Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public final Class RegistryImpl_Stub

extends RemoteStub
implements Registry, Remote
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
java.rmi.Remote, java.rmi.registry.Registry
@SuppressWarnings:deprecation, serial
Imports, sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall

References Deprecated

RemoteStub is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

Stubs to invoke RegistryImpl remote methods. Originally generated from RMIC but frozen to match RegistryImpl_Skel.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private static final long
private static final Operation[]

References Deprecated Operation is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public void
the name to associate with the remote reference
a reference to a remote object (usually a stub)

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.bind.

Binds a remote reference to the specified name in this registry.

public String[]

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.list.

Returns an array of the names bound in this registry.

public Remote
the name for the remote reference to look up

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.lookup.

Returns the remote reference bound to the specified name in this registry.

public void
the name to associate with the remote reference
a reference to a remote object (usually a stub)

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.rebind.

Replaces the binding for the specified name in this registry with the supplied remote reference.

public void
the name of the binding to remove

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.unbind.

Removes the binding for the specified name in this registry.

Inherited from java.rmi.server.RemoteStub:

Field Detail

interfaceHashback to summary
private static final long interfaceHash
operationsback to summary
private static final Operation[] operations

References Deprecated

Operation is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

Constructor Detail

RegistryImpl_Stubback to summary
public RegistryImpl_Stub()
RegistryImpl_Stubback to summary
public RegistryImpl_Stub(RemoteRef ref)

Method Detail

bindback to summary
public void bind(String $param_String_1, Remote $param_Remote_2) throws AccessException, AlreadyBoundException, RemoteException

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.bind.

Doc from java.rmi.registry.Registry.bind.

Binds a remote reference to the specified name in this registry.


the name to associate with the remote reference


a reference to a remote object (usually a stub)

if this registry is local and it denies the caller access to perform this operation
if name is already bound
if remote communication with the registry failed; if exception is a ServerException containing an AccessException, then the registry denies the caller access to perform this operation (if originating from a non-local host, for example)
listback to summary
public String[] list() throws AccessException, RemoteException

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.list.

Doc from java.rmi.registry.Registry.list.

Returns an array of the names bound in this registry. The array will contain a snapshot of the names bound in this registry at the time of the given invocation of this method.


an array of the names bound in this registry

if this registry is local and it denies the caller access to perform this operation
if remote communication with the registry failed; if exception is a ServerException containing an AccessException, then the registry denies the caller access to perform this operation
lookupback to summary
public Remote lookup(String $param_String_1) throws AccessException, NotBoundException, RemoteException

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.lookup.

Doc from java.rmi.registry.Registry.lookup.

Returns the remote reference bound to the specified name in this registry.


the name for the remote reference to look up


a reference to a remote object

if this registry is local and it denies the caller access to perform this operation
if name is not currently bound
if remote communication with the registry failed; if exception is a ServerException containing an AccessException, then the registry denies the caller access to perform this operation
rebindback to summary
public void rebind(String $param_String_1, Remote $param_Remote_2) throws AccessException, RemoteException

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.rebind.

Doc from java.rmi.registry.Registry.rebind.

Replaces the binding for the specified name in this registry with the supplied remote reference. If there is an existing binding for the specified name, it is discarded.


the name to associate with the remote reference


a reference to a remote object (usually a stub)

if this registry is local and it denies the caller access to perform this operation
if remote communication with the registry failed; if exception is a ServerException containing an AccessException, then the registry denies the caller access to perform this operation (if originating from a non-local host, for example)
unbindback to summary
public void unbind(String $param_String_1) throws AccessException, NotBoundException, RemoteException

Implements java.rmi.registry.Registry.unbind.

Doc from java.rmi.registry.Registry.unbind.

Removes the binding for the specified name in this registry.


the name of the binding to remove

if this registry is local and it denies the caller access to perform this operation
if name is not currently bound
if remote communication with the registry failed; if exception is a ServerException containing an AccessException, then the registry denies the caller access to perform this operation (if originating from a non-local host, for example)