Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public Class Credentials

extends Object
Class Inheritance
jdk.internal.util.OperatingSystem,*,,,,, java.util.Date,

This class encapsulates the concept of a Kerberos service credential. That includes a Kerberos ticket and an associated session key.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
pack-priv static boolean
private static boolean
pack-priv KerberosTime
pack-priv AuthorizationData
pack-priv HostAddresses
pack-priv PrincipalName
pack-priv PrincipalName
private static boolean
pack-priv KerberosTime
pack-priv TicketFlags
pack-priv EncryptionKey
private Credentials
pack-priv KerberosTime
public static final boolean
pack-priv PrincipalName
pack-priv PrincipalName
pack-priv KerberosTime
pack-priv Ticket

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
Credentials(Ticket new_ticket, PrincipalName new_client, PrincipalName new_client_alias, PrincipalName new_server, PrincipalName new_server_alias, EncryptionKey new_key, TicketFlags new_flags, KerberosTime authTime, KerberosTime new_startTime, KerberosTime new_endTime, KerberosTime renewTill, HostAddresses cAddr, AuthorizationData authzData)

Credentials(Ticket new_ticket, PrincipalName new_client, PrincipalName new_client_alias, PrincipalName new_server, PrincipalName new_server_alias, EncryptionKey new_key, TicketFlags new_flags, KerberosTime authTime, KerberosTime new_startTime, KerberosTime new_endTime, KerberosTime renewTill, HostAddresses cAddr)

Credentials(byte[] encoding, String client, String clientAlias, String server, String serverAlias, byte[] keyBytes, int keyType, boolean[] flags, Date authTime, Date startTime, Date endTime, Date renewTill, InetAddress[] cAddrs)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public static synchronized Credentials


a KrbCreds object if the credential is found, otherwise return null.

Acquires default credentials.

private static native Credentials
public static Credentials
acquireS4U2proxyCreds(String service, Credentials userCreds, PrincipalName client, Credentials middleTGT)

public static Credentials
public static Credentials


a Credentials object.
the name of service principal using format components@realm
client's initial credential.

Acquires credentials for a specified service using initial credential.

public static Credentials


the TGT credentials or null if none were found. If the tgt expired, it is the responsibility of the caller to determine this.
the client principal. A value of null means that the default principal name in the credentials cache will be used.
the path to the tickets file. A value of null will be accepted to indicate that the default path should be searched

Returns a TGT for the given client principal from a ticket cache.

public boolean


true if OK-AS_DELEGATE flag is set, otherwise, return false.

Checks if the service ticket returned by the KDC has the OK-AS-DELEGATE flag set

private static KerberosTime
pack-priv static void
public final Date
public AuthorizationData
public final PrincipalName

Acquires a service ticket for the specified service principal.

public final InetAddress[]
public final PrincipalName
public final byte[]
public final Date
public final boolean[]
public Credentials
public final Date
public final PrincipalName
public final PrincipalName
public final EncryptionKey
public final Date
public Ticket
public TicketFlags
public boolean
public boolean
public static void
public Credentials
public void

Reset TKT_OPTS_DELEGATE to false, called at credentials acquirement when one of the cross-realm TGTs does not have the OK-AS-DELEGATE flag set.

public Credentials
public Credentials
public String

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object.
Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

alreadyLoadedback to summary
pack-priv static boolean alreadyLoaded
alreadyTriedback to summary
private static boolean alreadyTried
authTimeback to summary
pack-priv KerberosTime authTime
authzDataback to summary
pack-priv AuthorizationData authzData
cAddrback to summary
pack-priv HostAddresses cAddr
clientback to summary
pack-priv PrincipalName client
clientAliasback to summary
pack-priv PrincipalName clientAlias
DEBUGback to summary
private static boolean DEBUG
endTimeback to summary
pack-priv KerberosTime endTime
flagsback to summary
pack-priv TicketFlags flags
keyback to summary
pack-priv EncryptionKey key
proxyback to summary
private Credentials proxy
renewTillback to summary
pack-priv KerberosTime renewTill
public static final boolean S4U2PROXY_ACCEPT_NON_FORWARDABLE
serverback to summary
pack-priv PrincipalName server
serverAliasback to summary
pack-priv PrincipalName serverAlias
startTimeback to summary
pack-priv KerberosTime startTime
ticketback to summary
pack-priv Ticket ticket

Constructor Detail

Credentialsback to summary
public Credentials(Ticket new_ticket, PrincipalName new_client, PrincipalName new_client_alias, PrincipalName new_server, PrincipalName new_server_alias, EncryptionKey new_key, TicketFlags new_flags, KerberosTime authTime, KerberosTime new_startTime, KerberosTime new_endTime, KerberosTime renewTill, HostAddresses cAddr, AuthorizationData authzData)
Credentialsback to summary
public Credentials(Ticket new_ticket, PrincipalName new_client, PrincipalName new_client_alias, PrincipalName new_server, PrincipalName new_server_alias, EncryptionKey new_key, TicketFlags new_flags, KerberosTime authTime, KerberosTime new_startTime, KerberosTime new_endTime, KerberosTime renewTill, HostAddresses cAddr)
Credentialsback to summary
public Credentials(byte[] encoding, String client, String clientAlias, String server, String serverAlias, byte[] keyBytes, int keyType, boolean[] flags, Date authTime, Date startTime, Date endTime, Date renewTill, InetAddress[] cAddrs) throws KrbException, IOException

Method Detail

acquireDefaultCredsback to summary
public static synchronized Credentials acquireDefaultCreds()

Acquires default credentials.
The possible locations for default credentials cache is searched in the following order:

  1. The directory and cache file name specified by "KRB5CCNAME" system. property.
  2. The directory and cache file name specified by "KRB5CCNAME" environment variable.
  3. A cache file named krb5cc_{} at {user.home} directory.

a KrbCreds object if the credential is found, otherwise return null.

acquireDefaultNativeCredsback to summary
private static native Credentials acquireDefaultNativeCreds(int[] eTypes)
acquireS4U2proxyCredsback to summary
public static Credentials acquireS4U2proxyCreds(String service, Credentials userCreds, PrincipalName client, Credentials middleTGT) throws KrbException, IOException
acquireS4U2selfCredsback to summary
public static Credentials acquireS4U2selfCreds(PrincipalName user, Credentials middleTGT) throws KrbException, IOException
acquireServiceCredsback to summary
public static Credentials acquireServiceCreds(String service, Credentials initCreds) throws KrbException, IOException

Acquires credentials for a specified service using initial credential. When the service has a different realm from the initial credential, we do cross-realm authentication - first, we use the current credential to get a cross-realm credential from the local KDC, then use that cross-realm credential to request service credential from the foreigh KDC.


the name of service principal using format components@realm


client's initial credential.


a Credentials object.

if an error occurs specific to Kerberos
if an error occurs in reading the credentials cache
acquireTGTFromCacheback to summary
public static Credentials acquireTGTFromCache(PrincipalName princ, String ticketCache) throws KrbException, IOException

Returns a TGT for the given client principal from a ticket cache.


the client principal. A value of null means that the default principal name in the credentials cache will be used.


the path to the tickets file. A value of null will be accepted to indicate that the default path should be searched


the TGT credentials or null if none were found. If the tgt expired, it is the responsibility of the caller to determine this.

checkDelegateback to summary
public boolean checkDelegate()

Checks if the service ticket returned by the KDC has the OK-AS-DELEGATE flag set


true if OK-AS_DELEGATE flag is set, otherwise, return false.

date2ktback to summary
private static KerberosTime date2kt(Date d)
ensureLoadedback to summary
pack-priv static void ensureLoaded()
getAuthTimeback to summary
public final Date getAuthTime()
getAuthzDataback to summary
public AuthorizationData getAuthzData()
getClientback to summary
public final PrincipalName getClient()

Acquires a service ticket for the specified service principal. If the service ticket is not already available, it obtains a new one from the KDC.

getClientAddressesback to summary
public final InetAddress[] getClientAddresses()
getClientAliasback to summary
public final PrincipalName getClientAlias()
getEncodedback to summary
public final byte[] getEncoded()
getEndTimeback to summary
public final Date getEndTime()
getFlagsback to summary
public final boolean[] getFlags()
getProxyback to summary
public Credentials getProxy()
getRenewTillback to summary
public final Date getRenewTill()
getServerback to summary
public final PrincipalName getServer()
getServerAliasback to summary
public final PrincipalName getServerAlias()
getSessionKeyback to summary
public final EncryptionKey getSessionKey()
getStartTimeback to summary
public final Date getStartTime()
getTicketback to summary
public Ticket getTicket()
getTicketFlagsback to summary
public TicketFlags getTicketFlags()
isForwardableback to summary
public boolean isForwardable()
isRenewableback to summary
public boolean isRenewable()
printDebugback to summary
public static void printDebug(Credentials c)
renewback to summary
public Credentials renew() throws KrbException, IOException
resetDelegateback to summary
public void resetDelegate()

Reset TKT_OPTS_DELEGATE to false, called at credentials acquirement when one of the cross-realm TGTs does not have the OK-AS-DELEGATE flag set. This info must be preservable and restorable through the Krb5Util.credsToTicket/ticketToCreds() methods so that even if the service ticket is cached it still remembers the cross-realm authentication result.

setProxyback to summary
public Credentials setProxy(Credentials proxy)
toCCacheCredsback to summary
public Credentials toCCacheCreds()
toStringback to summary
public String toString()

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Doc from java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object.


a string representation of the object