Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class Context

extends Object
Class Inheritance

Information about a class being parsed in a ClassReader.
Eric Bruneton

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
pack-priv Attribute[]

The prototypes of the attributes that must be parsed in this class.

pack-priv char[]

The buffer used to read strings in the constant pool.

pack-priv int

The number of local variable types in the current stack map frame.

pack-priv int

The delta number of local variable types in the current stack map frame (each type is represented with a single array element - even long and double).

pack-priv Object[]

The types of the local variables in the current stack map frame.

pack-priv int

The bytecode offset of the current stack map frame.

pack-priv int

The number stack element types in the current stack map frame.

pack-priv Object[]

The types of the stack elements in the current stack map frame.

pack-priv int

The type of the current stack map frame.

pack-priv Label[]

The end of each local variable range in the current local variable annotation.

pack-priv int[]

The local variable index of each local variable range in the current local variable annotation.

pack-priv Label[]

The start of each local variable range in the current local variable annotation.

pack-priv int

The access flags of the current method.

pack-priv String

The descriptor of the current method.

pack-priv Label[]

The labels of the current method, indexed by bytecode offset (only bytecode offsets for which a label is needed have a non null associated Label).

pack-priv String

The name of the current method.

pack-priv int

The target_type and target_info of the current type annotation target, encoded as described in TypeReference.

pack-priv TypePath

The target_path of the current type annotation target.

pack-priv int

The options used to parse this class.

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

attributePrototypesback to summary
pack-priv Attribute[] attributePrototypes

The prototypes of the attributes that must be parsed in this class.

charBufferback to summary
pack-priv char[] charBuffer

The buffer used to read strings in the constant pool.

currentFrameLocalCountback to summary
pack-priv int currentFrameLocalCount

The number of local variable types in the current stack map frame. Each type is represented with a single array element (even long and double).

currentFrameLocalCountDeltaback to summary
pack-priv int currentFrameLocalCountDelta

The delta number of local variable types in the current stack map frame (each type is represented with a single array element - even long and double). This is the number of local variable types in this frame, minus the number of local variable types in the previous frame.

currentFrameLocalTypesback to summary
pack-priv Object[] currentFrameLocalTypes

The types of the local variables in the current stack map frame. Each type is represented with a single array element (even long and double), using the format described in MethodVisitor#visitFrame. Depending on currentFrameType, this contains the types of all the local variables, or only those of the additional ones (compared to the previous frame).

currentFrameOffsetback to summary
pack-priv int currentFrameOffset

The bytecode offset of the current stack map frame.

currentFrameStackCountback to summary
pack-priv int currentFrameStackCount

The number stack element types in the current stack map frame. Each type is represented with a single array element (even long and double).

currentFrameStackTypesback to summary
pack-priv Object[] currentFrameStackTypes

The types of the stack elements in the current stack map frame. Each type is represented with a single array element (even long and double), using the format described in MethodVisitor#visitFrame.

currentFrameTypeback to summary
pack-priv int currentFrameType

The type of the current stack map frame. One of Opcodes#F_FULL, Opcodes#F_APPEND, Opcodes#F_CHOP, Opcodes#F_SAME or Opcodes#F_SAME1.

currentLocalVariableAnnotationRangeEndsback to summary
pack-priv Label[] currentLocalVariableAnnotationRangeEnds

The end of each local variable range in the current local variable annotation.

currentLocalVariableAnnotationRangeIndicesback to summary
pack-priv int[] currentLocalVariableAnnotationRangeIndices

The local variable index of each local variable range in the current local variable annotation.

currentLocalVariableAnnotationRangeStartsback to summary
pack-priv Label[] currentLocalVariableAnnotationRangeStarts

The start of each local variable range in the current local variable annotation.

currentMethodAccessFlagsback to summary
pack-priv int currentMethodAccessFlags

The access flags of the current method.

currentMethodDescriptorback to summary
pack-priv String currentMethodDescriptor

The descriptor of the current method.

currentMethodLabelsback to summary
pack-priv Label[] currentMethodLabels

The labels of the current method, indexed by bytecode offset (only bytecode offsets for which a label is needed have a non null associated Label).

currentMethodNameback to summary
pack-priv String currentMethodName

The name of the current method.

currentTypeAnnotationTargetback to summary
pack-priv int currentTypeAnnotationTarget

The target_type and target_info of the current type annotation target, encoded as described in TypeReference.

currentTypeAnnotationTargetPathback to summary
pack-priv TypePath currentTypeAnnotationTargetPath

The target_path of the current type annotation target.

parsingOptionsback to summary
pack-priv int parsingOptions

The options used to parse this class. One or more of ClassReader#SKIP_CODE, ClassReader#SKIP_DEBUG, ClassReader#SKIP_FRAMES, ClassReader#EXPAND_FRAMES or ClassReader#EXPAND_ASM_INSNS.

Constructor Detail

Contextback to summary
pack-priv Context()