Top Fields Constructors Methods

public abstract Class EventByteStream

extends Object
implements Closeable
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces, java.lang.AutoCloseable
Known Direct Subclasses
jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.FinishedStream, jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.OngoingStream
Imports, .IOException, .InputStream, java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong, jdk.jfr.Recording, jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.FinishedStream, .OngoingStream

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private static AtomicLong
private final long
public static final String
private volatile long

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public final long
public final long
public static EventByteStream
newFinishedStream(InputStream is, int blockSize)

public static EventByteStream
newOngoingStream(Recording recording, int blockSize, long startTimeNanos, long endTimeNanos)

public abstract byte[]

protected final void
Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

idCounterback to summary
private static AtomicLong idCounter
identifierback to summary
private final long identifier
NAMEback to summary
public static final String NAME
timeback to summary
private volatile long time

Constructor Detail

EventByteStreamback to summary
public EventByteStream()

Method Detail

getIdback to summary
public final long getId()
getLastTouchedback to summary
public final long getLastTouched()
newFinishedStreamback to summary
public static EventByteStream newFinishedStream(InputStream is, int blockSize)
newOngoingStreamback to summary
public static EventByteStream newOngoingStream(Recording recording, int blockSize, long startTimeNanos, long endTimeNanos)
readback to summary
public abstract byte[] read() throws IOException
touchback to summary
protected final void touch()