Top Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class TextAreaPainter

extends AbstractRegionPainter
Class Inheritance
java.awt.*, java.awt.geom.*, java.awt.image.*, javax.swing.*, .Painter

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
pack-priv static final int
pack-priv static final int
pack-priv static final int
pack-priv static final int
pack-priv static final int
pack-priv static final int
pack-priv static final int
pack-priv static final int
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Color
private Object[]
private AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext
private Ellipse2D
private Path2D
private Rectangle2D
private RoundRectangle2D
private int

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private Paint
private Paint
private Paint
private Paint
private Paint
private Path2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
private Rectangle2D
protected void
The Graphics2D surface to paint to
The JComponent related to the drawing event. For example, if the region being rendered is Button, then c will be a JButton. If the region being drawn is ScrollBarSlider, then the component will be JScrollBar. This value may be null.
The width of the region to paint. Note that in the case of painting the foreground, this value may differ from c.getWidth().
The height of the region to paint. Note that in the case of painting the foreground, this value may differ from c.getHeight().
The result of the call to getExtendedCacheKeys()

Implements abstract javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.doPaint.

Actually performs the painting operation.
protected Object[]
The component on the current paint call

Overrides javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.getExtendedCacheKeys.

Get any extra attributes which the painter implementation would like to include in the image cache lookups.
protected final AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext

Implements abstract javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.getPaintContext.

Gets the PaintContext for this painting operation.

private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
Inherited from javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter:

Field Detail

pack-priv static final int BACKGROUND_DISABLED
pack-priv static final int BACKGROUND_ENABLED
pack-priv static final int BACKGROUND_SELECTED
pack-priv static final int BORDER_DISABLED_NOTINSCROLLPANE
pack-priv static final int BORDER_ENABLED_NOTINSCROLLPANE
pack-priv static final int BORDER_FOCUSED_NOTINSCROLLPANE
color1back to summary
private Color color1
color10back to summary
private Color color10
color11back to summary
private Color color11
color12back to summary
private Color color12
color2back to summary
private Color color2
color3back to summary
private Color color3
color4back to summary
private Color color4
color5back to summary
private Color color5
color6back to summary
private Color color6
color7back to summary
private Color color7
color8back to summary
private Color color8
color9back to summary
private Color color9
componentColorsback to summary
private Object[] componentColors
ctxback to summary
private AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext ctx

Hides javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.ctx.

ellipseback to summary
private Ellipse2D ellipse
pathback to summary
private Path2D path
rectback to summary
private Rectangle2D rect
roundRectback to summary
private RoundRectangle2D roundRect
stateback to summary
private int state

Constructor Detail

TextAreaPainterback to summary
public TextAreaPainter(AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext ctx, int state)

Method Detail

decodeGradient1back to summary
private Paint decodeGradient1(Shape s)
decodeGradient2back to summary
private Paint decodeGradient2(Shape s)
decodeGradient3back to summary
private Paint decodeGradient3(Shape s)
decodeGradient4back to summary
private Paint decodeGradient4(Shape s)
decodeGradient5back to summary
private Paint decodeGradient5(Shape s)
decodePath1back to summary
private Path2D decodePath1()
decodeRect1back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect1()
decodeRect10back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect10()
decodeRect11back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect11()
decodeRect12back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect12()
decodeRect2back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect2()
decodeRect3back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect3()
decodeRect4back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect4()
decodeRect5back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect5()
decodeRect6back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect6()
decodeRect7back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect7()
decodeRect8back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect8()
decodeRect9back to summary
private Rectangle2D decodeRect9()
doPaintback to summary
protected void doPaint(Graphics2D g, JComponent c, int width, int height, Object[] extendedCacheKeys)

Implements abstract javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.doPaint.

Doc from javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.doPaint.

Actually performs the painting operation. Subclasses must implement this method. The graphics object passed may represent the actual surface being rendered to, or it may be an intermediate buffer. It has also been pre-translated. Simply render the component as if it were located at 0, 0 and had a width of width and a height of height. For performance reasons, you may want to read the clip from the Graphics2D object and only render within that space.


The Graphics2D surface to paint to


The JComponent related to the drawing event. For example, if the region being rendered is Button, then c will be a JButton. If the region being drawn is ScrollBarSlider, then the component will be JScrollBar. This value may be null.


The width of the region to paint. Note that in the case of painting the foreground, this value may differ from c.getWidth().


The height of the region to paint. Note that in the case of painting the foreground, this value may differ from c.getHeight().


The result of the call to getExtendedCacheKeys()

getExtendedCacheKeysback to summary
protected Object[] getExtendedCacheKeys(JComponent c)

Overrides javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.getExtendedCacheKeys.

Doc from javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.getExtendedCacheKeys.

Get any extra attributes which the painter implementation would like to include in the image cache lookups. This is checked for every call of the paint(g, c, w, h) method.


The component on the current paint call


Array of extra objects to be included in the cache key

getPaintContextback to summary
protected final AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext getPaintContext()

Implements abstract javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.getPaintContext.

Doc from javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.AbstractRegionPainter.getPaintContext.

Gets the PaintContext for this painting operation. This method is called on every paint, and so should be fast and produce no garbage. The PaintContext contains information such as cache hints. It also contains data necessary for decoding points at runtime, such as the stretching insets, the canvas size at which the encoded points were defined, and whether the stretching insets are inverted.

This method allows for subclasses to package the painting of different states with possibly different canvas sizes, etc, into one AbstractRegionPainter implementation.


a PaintContext associated with this paint operation.

paintBackgroundDisabledback to summary
private void paintBackgroundDisabled(Graphics2D g)
paintBackgroundDisabledAndNotInScrollPaneback to summary
private void paintBackgroundDisabledAndNotInScrollPane(Graphics2D g)
paintBackgroundEnabledback to summary
private void paintBackgroundEnabled(Graphics2D g)
paintBackgroundEnabledAndNotInScrollPaneback to summary
private void paintBackgroundEnabledAndNotInScrollPane(Graphics2D g)
paintBackgroundSelectedback to summary
private void paintBackgroundSelected(Graphics2D g)
paintBorderDisabledAndNotInScrollPaneback to summary
private void paintBorderDisabledAndNotInScrollPane(Graphics2D g)
paintBorderEnabledAndNotInScrollPaneback to summary
private void paintBorderEnabledAndNotInScrollPane(Graphics2D g)
paintBorderFocusedAndNotInScrollPaneback to summary
private void paintBorderFocusedAndNotInScrollPane(Graphics2D g)