Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
pack-priv static class |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static final Map | |
private static final String | PKCS11_WRAPPER
The name of the native part of the wrapper; i.e. the filename without the extension (e.g. ".DLL" or ".so"). |
private final String | pkcs11ModulePath
The PKCS#11 module to connect to. |
private long | |
private final CK_VERSION |
Access | Constructor and Description |
pack-priv |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public native void | C_CloseSession(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession)C_CloseSession closes a session between an application and a token. |
public native long | Returns: the handle of the copy (PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phNewObject)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the object's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject) hObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the template for the new object and number of attributes
in template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_CopyObject copies an object, creating a new object for the copy. |
public native long | Returns: the object's handle (PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the object's template and number of attributes in
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_CreateObject creates a new object. |
public native int | Returns: the length of decrypted data (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the address of the to-be-decrypted data directIn, byte[] buffer containing the to-be-decrypted data in, int buffer offset of the to-be-decrypted data inOfs, int length of the to-be-decrypted data
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pDecryptedData,
CK_ULONG ulDecryptedDataLen) inLen, long the address for the decrypted data directOut, byte[] buffer for the decrypted data out, int buffer offset for the decrypted data outOfs, int buffer size for the decrypted data outLen)C_Decrypt decrypts encrypted data in a single part. |
public native int | Returns: the length of this last part of decrypted data (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pLastPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastPartLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the address for the decrypted data directOut, byte[] buffer for the decrypted data out, int buffer offset for the decrypted data outOfs, int buffer size for the decrypted data outLen)C_DecryptFinal finishes a multiple-part decryption operation. |
public native void | C_DecryptInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the decryption mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the decryption key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_DecryptInit initializes a decryption operation. |
public native int | Returns: the length of decrypted data for this update (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulPartLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the address of the to-be-decrypted data directIn, byte[] buffer containing the to-be-decrypted data in, int buffer offset of the to-be-decrypted data inOfs, int length of the to-be-decrypted data
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pDecryptedPart,
CK_ULONG ulDecryptedPartLen) inLen, long the address for the decrypted data directOut, byte[] buffer for the decrypted data out, int buffer offset for the decrypted data outOfs, int buffer size for the decrypted data outLen)C_DecryptUpdate continues a multiple-part decryption operation. |
public native long | Returns: the handle of the derived key (PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the key derivation mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the base key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hBaseKey) hBaseKey, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the template for the new key and the number of
attributes in the template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_DeriveKey derives a key from a base key, creating a new key object. |
public native void | C_DestroyObject(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the object's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject) hObject)C_DestroyObject destroys an object. |
public native int | Returns: the message digest and the length of the message digest (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest, CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] pDigest, int digestOfs, int digestLen)C_DigestFinal finishes a multiple-part message-digesting operation. |
public native void | C_DigestInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the digesting mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism)C_DigestInit initializes a message-digesting operation. |
public native void | C_DigestKey(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the handle of the secret key to be digested
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_DigestKey continues a multi-part message-digesting operation, by digesting the value of a secret key as part of the data already digested. |
public native int | Returns: the message digest and the length of the message digest (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pDigest, CK_ULONG_PTR pulDigestLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the data to get digested and the data's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen) pMechanism, byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen, byte[] digest, int digestOfs, int digestLen)C_Digest digests data in a single part. |
public native void | C_DigestUpdate(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the data to get digested and the data's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG ulPartLen) directIn, byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen)C_DigestUpdate continues a multiple-part message-digesting operation. |
public native int | Returns: the length of encrypted data (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedData, CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedDataLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the address of the to-be-encrypted data directIn, byte[] buffer containing the to-be-encrypted data in, int buffer offset of the to-be-encrypted data inOfs, int length of the to-be-encrypted data
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen) inLen, long the address for the encrypted data directOut, byte[] buffer for the encrypted data out, int buffer offset for the encrypted data outOfs, int buffer size for the encrypted data outLen)C_Encrypt encrypts single-part data. |
public native int | Returns: the length of the last part of the encrypted data (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pLastEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulLastEncryptedPartLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the address for the encrypted data directOut, byte[] buffer for the encrypted data out, int buffer offset for the encrypted data outOfs, int buffer size for the encrypted data outLen)C_EncryptFinal finishes a multiple-part encryption operation. |
public native void | C_EncryptInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the encryption mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the encryption key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_EncryptInit initializes an encryption operation. |
public native int | Returns: the length of encrypted data for this update (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pulEncryptedPartLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the address of the to-be-encrypted data directIn, byte[] buffer containing the to-be-encrypted data in, int buffer offset of the to-be-encrypted data inOfs, int length of the to-be-encrypted data
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG ulPartLen) inLen, long the address for the encrypted data directOut, byte[] buffer for the encrypted data out, int buffer offset for the encrypted data outOfs, int buffer size for the encrypted data outLen)C_EncryptUpdate continues a multiple-part encryption operation. |
public native void | C_Finalize(Object
is reserved. Should be NULL_PTR
(PKCS#11 param: CK_VOID_PTR pReserved) pReserved)C_Finalize indicates that an application is done with the Cryptoki library (General-purpose) |
public native long[] | Returns: the object's handles and the actual number of objects returned (PKCS#11 param: CK_ULONG_PTR pulObjectCount)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the max. object handles to get
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ULONG ulMaxObjectCount) ulMaxObjectCount)C_FindObjects continues a search for token and session objects that match a template, obtaining additional object handles. |
public native void | C_FindObjectsFinal(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession)C_FindObjectsFinal finishes a search for token and session objects. |
public native void | C_FindObjectsInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the object's attribute values to match and the number of
attributes in search template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_FindObjectsInit initializes a search for token and session objects that match a template. |
public native long | Returns: the handle of the new key (PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the key generation mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the template for the new key and the number of
attributes in the template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_GenerateKey generates a secret key, creating a new key object. |
public native long[] | Returns: a long array with exactly two elements and the public key handle as the first element and the private key handle as the second element (PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPublicKey, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phPrivateKey)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the key generation mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the template for the new public key and the
number of attributes in the template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPublicKeyTemplate,
CK_ULONG ulPublicKeyAttributeCount) pPublicKeyTemplate, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the template for the new private key and the
number of attributes in the template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pPrivateKeyTemplate
CK_ULONG ulPrivateKeyAttributeCount) pPrivateKeyTemplate)C_GenerateKeyPair generates a public-key/private-key pair, creating new key objects. |
public native void | C_GenerateRandom(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] receives the random data and the length of RandomData
is the length of random data to be generated
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pRandomData, CK_ULONG ulRandomLen) randomData)C_GenerateRandom generates random data. |
public native void | C_GetAttributeValue(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the object's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject) hObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] specifies the attributes and number of attributes to get
The template attributes also receive the values.
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_GetAttributeValue obtains the value of one or more object attributes. |
public native CK_INFO | Returns: the information. (PKCS#11 param: CK_INFO_PTR pInfo)C_GetInfo returns general information about Cryptoki. |
public native CK_MECHANISM_INFO | Returns: the mechanism info (PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_INFO_PTR pInfo)ID of the token's slot
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SLOT_ID slotID) slotID, long type of mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type) type)C_GetMechanismInfo obtains information about a particular mechanism possibly supported by a token. |
public native long[] | Returns: a long array of mechanism types and number of mechanism types (PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount)ID of the token's slot
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SLOT_ID slotID) slotID)C_GetMechanismList obtains a list of mechanism types supported by a token. |
public native byte[] | Returns: the state and the state length (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState, CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen)session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession)C_GetOperationState obtains the state of the cryptographic operation in a session. |
public native CK_SESSION_INFO | Returns: the session info (PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR pInfo)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession)C_GetSessionInfo obtains information about the session. |
public native CK_SLOT_INFO | Returns: the slot information (PKCS#11 param: CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR pInfo)the ID of the slot
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SLOT_ID slotID) slotID)C_GetSlotInfo obtains information about a particular slot in the system. |
public native long[] | Returns: a long array of slot IDs and number of Slot IDs (PKCS#11 param: CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList, CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount)if true only Slot IDs with a token are returned
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BBOOL tokenPresent) tokenPresent)C_GetSlotList obtains a list of slots in the system. |
public native CK_TOKEN_INFO | Returns: the token information (PKCS#11 param: CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR pInfo)ID of the token's slot
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SLOT_ID slotID) slotID)C_GetTokenInfo obtains information about a particular token in the system. |
pack-priv native void | C_Initialize(Object
if pInitArgs is not NULL it gets casted to
CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS_PTR and dereferenced
(PKCS#11 param: CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs) pInitArgs)C_Initialize initializes the Cryptoki library. |
public native void | C_Login(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the user type
(PKCS#11 param: CK_USER_TYPE userType) userType, char[] the user's PIN and the length of the PIN
(PKCS#11 param: CK_CHAR_PTR pPin, CK_ULONG ulPinLen) pPin)C_Login logs a user into a token. |
public native void | C_Logout(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession)C_Logout logs a user out from a token. |
public native long | Returns: the session handle (PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession)the slot's ID
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SLOT_ID slotID) slotID, long of CK_SESSION_INFO
(PKCS#11 param: CK_FLAGS flags) flags, Object passed to callback
(PKCS#11 param: CK_VOID_PTR pApplication) pApplication, CK_NOTIFY the callback function
(PKCS#11 param: CK_NOTIFY Notify) Notify)C_OpenSession opens a session between an application and a token. |
public native void | C_SeedRandom(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] the seed material and the seed material's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed, CK_ULONG ulSeedLen) pSeed)C_SeedRandom mixes additional seed material into the token's random number generator. |
public native void | C_SessionCancel(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long indicates the operations to cancel.
(PKCS#11 param: CK_FLAGS flags) flags)C_SessionCancel terminates active session based operations. |
public native void | C_SetAttributeValue(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the object's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObject) hObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] specifies the attributes and values to get; number of
attributes in the template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_SetAttributeValue modifies the value of one or more object attributes (Object management) |
public native void | C_SetOperationState(long
session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] the state and the state length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState,
CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen) pOperationState, long en/decryption key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey) hEncryptionKey, long sign/verify key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey) hAuthenticationKey)C_SetOperationState restores the state of the cryptographic operation in a session. |
public native byte[] | Returns: the signature and the signature's length (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] the data to sign and the data's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen) pData)C_Sign signs (encrypts with private key) data in a single part, where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. |
public native byte[] | Returns: the signature and the signature's length (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, int expected signature length, can be 0 if unknown expectedLen)C_SignFinal finishes a multiple-part signature operation, returning the signature. |
public native void | C_SignInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the signature mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the signature key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_SignInit initializes a signature (private key encryption) operation, where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. |
public native int | Returns: the signature and the signature's length (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG_PTR pulSignatureLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] the data to sign and the data's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen) in, int inOfs, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOufs, int outLen)C_SignRecover signs data in a single operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature. |
public native void | C_SignRecoverInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the signature mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the signature key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_SignRecoverInit initializes a signature operation, where the data can be recovered from the signature. |
public native void | C_SignUpdate(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the data part to sign and the data part's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG ulPartLen) directIn, byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen)C_SignUpdate continues a multiple-part signature operation, where the signature is (will be) an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. |
public native long | Returns: the handle of the unwrapped key (PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the unwrapping mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the unwrapping key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hUnwrappingKey) hUnwrappingKey, byte[] the wrapped key to unwrap and the wrapped key's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey, CK_ULONG ulWrappedKeyLen) pWrappedKey, CK_ATTRIBUTE[] the template for the new key and the number of
attributes in the template
(PKCS#11 param: CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) pTemplate)C_UnwrapKey unwraps (decrypts) a wrapped key, creating a new key object. |
public native void | C_Verify(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] the signed data and the signed data's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen) pData, byte[] the signature to verify and the signature's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen) pSignature)C_Verify verifies a signature in a single-part operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. |
public native void | C_VerifyFinal(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] the signature to verify and the signature's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen) pSignature)C_VerifyFinal finishes a multiple-part verification operation, checking the signature. |
public native void | C_VerifyInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the verification mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the verification key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_VerifyInit initializes a verification operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot cannot be recovered from the signature (e.g. DSA). |
public native int | Returns: the recovered data and the recovered data's length (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pData, CK_ULONG_PTR pulDataLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, byte[] the signature to verify and the signature's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pSignature, CK_ULONG ulSignatureLen) in, int inOfs, int inLen, byte[] out, int outOufs, int outLen)C_VerifyRecover verifies a signature in a single-part operation, where the data is recovered from the signature. |
public native void | C_VerifyRecoverInit(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the verification mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the verification key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_VerifyRecoverInit initializes a signature verification operation, where the data is recovered from the signature. |
public native void | C_VerifyUpdate(long
the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, long the signed data part and the signed data part's length
(PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG ulPartLen) directIn, byte[] in, int inOfs, int inLen)C_VerifyUpdate continues a multiple-part verification operation, where the signature is an appendix to the data, and plaintext cannot be recovered from the signature. |
public native byte[] | Returns: the wrapped key and the length of the wrapped key (PKCS#11 param: CK_BYTE_PTR pWrappedKey, CK_ULONG_PTR pulWrappedKeyLen)the session's handle
(PKCS#11 param: CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) hSession, CK_MECHANISM the wrapping mechanism
(PKCS#11 param: CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism) pMechanism, long the handle of the wrapping key
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrappingKey) hWrappingKey, long the handle of the key to be wrapped
(PKCS#11 param: CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hKey) hKey)C_WrapKey wraps (i.e., encrypts) a key. |
private native CK_VERSION | |
public native long | Returns: key object handlethe session's handle hSession, byte[] opaque byte array containing key object attributes
and values keyInfo, long key handle for unwrapping the extracted sensitive keys.
-1 if not used. hWrappingKey, CK_MECHANISM mechanism for unwrapping the extracted sensitive keys pWrappingMech)createNativeKey creates a key object with attributes and values specified by parameter as an opaque byte array. |
private static native void | |
private static native void | |
public static native long | |
public static synchronized PKCS11 | getInstance(String pkcs11ModulePath, String functionList, CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS pInitArgs, boolean omitInitialize)
public native byte[] | Returns: an opaque byte array containing the key object attributes and valuesthe session's handle hSession, long key's handle hKey, long key handle for wrapping the extracted sensitive keys.
-1 if not used. hWrappingKey, CK_MECHANISM mechanism for wrapping the extracted sensitive keys pWrappingMech)getNativeKeyInfo gets the key object attributes and values as an opaque byte array to be used in createNativeKey method. |
public CK_VERSION | |
private static native void | |
public static void | |
private static Runnable | |
public String | Returns: The string representation of objectOverrides java. Returns the string representation of this object. |