Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
public interface | CoroutineParser
Since the ability to start a parse via the
coroutine protocol was not being used and was complicating design.
CoroutineParser is an API for parser threads that operate as coroutines. |
public interface | IncrementalSAXSource
IncrementalSAXSource is an API that delivers a small number of SAX events each time a request is made from a "controller" coroutine. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
pack-priv class | ChunkedIntArray
public class | CoroutineManager
Support the coroutine design pattern. |
public class | CustomStringPool
CustomStringPool is an example of an application-provided data structure for a DTM implementation to hold symbol references, e.g. element names. |
public abstract class | DTMAxisIteratorBase
This class serves as a default base for implementations of mutable DTMAxisIterators. |
public class | DTMAxisIterNodeList
public class | DTMChildIterNodeList
public abstract class | DTMDefaultBase
The |
public abstract class | DTMDefaultBaseIterators
This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase. |
public abstract class | DTMDefaultBaseTraversers
This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase. |
public class | DTMDocumentImpl
This is the implementation of the DTM document interface. |
public class | DTMManagerDefault
The default implementation for the DTMManager. |
public class | DTMNamedNodeMap
DTMNamedNodeMap is a quickie (as opposed to quick) implementation of the DOM's NamedNodeMap interface, intended to support DTMProxy's getAttributes() call. |
public class | DTMNodeIterator
public class | DTMNodeList
public class | DTMNodeListBase
public class | DTMNodeProxy
public class | DTMSafeStringPool
Like DTMStringPool, but threadsafe. |
public class | DTMStringPool
DTMStringPool is an "interning" mechanism for strings. |
public class | DTMTreeWalker
This class does a pre-order walk of the DTM tree, calling a ContentHandler interface as it goes. |
public class | EmptyIterator
DTM Empty Axis Iterator. |
public class | ExpandedNameTable
This is a default implementation of a table that manages mappings from expanded names to expandedNameIDs. |
public class | ExtendedType
The class ExtendedType represents an extended type object used by ExpandedNameTable. |
pack-priv class | IncrementalSAXSource_Filter
IncrementalSAXSource_Filter implements IncrementalSAXSource, using a standard SAX2 event source as its input and parcelling out those events gradually in reponse to deliverMoreNodes() requests. |
public class | IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces
IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces takes advantage of the fact that Xerces1 incremental mode is already a coroutine of sorts, and just wraps our IncrementalSAXSource API around it. |
public class | NodeLocator