This class recognizes the following features and properties:
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static final String | CONTINUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR
Feature identifier: continue after fatal error. |
protected static final String | DATATYPE_VALIDATOR_FACTORY
Property identifier: datatype validator factory. |
protected static final String | DOCUMENT_SCANNER
Property identifier document scanner: |
protected static final String | DTD_PROCESSOR
Property identifier: DTD loader. |
protected static final String | DTD_SCANNER
Property identifier: DTD scanner. |
protected static final String | DTD_VALIDATOR
Property identifier: DTD validator. |
protected static final String | ENTITY_MANAGER
Property identifier: entity manager. |
protected static final String | ENTITY_RESOLVER
Property identifier: entity resolver. |
protected static final String | ERROR_HANDLER
Property identifier: error handler. |
protected static final String | ERROR_REPORTER
Property identifier: error reporter. |
protected static final String | EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES
Feature identifier: external general entities. |
protected static final String | EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITIES
Feature identifier: external parameter entities. |
private boolean | f11Initialized
Flag indiciating whether XML11 components have been initialized. |
protected List | fCommonComponents
Common components: XMLEntityManager, XMLErrorReporter |
protected List | fComponents
XML 1.0 Components. |
protected boolean | fConfigUpdated
fConfigUpdated is set to true if there has been any change to the configuration settings, i.e a feature or a property was changed. |
protected XMLDTDScanner | fCurrentDTDScanner
Current DTD scanner. |
protected DTDDVFactory | fCurrentDVFactory
Current Datatype validator factory. |
protected XMLDocumentScanner | fCurrentScanner
Current scanner |
protected DTDDVFactory | fDatatypeValidatorFactory
The XML 1.0 Datatype validator factory. |
protected XMLDocumentHandler | fDocumentHandler
The document handler. |
protected XMLDTDContentModelHandler | fDTDContentModelHandler
The DTD content model handler. |
protected XMLDTDHandler | fDTDHandler
The DTD handler. |
protected XMLDTDProcessor | fDTDProcessor
The XML 1.0 DTD Processor . |
protected XMLDTDScanner | fDTDScanner
The XML 1.0 DTD scanner. |
protected XMLDTDValidator | fDTDValidator
The XML 1.0 DTD Validator: binds namespaces |
protected XMLEntityManager | fEntityManager
Entity manager. |
protected XMLErrorReporter | fErrorReporter
Error reporter. |
protected XMLGrammarPool | fGrammarPool
Grammar pool. |
protected XMLInputSource | |
protected XMLDocumentSource | fLastComponent
Last component in the document pipeline |
protected Locale | |
protected XMLLocator | |
protected XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl | fNamespaceScanner
The XML 1.0 Document scanner that does namespace binding. |
protected XMLDTDValidator | fNonNSDTDValidator
The XML 1.0 DTD Validator that does not bind namespaces |
protected XMLDocumentScannerImpl | fNonNSScanner
The XML 1.0 Non-namespace implementation of scanner |
protected boolean | fParseInProgress
True if a parse is in progress. |
protected SymbolTable | |
protected ValidationManager | |
protected XMLVersionDetector | |
protected List | fXML11Components
XML 1.1. |
protected DTDDVFactory | fXML11DatatypeFactory
The XML 1.1 datatype factory. |
protected XML11DocumentScannerImpl | fXML11DocScanner
The XML 1.1 document scanner that does not do namespace binding. |
protected XML11DTDProcessor | fXML11DTDProcessor
The XML 1.1 DTD processor. |
protected XML11DTDScannerImpl | fXML11DTDScanner
The XML 1.1 DTD scanner. |
protected XML11DTDValidator | fXML11DTDValidator
The XML 1.1 DTD validator that does not do namespace binding. |
protected XML11NSDocumentScannerImpl | fXML11NSDocScanner
The XML 1.1 document scanner that does namespace binding. |
protected XML11NSDTDValidator | fXML11NSDTDValidator
The XML 1.1 DTD validator that does namespace binding. |
protected static final String | JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE
Property identifier: JAXP schema language / DOM schema-type. |
protected static final String | JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE
Property identifier: JAXP schema source/ DOM schema-location. |
protected static final String | LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD
Feature identifier: load external DTD. |
protected static final String | NAMESPACE_BINDER
Property identifier: namespace binder. |
protected static final String | NAMESPACES
Feature identifier: namespaces. |
protected static final boolean | PRINT_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE
Set to true and recompile to print exception stack trace. |
protected static final String | SYMBOL_TABLE
Property identifier: symbol table. |
protected static final String | VALIDATION
Feature identifier: validation. |
protected static final String | |
protected static final String | |
protected static final String | XML_STRING
Property identifier: xml string. |
protected static final String | XMLGRAMMAR_POOL
Property identifier: grammar pool. |
Access | Constructor and Description |
public | |
public | XML11DTDConfiguration(SymbolTable
The symbol table to use. symbolTable)Constructs a parser configuration using the specified symbol table. |
public | XML11DTDConfiguration(SymbolTable
The symbol table to use. symbolTable, XMLGrammarPool The grammar pool to use. grammarPool)Constructs a parser configuration using the specified symbol table and grammar pool. |
public | XML11DTDConfiguration(SymbolTable
The symbol table to use. symbolTable, XMLGrammarPool The grammar pool to use. grammarPool, XMLComponentManager The parent settings. parentSettings)Constructs a parser configuration using the specified symbol table, grammar pool, and parent settings. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void | addCommonComponent(XMLComponent
The component to add. component)Adds common component to the parser configuration. |
protected void | addComponent(XMLComponent
The component to add. component)Adds a component to the parser configuration. |
protected void | addRecognizedParamsAndSetDefaults(XMLComponent
The component whose recognized features
and properties will be added to the configuration component)Adds all of the component's recognized features and properties to the list of default recognized features and properties, and sets default values on the configuration for features and properties which were previously absent from the configuration. |
protected void | addXML11Component(XMLComponent
The component to add. component)Adds an XML 1.1 component to the parser configuration. |
protected FeatureState | checkFeature(String
The unique identifier (URI) of the feature. featureId)Overrides com. Check a feature. |
protected PropertyState | checkProperty(String
The unique identifier (URI) of the property
being set. propertyId)Overrides com. Check a property. |
public void | cleanup()
Implements com. If the application decides to terminate parsing before the xml document is fully parsed, the application should call this method to free any resource allocated during parsing. |
protected void | |
protected void | |
public XMLDocumentHandler | getDocumentHandler()
Implements com. Returns the registered document handler. |
public XMLDTDContentModelHandler | getDTDContentModelHandler()
Implements com. Returns the registered DTD content model handler. |
public XMLDTDHandler | getDTDHandler()
Implements com. Returns the registered DTD handler. |
public XMLEntityResolver | Returns: The current entity resolver, or null if none has been registered.Implements com. Return the current entity resolver. |
public XMLErrorHandler | Returns: The current error handler, or null if none has been registered.Implements com. Return the current error handler. |
public FeatureState | Returns: true if the feature is supportedThe feature identifier. featureId)Overrides com. Implements com. Returns the state of a feature. |
public Locale | getLocale()
Implements com. Returns the locale. |
private void | |
public void | parse(XMLInputSource
The input source. source)Implements com. Parses the specified input source. |
public boolean | parse(boolean
True if the pull parser should parse the
remaining document completely. complete)Implements com. Parses the document in a pull parsing fashion. |
protected void | |
protected void | |
protected void | |
public void | setDocumentHandler(XMLDocumentHandler
The document handler. documentHandler)Implements com. Sets the document handler on the last component in the pipeline to receive information about the document. |
public void | setDTDContentModelHandler(XMLDTDContentModelHandler
The DTD content model handler. handler)Implements com. Sets the DTD content model handler. |
public void | setDTDHandler(XMLDTDHandler
The DTD handler. dtdHandler)Implements com. Sets the DTD handler. |
public void | setEntityResolver(XMLEntityResolver
The new entity resolver. Passing a null value will
uninstall the currently installed resolver. resolver)Implements com. Sets the resolver used to resolve external entities. |
public void | setErrorHandler(XMLErrorHandler
The error handler. errorHandler)Implements com. Allow an application to register an error event handler. |
public void | setFeature(String
The unique identifier (URI) of the feature. featureId, boolean The requested state of the feature (true or false). state)Overrides com. Implements com. Set the state of a feature. |
public void | setInputSource(XMLInputSource
The document's input source. inputSource)Implements com. Sets the input source for the document to parse. |
public void | setLocale(Locale
The locale object to use for localization of messages. locale)Implements com. Set the locale to use for messages. |
public void | setProperty(String propertyId, Object value)
Overrides com. Implements com. setProperty |
CONTINUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR | back to summary |
protected static final String CONTINUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR Feature identifier: continue after fatal error. |
protected static final String DATATYPE_VALIDATOR_FACTORY Property identifier: datatype validator factory. |
DOCUMENT_SCANNER | back to summary |
protected static final String DOCUMENT_SCANNER Property identifier document scanner: |
DTD_PROCESSOR | back to summary |
protected static final String DTD_PROCESSOR Property identifier: DTD loader. |
DTD_SCANNER | back to summary |
protected static final String DTD_SCANNER Property identifier: DTD scanner. |
DTD_VALIDATOR | back to summary |
protected static final String DTD_VALIDATOR Property identifier: DTD validator. |
ENTITY_MANAGER | back to summary |
protected static final String ENTITY_MANAGER Property identifier: entity manager. |
ENTITY_RESOLVER | back to summary |
protected static final String ENTITY_RESOLVER Property identifier: entity resolver. |
ERROR_HANDLER | back to summary |
protected static final String ERROR_HANDLER Property identifier: error handler. |
ERROR_REPORTER | back to summary |
protected static final String ERROR_REPORTER Property identifier: error reporter. |
protected static final String EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES Feature identifier: external general entities. |
protected static final String EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITIES Feature identifier: external parameter entities. |
f11Initialized | back to summary |
private boolean f11Initialized Flag indiciating whether XML11 components have been initialized. |
fCommonComponents | back to summary |
protected List<XMLComponent> fCommonComponents Common components: XMLEntityManager, XMLErrorReporter |
fComponents | back to summary |
protected List<XMLComponent> fComponents XML 1.0 Components. |
fConfigUpdated | back to summary |
protected boolean fConfigUpdated fConfigUpdated is set to true if there has been any change to the configuration settings, i.e a feature or a property was changed. |
fCurrentDTDScanner | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDScanner fCurrentDTDScanner Current DTD scanner. |
fCurrentDVFactory | back to summary |
protected DTDDVFactory fCurrentDVFactory Current Datatype validator factory. |
fCurrentScanner | back to summary |
protected XMLDocumentScanner fCurrentScanner Current scanner |
fDatatypeValidatorFactory | back to summary |
protected DTDDVFactory fDatatypeValidatorFactory The XML 1.0 Datatype validator factory. |
fDocumentHandler | back to summary |
protected XMLDocumentHandler fDocumentHandler The document handler. |
fDTDContentModelHandler | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDContentModelHandler fDTDContentModelHandler The DTD content model handler. |
fDTDHandler | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDHandler fDTDHandler The DTD handler. |
fDTDProcessor | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDProcessor fDTDProcessor The XML 1.0 DTD Processor . |
fDTDScanner | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDScanner fDTDScanner The XML 1.0 DTD scanner. |
fDTDValidator | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDValidator fDTDValidator The XML 1.0 DTD Validator: binds namespaces |
fEntityManager | back to summary |
protected XMLEntityManager fEntityManager Entity manager. |
fErrorReporter | back to summary |
protected XMLErrorReporter fErrorReporter Error reporter. |
fGrammarPool | back to summary |
protected XMLGrammarPool fGrammarPool Grammar pool. |
fInputSource | back to summary |
protected XMLInputSource fInputSource |
fLastComponent | back to summary |
protected XMLDocumentSource fLastComponent Last component in the document pipeline |
fLocale | back to summary |
protected Locale fLocale |
fLocator | back to summary |
protected XMLLocator fLocator |
fNamespaceScanner | back to summary |
protected XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl fNamespaceScanner The XML 1.0 Document scanner that does namespace binding. |
fNonNSDTDValidator | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDValidator fNonNSDTDValidator The XML 1.0 DTD Validator that does not bind namespaces |
fNonNSScanner | back to summary |
protected XMLDocumentScannerImpl fNonNSScanner The XML 1.0 Non-namespace implementation of scanner |
fParseInProgress | back to summary |
protected boolean fParseInProgress True if a parse is in progress. This state is needed because some features/properties cannot be set while parsing (e.g. validation and namespaces). |
fSymbolTable | back to summary |
protected SymbolTable fSymbolTable |
fValidationManager | back to summary |
protected ValidationManager fValidationManager |
fVersionDetector | back to summary |
protected XMLVersionDetector fVersionDetector |
fXML11Components | back to summary |
protected List<XMLComponent> fXML11Components XML 1.1. Components. |
fXML11DatatypeFactory | back to summary |
protected DTDDVFactory fXML11DatatypeFactory The XML 1.1 datatype factory. |
fXML11DocScanner | back to summary |
protected XML11DocumentScannerImpl fXML11DocScanner The XML 1.1 document scanner that does not do namespace binding. |
fXML11DTDProcessor | back to summary |
protected XML11DTDProcessor fXML11DTDProcessor The XML 1.1 DTD processor. |
fXML11DTDScanner | back to summary |
protected XML11DTDScannerImpl fXML11DTDScanner The XML 1.1 DTD scanner. |
fXML11DTDValidator | back to summary |
protected XML11DTDValidator fXML11DTDValidator The XML 1.1 DTD validator that does not do namespace binding. |
fXML11NSDocScanner | back to summary |
protected XML11NSDocumentScannerImpl fXML11NSDocScanner The XML 1.1 document scanner that does namespace binding. |
fXML11NSDTDValidator | back to summary |
protected XML11NSDTDValidator fXML11NSDTDValidator The XML 1.1 DTD validator that does namespace binding. |
JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE | back to summary |
protected static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE Property identifier: JAXP schema language / DOM schema-type. |
JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE | back to summary |
protected static final String JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE Property identifier: JAXP schema source/ DOM schema-location. |
LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD | back to summary |
protected static final String LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD Feature identifier: load external DTD. |
NAMESPACE_BINDER | back to summary |
protected static final String NAMESPACE_BINDER Property identifier: namespace binder. |
NAMESPACES | back to summary |
protected static final String NAMESPACES Feature identifier: namespaces. |
protected static final boolean PRINT_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE Set to true and recompile to print exception stack trace. |
SYMBOL_TABLE | back to summary |
protected static final String SYMBOL_TABLE Property identifier: symbol table. |
VALIDATION | back to summary |
protected static final String VALIDATION Feature identifier: validation. |
VALIDATION_MANAGER | back to summary |
protected static final String VALIDATION_MANAGER |
protected static final String XML11_DATATYPE_VALIDATOR_FACTORY |
XML_STRING | back to summary |
protected static final String XML_STRING Property identifier: xml string. |
XMLGRAMMAR_POOL | back to summary |
protected static final String XMLGRAMMAR_POOL Property identifier: grammar pool. |
XML11DTDConfiguration | back to summary |
public XML11DTDConfiguration() Default constructor. |
XML11DTDConfiguration | back to summary |
public XML11DTDConfiguration(SymbolTable symbolTable) Constructs a parser configuration using the specified symbol table.
XML11DTDConfiguration | back to summary |
public XML11DTDConfiguration(SymbolTable symbolTable, XMLGrammarPool grammarPool) Constructs a parser configuration using the specified symbol table and grammar pool. Revisit Grammar pool will be updated when the new validation engine is implemented.
XML11DTDConfiguration | back to summary |
public XML11DTDConfiguration(SymbolTable symbolTable, XMLGrammarPool grammarPool, XMLComponentManager parentSettings) Constructs a parser configuration using the specified symbol table, grammar pool, and parent settings. Revisit Grammar pool will be updated when the new validation engine is implemented.
addCommonComponent | back to summary |
protected void addCommonComponent(XMLComponent component) Adds common component to the parser configuration. This method will also add all of the component's recognized features and properties to the list of default recognized features and properties.
addComponent | back to summary |
protected void addComponent(XMLComponent component) Adds a component to the parser configuration. This method will also add all of the component's recognized features and properties to the list of default recognized features and properties.
addRecognizedParamsAndSetDefaults | back to summary |
protected void addRecognizedParamsAndSetDefaults(XMLComponent component) Adds all of the component's recognized features and properties to the list of default recognized features and properties, and sets default values on the configuration for features and properties which were previously absent from the configuration.
addXML11Component | back to summary |
protected void addXML11Component(XMLComponent component) Adds an XML 1.1 component to the parser configuration. This method will also add all of the component's recognized features and properties to the list of default recognized features and properties.
checkFeature | back to summary |
protected FeatureState checkFeature(String featureId) throws XMLConfigurationException Overrides com. Check a feature. If feature is know and supported, this method simply returns. Otherwise, the appropriate exception is thrown.
checkProperty | back to summary |
protected PropertyState checkProperty(String propertyId) throws XMLConfigurationException Overrides com. Check a property. If the property is know and supported, this method simply returns. Otherwise, the appropriate exception is thrown.
cleanup | back to summary |
public void cleanup() Implements com. If the application decides to terminate parsing before the xml document is fully parsed, the application should call this method to free any resource allocated during parsing. For example, close all opened streams. |
configurePipeline | back to summary |
protected void configurePipeline() Configures the pipeline. |
configureXML11Pipeline | back to summary |
protected void configureXML11Pipeline() Configures the XML 1.1 pipeline. Note this method also resets the new XML11 components. |
getDocumentHandler | back to summary |
public XMLDocumentHandler getDocumentHandler() Implements com. Returns the registered document handler. |
getDTDContentModelHandler | back to summary |
public XMLDTDContentModelHandler getDTDContentModelHandler() Implements com. Returns the registered DTD content model handler. |
getDTDHandler | back to summary |
public XMLDTDHandler getDTDHandler() Implements com. Returns the registered DTD handler. |
getEntityResolver | back to summary |
public XMLEntityResolver getEntityResolver() Implements com. Return the current entity resolver.
getErrorHandler | back to summary |
public XMLErrorHandler getErrorHandler() Implements com. Return the current error handler.
getFeatureState | back to summary |
public FeatureState getFeatureState(String featureId) throws XMLConfigurationException Overrides com. Implements com. Returns the state of a feature.
getLocale | back to summary |
public Locale getLocale() Implements com. Returns the locale. |
initXML11Components | back to summary |
private void initXML11Components() |
parse | back to summary |
public void parse(XMLInputSource source) throws XNIException, IOException Implements com. Parses the specified input source.
parse | back to summary |
public boolean parse(boolean complete) throws XNIException, IOException Implements com. Doc from com. Parses the document in a pull parsing fashion.
reset | back to summary |
protected void reset() throws XNIException reset all XML 1.0 components before parsing and namespace context |
resetCommon | back to summary |
protected void resetCommon() throws XNIException reset all common components before parsing |
resetXML11 | back to summary |
protected void resetXML11() throws XNIException reset all components before parsing and namespace context |
setDocumentHandler | back to summary |
public void setDocumentHandler(XMLDocumentHandler documentHandler) Implements com. Sets the document handler on the last component in the pipeline to receive information about the document.
setDTDContentModelHandler | back to summary |
public void setDTDContentModelHandler(XMLDTDContentModelHandler handler) Implements com. Sets the DTD content model handler.
setDTDHandler | back to summary |
public void setDTDHandler(XMLDTDHandler dtdHandler) Implements com. Sets the DTD handler.
setEntityResolver | back to summary |
public void setEntityResolver(XMLEntityResolver resolver) Implements com. Sets the resolver used to resolve external entities. The EntityResolver interface supports resolution of public and system identifiers.
setErrorHandler | back to summary |
public void setErrorHandler(XMLErrorHandler errorHandler) Implements com. Allow an application to register an error event handler. If the application does not register an error handler, all error events reported by the SAX parser will be silently ignored; however, normal processing may not continue. It is highly recommended that all SAX applications implement an error handler to avoid unexpected bugs. Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the SAX parser must begin using the new handler immediately.
setFeature | back to summary |
public void setFeature(String featureId, boolean state) throws XMLConfigurationException Overrides com. Implements com. Set the state of a feature. Set the state of any feature in a SAX2 parser. The parser might not recognize the feature, and if it does recognize it, it might not be able to fulfill the request.
setInputSource | back to summary |
public void setInputSource(XMLInputSource inputSource) throws XMLConfigurationException, IOException Implements com. Sets the input source for the document to parse.
setLocale | back to summary |
public void setLocale(Locale locale) throws XNIException Implements com. Set the locale to use for messages.
setProperty | back to summary |
public void setProperty(String propertyId, Object value) throws XMLConfigurationException Overrides com. Implements com. setProperty