Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv Class UnixMountEntry

extends Object
Class Inheritance

Represents an entry in the mount table.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private long
private byte[]
private byte[]
private volatile String
private byte[]
private volatile String
private byte[]

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
pack-priv long

pack-priv byte[]

pack-priv String
pack-priv boolean
hasOption(String requested)

Tells whether the mount entry has the given option.

pack-priv boolean
pack-priv boolean
pack-priv String

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

devback to summary
private long dev
dirback to summary
private byte[] dir
fstypeback to summary
private byte[] fstype
fstypeAsStringback to summary
private volatile String fstypeAsString
nameback to summary
private byte[] name
optionsAsStringback to summary
private volatile String optionsAsString
optsback to summary
private byte[] opts

Constructor Detail

UnixMountEntryback to summary
pack-priv UnixMountEntry()

Method Detail

devback to summary
pack-priv long dev()
dirback to summary
pack-priv byte[] dir()
fstypeback to summary
pack-priv String fstype()
hasOptionback to summary
pack-priv boolean hasOption(String requested)

Tells whether the mount entry has the given option.

isIgnoredback to summary
pack-priv boolean isIgnored()
isReadOnlyback to summary
pack-priv boolean isReadOnly()
nameback to summary
pack-priv String name()