Top Description Constructors Methods

public Class WritableRasterNative

extends WritableRaster
Class Inheritance
java.awt.Point, java.awt.image.BufferedImage, .ColorModel, .DataBuffer, .DirectColorModel, .PixelInterleavedSampleModel, .SampleModel, .SinglePixelPackedSampleModel, .WritableRaster, sun.java2d.SurfaceData

WritableRasterNative This class exists to wrap a native DataBuffer object. The standard WritableRaster object assumes that a DataBuffer of a given type (e.g., DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) implies a certain subclass (e.g., DataBufferInt). But this is not always the case. DataBufferNative, for example, may allow access to integer-based data, but it is not DataBufferInt (which is a final class and cannot be subclassed). So this class exists simply to allow the WritableRaster functionality for this new kind of DataBuffer object.

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public static WritableRasterNative
public static WritableRasterNative
createNativeRaster(ColorModel cm, SurfaceData sd, int width, int height)

Inherited from java.awt.image.WritableRaster:

Constructor Detail

WritableRasterNativeback to summary
protected WritableRasterNative(SampleModel sm, DataBuffer db)

Method Detail

createNativeRasterback to summary
public static WritableRasterNative createNativeRaster(SampleModel sm, DataBuffer db)
createNativeRasterback to summary
public static WritableRasterNative createNativeRaster(ColorModel cm, SurfaceData sd, int width, int height)