Top Fields Constructors Methods

public Class Symbol

extends VMObject
Class Inheritance
Imports*, java.util.*, sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*, sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*, sun.jvm.hotspot.types.*, sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*, .Observable, .Observer

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private static long
private static CIntegerField
private static CIntegerField
Inherited from sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMObject:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public byte[]
public String
public static Symbol
public boolean
equals(byte[] modUTF8Chars)

public boolean
equals(String string)

public long
fastCompare(Symbol other)


this comparison is used for vtable sorting only; it doesn't matter what order it defines, as long as it is a total, time-invariant order Since Symbol* are in C_HEAP, their relative order in memory never changes, so use address comparison for speed.

public byte
getByteAt(long index)

public long
private static synchronized void
public boolean
public void
private static String
readModifiedUTF8(byte[] buf)

public boolean
Inherited from sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMObject:

Field Detail

baseOffsetback to summary
private static long baseOffset
idHashAndRefcountback to summary
private static CIntegerField idHashAndRefcount
lengthFieldback to summary
private static CIntegerField lengthField

Constructor Detail

Symbolback to summary
pack-priv Symbol(Address addr)

Method Detail

asByteArrayback to summary
public byte[] asByteArray()
asStringback to summary
public String asString()
createback to summary
public static Symbol create(Address addr)
equalsback to summary
public boolean equals(byte[] modUTF8Chars)
equalsback to summary
public boolean equals(String string)
fastCompareback to summary
public long fastCompare(Symbol other)


this comparison is used for vtable sorting only; it doesn't matter what order it defines, as long as it is a total, time-invariant order Since Symbol* are in C_HEAP, their relative order in memory never changes, so use address comparison for speed.

getByteAtback to summary
public byte getByteAt(long index)
getLengthback to summary
public long getLength()
initializeback to summary
private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException
isSymbolback to summary
public boolean isSymbol()
printValueOnback to summary
public void printValueOn(PrintStream tty)
readModifiedUTF8back to summary
private static String readModifiedUTF8(byte[] buf) throws IOException
startsWithback to summary
public boolean startsWith(String str)