Top Description Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class ImplicitSession

extends SharedSession
Class Inheritance
Imports, java.lang.ref.Cleaner, .Reference

This is an implicit, GC-backed memory session. Implicit sessions cannot be closed explicitly. While it would be possible to model an implicit session as a non-closeable view of a shared session, it is better to capture the fact that an implicit session is not just a non-closeable view of some session which might be closeable. This is useful e.g. in the implementations of DirectBuffer#address(), where obtaining an address of a buffer instance associated with a potentially closeable session is forbidden.

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public void
public boolean
public void
public void

Constructor Detail

ImplicitSessionback to summary
public ImplicitSession(Cleaner cleaner)

Method Detail

acquire0back to summary
public void acquire0()

Overrides jdk.internal.foreign.SharedSession.acquire0.

isCloseableback to summary
public boolean isCloseable()

Overrides jdk.internal.foreign.MemorySessionImpl.isCloseable.

justCloseback to summary
public void justClose()

Overrides jdk.internal.foreign.SharedSession.justClose.

release0back to summary
public void release0()

Overrides jdk.internal.foreign.SharedSession.release0.
