Top Inners Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv Class OGLTextRenderer

extends BufferedTextPipe
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
java.awt.Composite, sun.font.GlyphList, sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D, sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive, sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe, .RenderQueue

Nested and Inner Type Summary

Modifier and TypeClass and Description
private static class

Field Summary

Inherited from sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
protected native void
drawGlyphList(int numGlyphs, boolean usePositions, boolean subPixPos, boolean rgbOrder, int lcdContrast, float glOrigX, float glOrigY, long[] images, float[] positions)

Implements abstract sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe.drawGlyphList.

Called as a separate Runnable when the operation is too large to fit on the RenderQueue.
pack-priv OGLTextRenderer
protected void
validateContext(SunGraphics2D sg2d, Composite comp)

Implements abstract sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe.validateContext.

Validates the state in the provided SunGraphics2D object.
Inherited from sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe:

Constructor Detail

OGLTextRendererback to summary
pack-priv OGLTextRenderer(RenderQueue rq)

Method Detail

drawGlyphListback to summary
protected native void drawGlyphList(int numGlyphs, boolean usePositions, boolean subPixPos, boolean rgbOrder, int lcdContrast, float glOrigX, float glOrigY, long[] images, float[] positions)

Implements abstract sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe.drawGlyphList.

Doc from sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe.drawGlyphList.

Called as a separate Runnable when the operation is too large to fit on the RenderQueue. The OGL/D3D pipelines each have their own (small) native implementation of this method.

traceWrapback to summary
pack-priv OGLTextRenderer traceWrap()
validateContextback to summary
protected void validateContext(SunGraphics2D sg2d, Composite comp)

Implements abstract sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe.validateContext.

Doc from sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe.validateContext.

Validates the state in the provided SunGraphics2D object.

sun.java2d.opengl back to summary

private Class OGLTextRenderer.Tracer

extends OGLTextRenderer
Class Inheritance

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
protected void
Inherited from sun.java2d.opengl.OGLTextRenderer:

Constructor Detail

Tracerback to summary
pack-priv Tracer(OGLTextRenderer ogltr)

Method Detail

drawGlyphListback to summary
protected void drawGlyphList(SunGraphics2D sg2d, GlyphList gl)

Overrides sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedTextPipe.drawGlyphList.