Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class StAXSchemaParser

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Imports,, .StAXLocationWrapper, .SymbolTable, .XMLAttributesImpl, .XMLStringBuffer, .XMLSymbols,, .QName, .XMLString, .XNIException, java.util.ArrayList, .Iterator, .List,, .XMLStreamConstants, .XMLStreamException, .XMLStreamReader,, .EndElement, .Namespace, .ProcessingInstruction, .StartElement, .XMLEvent, org.w3c.dom.Document

StAXSchemaParser reads StAX events, converts them into XNI events and passes them directly to the SchemaDOMParser.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private static final int

Chunk mask (CHUNK_SIZE - 1).

private static final int

Chunk size (1024).

private final QName
private final XMLAttributesImpl
private final char[]

Array for holding character data.

private final List<String>
private int
private final QName

Fields for start element, end element and characters.

private final StAXLocationWrapper

XML Locator wrapper for SAX.

private final JAXPNamespaceContextWrapper

The namespace context of this document: stores namespaces in scope

private SchemaDOMParser

SchemaDOMParser, events will be delegated to SchemaDOMParser to pass

private final XMLStringBuffer
private SymbolTable

Symbol table

private final XMLString

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private void
private void
fillDeclaredPrefixes(StartElement event)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

private void
fillDeclaredPrefixes(EndElement event)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

private void
fillDeclaredPrefixes(Iterator<Namespace> namespaces)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

private void
fillDeclaredPrefixes(XMLStreamReader reader)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

private void
private void
fillQName(QName toFill, QName toCopy)

Fills in a QName object.

pack-priv final void
fillQName(QName toFill, String uri, String localpart, String prefix)

Fills in a QName object.

private void
private void
public Document
public void
public void
public void
reset(SchemaDOMParser schemaDOMParser, SymbolTable symbolTable)

private void
sendCharactersToSchemaParser(String str, boolean whitespace)

Send characters to the validator in CHUNK_SIZE character chunks.

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

CHUNK_MASKback to summary
private static final int CHUNK_MASK

Chunk mask (CHUNK_SIZE - 1).

CHUNK_SIZEback to summary
private static final int CHUNK_SIZE

Chunk size (1024).

fAttributeQNameback to summary
private final QName fAttributeQName
fAttributesback to summary
private final XMLAttributesImpl fAttributes
fCharBufferback to summary
private final char[] fCharBuffer

Array for holding character data.

fDeclaredPrefixesback to summary
private final List<String> fDeclaredPrefixes
fDepthback to summary
private int fDepth
fElementQNameback to summary
private final QName fElementQName

Fields for start element, end element and characters.

fLocationWrapperback to summary
private final StAXLocationWrapper fLocationWrapper

XML Locator wrapper for SAX.

fNamespaceContextback to summary
private final JAXPNamespaceContextWrapper fNamespaceContext

The namespace context of this document: stores namespaces in scope

fSchemaDOMParserback to summary
private SchemaDOMParser fSchemaDOMParser

SchemaDOMParser, events will be delegated to SchemaDOMParser to pass

fStringBufferback to summary
private final XMLStringBuffer fStringBuffer
fSymbolTableback to summary
private SymbolTable fSymbolTable

Symbol table

fTempStringback to summary
private final XMLString fTempString

Constructor Detail

StAXSchemaParserback to summary
public StAXSchemaParser()

Method Detail

addNamespaceDeclarationsback to summary
private void addNamespaceDeclarations()
fillDeclaredPrefixesback to summary
private void fillDeclaredPrefixes(StartElement event)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

fillDeclaredPrefixesback to summary
private void fillDeclaredPrefixes(EndElement event)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

fillDeclaredPrefixesback to summary
private void fillDeclaredPrefixes(Iterator<Namespace> namespaces)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

fillDeclaredPrefixesback to summary
private void fillDeclaredPrefixes(XMLStreamReader reader)

Fills in the list of declared prefixes.

fillProcessingInstructionback to summary
private void fillProcessingInstruction(String data)
fillQNameback to summary
private void fillQName(QName toFill, QName toCopy)

Fills in a QName object.

fillQNameback to summary
pack-priv final void fillQName(QName toFill, String uri, String localpart, String prefix)

Fills in a QName object.

fillXMLAttributesback to summary
private void fillXMLAttributes(StartElement event)
fillXMLAttributesback to summary
private void fillXMLAttributes(XMLStreamReader input)
getDocumentback to summary
public Document getDocument()
parseback to summary
public void parse(XMLEventReader input) throws XMLStreamException, XNIException
parseback to summary
public void parse(XMLStreamReader input) throws XMLStreamException, XNIException
resetback to summary
public void reset(SchemaDOMParser schemaDOMParser, SymbolTable symbolTable)
sendCharactersToSchemaParserback to summary
private void sendCharactersToSchemaParser(String str, boolean whitespace)

Send characters to the validator in CHUNK_SIZE character chunks.