Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public Class ImagingLib

extends Object
Class Inheritance
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform, java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp, .BufferedImage, .BufferedImageOp, .ByteLookupTable, .ConvolveOp, .Kernel, .LookupOp, .LookupTable, .RasterOp, .Raster, .WritableRaster,, .PrivilegedAction

This class provides a hook to access platform-specific imaging code. If the implementing class cannot handle the op, tile format or image format, the method will return null; If there is an error when processing the data, the implementing class may either return null (in which case our java code will be executed) or may throw an exception.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static Class<?>[]
private static final int
pack-priv static boolean
pack-priv static boolean

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public static native int
convolveBI(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst, Kernel kernel, int edgeHint)

public static native int
convolveRaster(Raster src, Raster dst, Kernel kernel, int edgeHint)

public static WritableRaster
public static BufferedImage
private static int
getNativeOpIndex(Class<?> opClass)

private static native boolean

Returned value indicates whether the library initialization succeeded.

public static native int
lookupByteBI(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst, byte[][] table)

public static native int
lookupByteRaster(Raster src, Raster dst, byte[][] table)

public static native int
transformBI(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst, double[] matrix, int interpType)

public static native int
transformRaster(Raster src, Raster dst, double[] matrix, int interpType)

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

AFFINE_OPback to summary
private static final int AFFINE_OP
CONVOLVE_OPback to summary
private static final int CONVOLVE_OP
LOOKUP_OPback to summary
private static final int LOOKUP_OP
nativeOpClassback to summary
private static Class<?>[] nativeOpClass
NUM_NATIVE_OPSback to summary
private static final int NUM_NATIVE_OPS
useLibback to summary
pack-priv static boolean useLib
verboseback to summary
pack-priv static boolean verbose

Constructor Detail

ImagingLibback to summary
public ImagingLib()

Method Detail

convolveBIback to summary
public static native int convolveBI(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst, Kernel kernel, int edgeHint)
convolveRasterback to summary
public static native int convolveRaster(Raster src, Raster dst, Kernel kernel, int edgeHint)
filterback to summary
public static WritableRaster filter(RasterOp op, Raster src, WritableRaster dst)
filterback to summary
public static BufferedImage filter(BufferedImageOp op, BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst)
getNativeOpIndexback to summary
private static int getNativeOpIndex(Class<?> opClass)
initback to summary
private static native boolean init()

Returned value indicates whether the library initialization succeeded. There could be a number of reasons for failure: - failed to load library. - failed to get all required entry points.

lookupByteBIback to summary
public static native int lookupByteBI(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst, byte[][] table)
lookupByteRasterback to summary
public static native int lookupByteRaster(Raster src, Raster dst, byte[][] table)
transformBIback to summary
public static native int transformBI(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst, double[] matrix, int interpType)
transformRasterback to summary
public static native int transformRaster(Raster src, Raster dst, double[] matrix, int interpType)