Top Description Constructors Methods

public Class I18NImpl

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
Imports, java.util.PropertyResourceBundle,

Class to simplify use of internationalization message strings. Property files are constructed in terms of content as for JAI with one "key=value" pair per line. All such files however have the same name "properties". The resource extractor resolves the extraction of the file from the jar as the package name is included automatically.

Extenders need only provide a static method getString(String) which calls the static method in this class with the name of the invoking class and returns a String.

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
protected static final String
getString(String className, String resource_name, String key)

Returns the message string with the specified key from the "properties" file in the package containing the class with the specified name.

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Constructor Detail

I18NImplback to summary
public I18NImpl()

Method Detail

getStringback to summary
protected static final String getString(String className, String resource_name, String key)

Returns the message string with the specified key from the "properties" file in the package containing the class with the specified name.