Top Description Methods

public Interface TextPipe

Known Direct Implementers
sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe, sun.java2d.pipe.GlyphListPipe, sun.java2d.pipe.NullPipe, sun.java2d.pipe.OutlineTextRenderer
sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D, java.awt.font.GlyphVector

This interface defines the set of calls that pipeline objects can use to pass on responsibility for drawing various text representations.

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public void
drawChars(SunGraphics2D g2d, char[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y)

public void
drawGlyphVector(SunGraphics2D g2d, GlyphVector g, float x, float y)

public void
drawString(SunGraphics2D g2d, String s, double x, double y)

Method Detail

drawCharsback to summary
public void drawChars(SunGraphics2D g2d, char[] data, int offset, int length, int x, int y)
drawGlyphVectorback to summary
public void drawGlyphVector(SunGraphics2D g2d, GlyphVector g, float x, float y)
drawStringback to summary
public void drawString(SunGraphics2D g2d, String s, double x, double y)