Top Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class MarlinTileGenerator

extends Object
implements AATileGenerator, MarlinConst
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
sun.java2d.marlin.MarlinConst, sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator
java.util.Arrays, sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator, jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private final MarlinCache
private static final boolean
private static final int
private static final int
pack-priv final RendererStats
private final Renderer
private static final int
private static final int
private int

private int

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
MarlinTileGenerator(final RendererStats stats, final Renderer r, final MarlinCache cache)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public void

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.dispose.

Disposes this tile generator: clean up before reusing this instance
public void
getAlpha(final byte[] tile, final int offset, final int rowstride)

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getAlpha.

Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile.
private void
getAlphaNoRLE(final byte[] tile, final int offset, final int rowstride)

Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile.

private void
getAlphaRLE(final byte[] tile, final int offset, final int rowstride)

Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile.

pack-priv void
getBbox(int[] bbox)

public int


the height of the standard alpha tile

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getTileHeight.

Gets the height of the tiles that the generator batches output into.
public int


the width of the standard alpha tile

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getTileWidth.

Gets the width of the tiles that the generator batches output into.
public int


0x00 for no coverage, 0xff for total coverage, or any other value for partial coverage of the tile

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getTypicalAlpha.

Gets the typical alpha value that will characterize the current tile.
pack-priv static String
hex(int v, int d)

pack-priv MarlinTileGenerator

public void

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.nextTile.

Skips the current tile and moves on to the next tile.
Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

cacheback to summary
private final MarlinCache cache
DISABLE_BLENDback to summary
private static final boolean DISABLE_BLEND
FILL_TILE_Wback to summary
private static final int FILL_TILE_W
MAX_TILE_ALPHA_SUMback to summary
private static final int MAX_TILE_ALPHA_SUM
rdrStatsback to summary
pack-priv final RendererStats rdrStats
rendererback to summary
private final Renderer renderer
TH_AA_ALPHA_FILL_EMPTYback to summary
private static final int TH_AA_ALPHA_FILL_EMPTY
TH_AA_ALPHA_FILL_FULLback to summary
private static final int TH_AA_ALPHA_FILL_FULL
xback to summary
private int x
yback to summary
private int y

Constructor Detail

MarlinTileGeneratorback to summary
pack-priv MarlinTileGenerator(final RendererStats stats, final Renderer r, final MarlinCache cache)

Method Detail

disposeback to summary
public void dispose()

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.dispose.

Disposes this tile generator: clean up before reusing this instance

getAlphaback to summary
public void getAlpha(final byte[] tile, final int offset, final int rowstride)

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getAlpha.

Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile. Either this method, or the nextTile() method should be called once per tile, but not both.

getAlphaNoRLEback to summary
private void getAlphaNoRLE(final byte[] tile, final int offset, final int rowstride)

Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile. Either this method, or the nextTile() method should be called once per tile, but not both.

getAlphaRLEback to summary
private void getAlphaRLE(final byte[] tile, final int offset, final int rowstride)

Gets the alpha coverage values for the current tile. Either this method, or the nextTile() method should be called once per tile, but not both.

getBboxback to summary
pack-priv void getBbox(int[] bbox)
getTileHeightback to summary
public int getTileHeight()

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getTileHeight.

Gets the height of the tiles that the generator batches output into.


the height of the standard alpha tile

getTileWidthback to summary
public int getTileWidth()

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getTileWidth.

Gets the width of the tiles that the generator batches output into.


the width of the standard alpha tile

getTypicalAlphaback to summary
public int getTypicalAlpha()

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.getTypicalAlpha.

Gets the typical alpha value that will characterize the current tile. The answer may be 0x00 to indicate that the current tile has no coverage in any of its pixels, or it may be 0xff to indicate that the current tile is completely covered by the path, or any other value to indicate non-trivial coverage cases.


0x00 for no coverage, 0xff for total coverage, or any other value for partial coverage of the tile

hexback to summary
pack-priv static String hex(int v, int d)
initback to summary
pack-priv MarlinTileGenerator init()
nextTileback to summary
public void nextTile()

Implements sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator.nextTile.

Skips the current tile and moves on to the next tile. Either this method, or the getAlpha() method should be called once per tile, but not both.
