Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv Class XSDocumentInfo

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Imports,, .SchemaSymbols, .XMLSchemaException,,, java.util.ArrayList, .List, .Stack, org.w3c.dom.Attr, .Element, .NamedNodeMap, .Node

Objects of this class hold all information pecular to a particular XML Schema document. This is needed because namespace bindings and other settings on the <schema/> element affect the contents of that schema document alone.
Neil Graham, IBM

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
protected XSAnnotationInfo
protected boolean
protected boolean
protected XSAttributeChecker
protected short
protected short
pack-priv List<String>
protected boolean
protected SchemaNamespaceSupport
protected SchemaNamespaceSupport
private List<String>
protected Object[]
protected Element
pack-priv SymbolTable
pack-priv String
protected ValidationState
protected Stack<SchemaNamespaceSupport>

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
XSDocumentInfo(Element schemaRoot, XSAttributeChecker attrChecker, SymbolTable symbolTable)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public void
addAllowedNS(String namespace)

pack-priv void
pack-priv void
pack-priv XSAnnotationInfo
pack-priv Object[]
private void
initNamespaceSupport(Element schemaRoot)

Initialize namespace support by collecting all of the namespace declarations in the root's ancestors.

public boolean
isAllowedNS(String namespace)

pack-priv final boolean
pack-priv void
pack-priv void
pack-priv void
public String

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object.

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

fAnnotationsback to summary
protected XSAnnotationInfo fAnnotations
fAreLocalAttributesQualifiedback to summary
protected boolean fAreLocalAttributesQualified
fAreLocalElementsQualifiedback to summary
protected boolean fAreLocalElementsQualified
fAttrCheckerback to summary
protected XSAttributeChecker fAttrChecker
fBlockDefaultback to summary
protected short fBlockDefault
fFinalDefaultback to summary
protected short fFinalDefault
fImportedNSback to summary
pack-priv List<String> fImportedNS
fIsChameleonSchemaback to summary
protected boolean fIsChameleonSchema
fNamespaceSupportback to summary
protected SchemaNamespaceSupport fNamespaceSupport
fNamespaceSupportRootback to summary
protected SchemaNamespaceSupport fNamespaceSupportRoot
fReportedTNSback to summary
private List<String> fReportedTNS
fSchemaAttrsback to summary
protected Object[] fSchemaAttrs
fSchemaElementback to summary
protected Element fSchemaElement
fSymbolTableback to summary
pack-priv SymbolTable fSymbolTable
fTargetNamespaceback to summary
pack-priv String fTargetNamespace
fValidationContextback to summary
protected ValidationState fValidationContext
SchemaNamespaceSupportStackback to summary
protected Stack<SchemaNamespaceSupport> SchemaNamespaceSupportStack

Constructor Detail

XSDocumentInfoback to summary
pack-priv XSDocumentInfo(Element schemaRoot, XSAttributeChecker attrChecker, SymbolTable symbolTable) throws XMLSchemaException

Method Detail

addAllowedNSback to summary
public void addAllowedNS(String namespace)
addAnnotationback to summary
pack-priv void addAnnotation(XSAnnotationInfo info)
backupNSSupportback to summary
pack-priv void backupNSSupport(SchemaNamespaceSupport nsSupport)
getAnnotationsback to summary
pack-priv XSAnnotationInfo getAnnotations()
getSchemaAttrsback to summary
pack-priv Object[] getSchemaAttrs()
initNamespaceSupportback to summary
private void initNamespaceSupport(Element schemaRoot)

Initialize namespace support by collecting all of the namespace declarations in the root's ancestors. This is necessary to support schemas fragments, i.e. schemas embedded in other documents. See, Requires the DOM to be created with namespace support enabled.

isAllowedNSback to summary
public boolean isAllowedNS(String namespace)
needReportTNSErrorback to summary
pack-priv final boolean needReportTNSError(String uri)
removeAnnotationsback to summary
pack-priv void removeAnnotations()
restoreNSSupportback to summary
pack-priv void restoreNSSupport()
returnSchemaAttrsback to summary
pack-priv void returnSchemaAttrs()
toStringback to summary
public String toString()

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Doc from java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object. Satisfying this method's contract implies a non-null result must be returned.


a string representation of the object