Top Inners Fields Constructors Methods

public abstract Class AreaOp

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp, sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.NZWindOp, sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.EOWindOp
java.util.Vector, .Enumeration, .Comparator, .Arrays

Nested and Inner Type Summary

Modifier and TypeClass and Description
public static class
public abstract static class
public static class
public static class
public static class
public static class
public static class

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public static final int
public static final int
private static ChainEnd[]
private static CurveLink[]
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
private static Comparator<Edge>

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private static void
addEdges(Vector<Edge> edges, Vector<Curve> curves, int curvetag)

public Vector<Curve>
public abstract int
public static void
public abstract int
public abstract void
public static boolean
obstructs(double v1, double v2, int phase)

private Vector<Curve>
Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

CTAG_LEFTback to summary
public static final int CTAG_LEFT
CTAG_RIGHTback to summary
public static final int CTAG_RIGHT
EmptyChainListback to summary
private static ChainEnd[] EmptyChainList
ETAG_ENTERback to summary
public static final int ETAG_ENTER
ETAG_EXITback to summary
public static final int ETAG_EXIT
ETAG_IGNOREback to summary
public static final int ETAG_IGNORE
RSTAG_INSIDEback to summary
public static final int RSTAG_INSIDE
RSTAG_OUTSIDEback to summary
public static final int RSTAG_OUTSIDE
YXTopComparatorback to summary
private static Comparator<Edge> YXTopComparator

Constructor Detail

AreaOpback to summary
private AreaOp()

Method Detail

addEdgesback to summary
private static void addEdges(Vector<Edge> edges, Vector<Curve> curves, int curvetag)
calculateback to summary
public Vector<Curve> calculate(Vector<Curve> left, Vector<Curve> right)
classifyback to summary
public abstract int classify(Edge e)
finalizeSubCurvesback to summary
public static void finalizeSubCurves(Vector<CurveLink> subcurves, Vector<ChainEnd> chains)
getStateback to summary
public abstract int getState()
newRowback to summary
public abstract void newRow()
obstructsback to summary
public static boolean obstructs(double v1, double v2, int phase)
pruneEdgesback to summary
private Vector<Curve> pruneEdges(Vector<Edge> edges)
sun.awt.geom back to summary

public Class AreaOp.AddOp

extends CAGOp
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public boolean
newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Detail

AddOpback to summary
public AddOp()

Method Detail

newClassificationback to summary
public boolean newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.

sun.awt.geom back to summary

public abstract Class AreaOp.CAGOp

extends AreaOp
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.AddOp, sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.SubOp, sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.IntOp, sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.XorOp

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
pack-priv boolean
pack-priv boolean
pack-priv boolean
Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public int
public int

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.getState.

public abstract boolean
newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

public void

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.newRow.

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp:

Field Detail

inLeftback to summary
pack-priv boolean inLeft
inResultback to summary
pack-priv boolean inResult
inRightback to summary
pack-priv boolean inRight

Constructor Detail

CAGOpback to summary
public CAGOp()

Method Detail

classifyback to summary
public int classify(Edge e)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.classify.

getStateback to summary
public int getState()

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.getState.

newClassificationback to summary
public abstract boolean newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)
newRowback to summary
public void newRow()

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.newRow.

sun.awt.geom back to summary

public Class AreaOp.EOWindOp

extends AreaOp
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private boolean
Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public int
public int

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.getState.

public void

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.newRow.

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp:

Field Detail

insideback to summary
private boolean inside

Constructor Detail

EOWindOpback to summary
public EOWindOp()

Method Detail

classifyback to summary
public int classify(Edge e)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.classify.

getStateback to summary
public int getState()

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.getState.

newRowback to summary
public void newRow()

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.newRow.

sun.awt.geom back to summary

public Class AreaOp.IntOp

extends CAGOp
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public boolean
newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Detail

IntOpback to summary
public IntOp()

Method Detail

newClassificationback to summary
public boolean newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.

sun.awt.geom back to summary

public Class AreaOp.NZWindOp

extends AreaOp
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private int
Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public int
public int

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.getState.

public void

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.newRow.

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp:

Field Detail

countback to summary
private int count

Constructor Detail

NZWindOpback to summary
public NZWindOp()

Method Detail

classifyback to summary
public int classify(Edge e)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.classify.

getStateback to summary
public int getState()

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.getState.

newRowback to summary
public void newRow()

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.newRow.

sun.awt.geom back to summary

public Class AreaOp.SubOp

extends CAGOp
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public boolean
newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Detail

SubOpback to summary
public SubOp()

Method Detail

newClassificationback to summary
public boolean newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.

sun.awt.geom back to summary

public Class AreaOp.XorOp

extends CAGOp
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public boolean
newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.

Inherited from sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp:

Constructor Detail

XorOpback to summary
public XorOp()

Method Detail

newClassificationback to summary
public boolean newClassification(boolean inLeft, boolean inRight)

Implements abstract sun.awt.geom.AreaOp.CAGOp.newClassification.