Top Inners Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv Class AppImageBundler

extends AbstractBundler
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
jdk.internal.util.OperatingSystem,, java.nio.file.Files, .Path, java.text.MessageFormat, java.util.Map, .Objects, java.util.function.Function

Nested and Inner Type Summary

Modifier and TypeClass and Description
pack-priv static interface

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private Function<Path, AbstractAppImageBuilder>
private boolean
private AppImageBundler.ParamsValidator
Inherited from jdk.jpackage.internal.AbstractBundler:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private Path
createAppBundle(Map<String, ? super Object> params, Path outputDirectory)

private Path
createRoot(Map<String, ? super Object> params, Path outputDirectory)

public final Path
execute(Map<String, ? super Object>
The Bundle parameters, Keyed by the id from the ParamInfo. Execution may modify the map, so if you are going to be using the same map across multiple bundlers you should pass in a deep copy.
The parent dir that the returned bundle will be placed in.

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.execute.

Creates a bundle from existing content.
public final String
public final String
public final String
public final boolean

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.isDefault.

Returns "true" if this bundler is he default for the current platform.
pack-priv final boolean
pack-priv final AppImageBundler
pack-priv final AppImageBundler
setDependentTask(boolean v)

pack-priv final AppImageBundler
public final boolean
supported(boolean runtimeInstaller)

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.supported.

Returns "true" if this bundler is supported on current platform.
public final boolean
validate(Map<String, ? super Object>
The parameters to be validate. Validation may modify the map, so if you are going to be using the same map across multiple bundlers you should pass in a deep copy.

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.validate.

Determines if this bundler will execute with the given parameters.
Inherited from jdk.jpackage.internal.AbstractBundler:

Field Detail

appImageSupplierback to summary
private Function<Path, AbstractAppImageBuilder> appImageSupplier
dependentTaskback to summary
private boolean dependentTask
paramsValidatorback to summary
private AppImageBundler.ParamsValidator paramsValidator

Constructor Detail

AppImageBundlerback to summary
pack-priv AppImageBundler()

Method Detail

createAppBundleback to summary
private Path createAppBundle(Map<String, ? super Object> params, Path outputDirectory) throws PackagerException, IOException, ConfigException
createRootback to summary
private Path createRoot(Map<String, ? super Object> params, Path outputDirectory) throws PackagerException, IOException
executeback to summary
public final Path execute(Map<String, ? super Object> params, Path outputParentDir) throws PackagerException

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.execute.

Doc from jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.execute.

Creates a bundle from existing content. If a call to validate(java.util.Map) date} returns true with the parameters map, then you can expect a valid output. However if an exception was thrown out of validate or it returned false then you should not expect sensible results from this call. It may or may not return a value, and it may or may not throw an exception. But any output should not be considered valid or sane.

params:Map<String, ? super Object>

The Bundle parameters, Keyed by the id from the ParamInfo. Execution may modify the map, so if you are going to be using the same map across multiple bundlers you should pass in a deep copy.


The parent dir that the returned bundle will be placed in.


The resulting bundled file For a bundler that produces a single artifact file this will be the location of that artifact (.exe file, .deb file, etc) For a bundler that produces a specific directory format output this will be the location of that specific directory (.app file, etc). For a bundler that produce multiple files, this will be a parent directory of those files (linux and windows images), whose name is not relevant to the result.

getBundleTypeback to summary
public final String getBundleType()

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.getBundleType.


Doc from jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.getBundleType.

The bundle type of the bundle that is created by this bundler.

getIDback to summary
public final String getID()

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.getID.


Doc from jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.getID.

Command line identifier of the bundler. Should be unique.

getNameback to summary
public final String getName()

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.getName.


Doc from jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.getName.

User Friendly name of this bundler.

isDefaultback to summary
public final boolean isDefault()

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.isDefault.

Doc from jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.isDefault.

Returns "true" if this bundler is he default for the current platform.

isDependentTaskback to summary
pack-priv final boolean isDependentTask()
setAppImageSupplierback to summary
pack-priv final AppImageBundler setAppImageSupplier(Function<Path, AbstractAppImageBuilder> v)
setDependentTaskback to summary
pack-priv final AppImageBundler setDependentTask(boolean v)
setParamsValidatorback to summary
pack-priv final AppImageBundler setParamsValidator(AppImageBundler.ParamsValidator v)
supportedback to summary
public final boolean supported(boolean runtimeInstaller)

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.supported.

Doc from jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.supported.

Returns "true" if this bundler is supported on current platform.

validateback to summary
public final boolean validate(Map<String, ? super Object> params) throws ConfigException

Implements jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.validate.

Doc from jdk.jpackage.internal.Bundler.validate.

Determines if this bundler will execute with the given parameters.

params:Map<String, ? super Object>

The parameters to be validate. Validation may modify the map, so if you are going to be using the same map across multiple bundlers you should pass in a deep copy.


true if valid

If the configuration params are incorrect. The exception may contain advice on how to modify the params map to make it valid.
jdk.jpackage.internal back to summary

pack-priv Interface AppImageBundler.ParamsValidator


Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public void
validate(Map<String, ? super Object> params)

Method Detail

validateback to summary
public void validate(Map<String, ? super Object> params) throws ConfigException