Top Description Methods

public Interface CgroupV1Metrics

extends Metrics
Known Direct Implementers
jdk.internal.platform.CgroupV1MetricsImpl, jdk.internal.platform.cgroupv1.CgroupV1Subsystem

Cgroup v1 extensions to the Metrics interface. Linux, only.

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public double


Memory pressure or 0 if not enabled or -1 if metric is not available.

Returns the (attempts per second * 1000), if enabled, that the operating system tries to satisfy a memory request for any process in the current Isolation Group when no free memory is readily available.

public long


The number of exceeded requests or -1 if metric is not available.

Returns the number of times that kernel memory requests in the Isolation Group have exceeded the kernel memory limit.

public long


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available.

Returns the largest amount of kernel physical memory, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.

public long


The amount of memory in bytes allocated or -1 if this metric is not available.

Returns the amount of kernel physical memory, in bytes, that is currently allocated in the current Isolation Group.

public long


The number of exceeded requests or -1 if the metric is not available.

Returns the number of times that user memory requests in the Isolation Group have exceeded the memory + swap limit.

public long


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available.

Returns the largest amount of physical memory and swap space, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.

public long


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available. Returns -2 if this metric is not supported.

Returns the largest amount of physical memory, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.

public long


The number of exceeded requests or -1 if the metric is not available.

Returns the number of times that networking memory requests in the Isolation Group have exceeded the kernel memory limit.

public long


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available.

Returns the largest amount of networking physical memory, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.

public Boolean


true if support is available and enabled. false otherwise.

Returns the state of the memory pressure detection support.

public Boolean


Returns true if operating system will terminate processes in the Isolation Group that exceed the amount of available memory, otherwise false. null will be returned if this capability is not available on the current operating system.

Returns the state of the Operating System Out of Memory termination policy.

Inherited from jdk.internal.platform.Metrics:

Method Detail

getCpuSetMemoryPressureback to summary
public double getCpuSetMemoryPressure()

Returns the (attempts per second * 1000), if enabled, that the operating system tries to satisfy a memory request for any process in the current Isolation Group when no free memory is readily available. Use isCpuSetMemoryPressureEnabled() to determine if this support is enabled.


Memory pressure or 0 if not enabled or -1 if metric is not available.

getKernelMemoryFailCountback to summary
public long getKernelMemoryFailCount()

Returns the number of times that kernel memory requests in the Isolation Group have exceeded the kernel memory limit.


The number of exceeded requests or -1 if metric is not available.

getKernelMemoryMaxUsageback to summary
public long getKernelMemoryMaxUsage()

Returns the largest amount of kernel physical memory, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available.

getKernelMemoryUsageback to summary
public long getKernelMemoryUsage()

Returns the amount of kernel physical memory, in bytes, that is currently allocated in the current Isolation Group.


The amount of memory in bytes allocated or -1 if this metric is not available.

getMemoryAndSwapFailCountback to summary
public long getMemoryAndSwapFailCount()

Returns the number of times that user memory requests in the Isolation Group have exceeded the memory + swap limit.


The number of exceeded requests or -1 if the metric is not available.

getMemoryAndSwapMaxUsageback to summary
public long getMemoryAndSwapMaxUsage()

Returns the largest amount of physical memory and swap space, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available.

getMemoryMaxUsageback to summary
public long getMemoryMaxUsage()

Returns the largest amount of physical memory, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available. Returns -2 if this metric is not supported.

getTcpMemoryFailCountback to summary
public long getTcpMemoryFailCount()

Returns the number of times that networking memory requests in the Isolation Group have exceeded the kernel memory limit.


The number of exceeded requests or -1 if the metric is not available.

getTcpMemoryMaxUsageback to summary
public long getTcpMemoryMaxUsage()

Returns the largest amount of networking physical memory, in bytes, that have been allocated in the Isolation Group.


The largest amount of memory in bytes or -1 if this metric is not available.

isCpuSetMemoryPressureEnabledback to summary
public Boolean isCpuSetMemoryPressureEnabled()

Returns the state of the memory pressure detection support.


true if support is available and enabled. false otherwise.

isMemoryOOMKillEnabledback to summary
public Boolean isMemoryOOMKillEnabled()

Returns the state of the Operating System Out of Memory termination policy.


Returns true if operating system will terminate processes in the Isolation Group that exceed the amount of available memory, otherwise false. null will be returned if this capability is not available on the current operating system.