Top Fields Constructors Methods

public Class GLXVolatileSurfaceManager

extends VolatileSurfaceManager
Class Inheritance
java.awt.BufferCapabilities, .Component, .GraphicsConfiguration, .Transparency, java.awt.image.ColorModel, sun.awt.AWTAccessor, .AWTAccessor.ComponentAccessor, .X11ComponentPeer, sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage, .VolatileSurfaceManager, sun.java2d.BackBufferCapsProvider, .SurfaceData, sun.java2d.pipe.hw.ExtendedBufferCapabilities

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private final boolean
Inherited from sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
protected SurfaceData

Implements abstract sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.initAcceleratedSurface.

Create a FBO-based SurfaceData object (or init the backbuffer of an existing window if this is a double buffered GraphicsConfig)
public void

Overrides sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.initContents.

Set contents of the current SurfaceData to default state (i.e. clear the background).
protected boolean

Implements abstract sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.isAccelerationEnabled.

Returns true if acceleration is enabled.
protected boolean
isConfigValid(GraphicsConfiguration gc)

Overrides sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.isConfigValid.

Called by validate() to see whether the GC passed in is ok for rendering to.
Inherited from sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager:

Field Detail

accelerationEnabledback to summary
private final boolean accelerationEnabled

Constructor Detail

GLXVolatileSurfaceManagerback to summary
public GLXVolatileSurfaceManager(SunVolatileImage vImg, Object context)

Method Detail

initAcceleratedSurfaceback to summary
protected SurfaceData initAcceleratedSurface()

Implements abstract sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.initAcceleratedSurface.

Create a FBO-based SurfaceData object (or init the backbuffer of an existing window if this is a double buffered GraphicsConfig)

initContentsback to summary
public void initContents()

Overrides sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.initContents.

Doc from sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.initContents.

Set contents of the current SurfaceData to default state (i.e. clear the background).

isAccelerationEnabledback to summary
protected boolean isAccelerationEnabled()

Implements abstract sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.isAccelerationEnabled.

Doc from sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.isAccelerationEnabled.

Returns true if acceleration is enabled. If not, we simply use the backup SurfaceData object and return quickly from most methods in this class.

isConfigValidback to summary
protected boolean isConfigValid(GraphicsConfiguration gc)

Overrides sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.isConfigValid.

Doc from sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.isConfigValid.

Called by validate() to see whether the GC passed in is ok for rendering to. This generic implementation checks to see whether the GC is either null or is from the same device as the one that this image was created on. Platform- specific implementations may perform other checks as appropriate.
