Access | Constructor and Description |
public |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static void | computeUpdatedPixels(int sourceOffset, int sourceExtent, int destinationOffset, int dstMin, int dstMax, int sourceSubsampling, int passStart, int passExtent, int passPeriod, int[] vals, int offset)
public static int[] | Returns: an array of 6int s containing the
destination min X, min Y, width, height, X period and Y period
of the region that will be updated.a sourceRegion, Point Rectangle containing the
source region being read, offset by the source subsampling
offsets, and clipped against the source bounds, as returned by
the getSourceRegion method.a destinationOffset, int Point containing the
coordinates of the upper-left pixel to be written in the
destination.the smallest X coordinate (inclusive) of the
destination dstMinX, int Raster .the smallest Y coordinate (inclusive) of the
destination dstMinY, int Raster .the largest X coordinate (inclusive) of the destination
dstMaxX, int Raster .the largest Y coordinate (inclusive) of the destination
dstMaxY, int Raster .the X subsampling factor. sourceXSubsampling, int the Y subsampling factor. sourceYSubsampling, int the smallest source X coordinate (inclusive)
of the current progressive pass. passXStart, int the smallest source Y coordinate (inclusive)
of the current progressive pass. passYStart, int the width in pixels of the current progressive
pass. passWidth, int the height in pixels of the current progressive
pass. passHeight, int the X period (horizontal spacing between
pixels) of the current progressive pass. passPeriodX, int the Y period (vertical spacing between
pixels) of the current progressive pass. passPeriodY)A utility method that computes the exact set of destination pixels that will be written during a particular decoding pass. |
public static int | |
public static byte[] | Returns: array of size length when decode succeedsa iis, int ImageInputStream to decode data and store
it in byte array.the size of data to decode length)An utility method to allocate and initialize a byte array step by step with pre-defined limit, instead of allocating a large array up-front based on the length derived from an image header. |
public static boolean | Returns: true on success, or false on EOF.the stream to read. iis, byte[] an array where to store the b)byte s.Tries to read |
ReaderUtil | back to summary |
public ReaderUtil() |
computeUpdatedPixels | back to summary |
private static void computeUpdatedPixels(int sourceOffset, int sourceExtent, int destinationOffset, int dstMin, int dstMax, int sourceSubsampling, int passStart, int passExtent, int passPeriod, int[] vals, int offset) |
computeUpdatedPixels | back to summary |
public static int[] computeUpdatedPixels(Rectangle sourceRegion, Point destinationOffset, int dstMinX, int dstMinY, int dstMaxX, int dstMaxY, int sourceXSubsampling, int sourceYSubsampling, int passXStart, int passYStart, int passWidth, int passHeight, int passPeriodX, int passPeriodY) A utility method that computes the exact set of destination
pixels that will be written during a particular decoding pass.
The intent is to simplify the work done by readers in combining
the source region, source subsampling, and destination offset
information obtained from the
readMultiByteInteger | back to summary |
public static int readMultiByteInteger(ImageInputStream iis) throws IOException |
staggeredReadByteStream | back to summary |
public static byte[] staggeredReadByteStream(ImageInputStream iis, int length) throws IOException An utility method to allocate and initialize a byte array step by step with pre-defined limit, instead of allocating a large array up-front based on the length derived from an image header.
tryReadFully | back to summary |
public static boolean tryReadFully(ImageInputStream iis, byte[] b) throws IOException Tries to read