invoke the execute() method to schedule the returned SwingWorker for execution if:

  • the SwingWorker object has not been executed (i.e. the SwingWorker#getState method returns PENDING state); and
  • the SwingWorker object returned in the previous update has completed the task if it was not null (i.e. the SwingWorker.isDone method returns true).

Otherwise, SwingWorker object will not be scheduled to work.

A plugin can schedule its own GUI update and this method will return null.

Returns:SwingWorker<?, ?>

a SwingWorker to perform the GUI update; or null.

removeContextPropertyChangeListenerback to summary
public final void removeContextPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)

Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list of the JConsoleContext object for this plugin. If listener was never added, no exception is thrown and no action is taken.


the PropertyChangeListener to be removed

if listener is null.
setContextback to summary
public final synchronized void setContext(JConsoleContext context)

Sets the JConsoleContext object representing the connection to an application. This method will be called only once after the plugin is created and before the getTabs is called. The given context can be in any connection state when this method is called.


a JConsoleContext object