Access | Constructor and Description |
public |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public void | addAttribute(String
the namespace URI of the attribute name uri, String the local name of the attribute (without prefix) localName, String the qualified name of the attribute rawName, String the attribute type typically character data (CDATA) type, String the value of the attribute value, boolean true if the added attribute is coming from an xsl:attribute element XSLAttribute)Implements com. Add at attribute to the current element |
public void | addAttribute(String name, String value)
Implements com. Add an attribute to the current element. |
public void | addAttribute(String
the namespace URI of the attribute name uri, String the local name of the attribute (without prefix) localName, String the qualified name of the attribute rawName, String the attribute type typically character data (CDATA) type, String the value of the attribute value)Implements com. Add at attribute to the current element, not from an xsl:attribute element. |
public void | addAttributes(Attributes
the attributes to add. atts)Implements com. Add attributes to the current element |
public void | addUniqueAttribute(String
the fully qualified attribute name. name, String the attribute value value, int a bitwise flag flags)Implements com. Add a unique attribute to the current element. |
public void | addXSLAttribute(String
the qualified attribute name (prefix:localName) qName, String the attributes value value, String the uri that the prefix of the qName is mapped to. uri)Implements com. Add an attribute from an xsl:attribute element. |
pack-priv void | |
public ContentHandler | asContentHandler()
Implements com. Return a |
public Object | asDOM3Serializer()
Implements com. Return an Object into this serializer to be cast to a DOM3Serializer. |
public DOMSerializer | asDOMSerializer()
Implements com. Return a |
public void | attributeDecl(String
The name of the associated element. arg0, String The name of the attribute. arg1, String A string representing the attribute type. arg2, String A string representing the attribute defaulting mode
("#IMPLIED", "#REQUIRED", or "#FIXED") or null if
none of these applies. arg3, String A string representing the attribute's default value,
or null if there is none. arg4)Implements org. Report an attribute type declaration. |
public void | characters(String
the character data chars)Implements com. This method is used to notify of a character event, but passing the data as a character String rather than the standard character array. |
public void | characters(char[]
the characters from the XML document arg0, int the start position in the array arg1, int the number of characters to read from the array arg2)Implements org. Receive notification of character data. |
public void | characters(Node
a DOM Node containing text. node)Implements com. This method is used to notify of a character event, but passing the data as a DOM Node rather than the standard character array. |
public void | |
public void | comment(String
the comment, but unlike the SAX comment() method this
method takes a String rather than a character array. comment)Implements com. This method is used to notify of a comment |
public void | comment(char[]
An array holding the characters in the comment. arg0, int The starting position in the array. arg1, int The number of characters to use from the array. arg2)Implements org. Report an XML comment anywhere in the document. |
protected void | |
protected void | |
protected void | |
protected void | |
public void | elementDecl(String
The element type name. arg0, String The content model as a normalized string. arg1)Implements org. Report an element type declaration. |
public void | |
public void | endDocument()
Implements org. Receive notification of the end of a document. |
public void | |
public void | endElement(String
the fully qualified element name. elemName)Implements com. This method is used to notify that an element has ended. |
public void | endElement(String
the Namespace URI, or the empty string if the
element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace
processing is not being performed arg0, String the local name (without prefix), or the
empty string if Namespace processing is not being
performed arg1, String the qualified XML name (with prefix), or the
empty string if qualified names are not available arg2)Implements org. Receive notification of the end of an element. |
public void | endEntity(String
The name of the entity that is ending. arg0)Implements org. Report the end of an entity. |
public void | endPrefixMapping(String
the prefix that was being mapped.
This is the empty string when a default mapping scope ends. arg0)Implements org. End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping. |
public void | entityReference(String
the name of the entity entityName)Implements com. Notify of an entity reference. |
public void | error(SAXParseException
The error information encapsulated in a
SAX parse exception. arg0)Implements org. Receive notification of a recoverable error. |
public void | externalEntityDecl(String
The name of the entity. If it is a parameter
entity, the name will begin with '%'. arg0, String The entity's public identifier, or null if none
was given. arg1, String The entity's system identifier. arg2)Implements org. Report a parsed external entity declaration. |
public void | fatalError(SAXParseException
The error information encapsulated in a
arg0)SAXParseException .Implements org. Receive notification of a non-recoverable, fatal error. |
public void | flushPending()
Implements com. A SerializationHandler accepts SAX-like events, so it can accumulate attributes or namespace nodes after a startElement(). |
public String | getDoctypePublic()
Implements com. Returns the previously set value of the value to be used as the public identifier in the document type declaration (DTD). |
public String | getDoctypeSystem()
Implements com. Returns the previously set value of the value to be used as the system identifier in the document type declaration (DTD). |
public String | |
public boolean | |
public int | |
public String | |
public NamespaceMappings | getNamespaceMappings()
Implements com. This method returns an object that has the current namespace mappings in effect. |
public String | getNamespaceURI(String
the qualified name of an element, or attribute name, boolean true if it is an element name, false if it is an
atttribute name isElement)Implements com. This method gets the prefix associated with a current element or attribute name. |
public String | getNamespaceURIFromPrefix(String
a prefix of an element or attribute. prefix)Implements com. This method returns the namespace URI currently associated with the prefix. |
public boolean | |
public Properties | getOutputFormat()
Implements com. Returns the output format properties for this serializer. |
public String | getOutputProperty(String
The name of the property, which is just the local name
if it is in no namespace, but is the URI in curly braces followed by
the local name if it is in a namespace, for example:
Implements com. Get the value for a property that affects seraialization, if a property was set return that value, otherwise return the default value, otherwise return null. |
public String | getOutputPropertyDefault(String
The name of the property. name)Implements com. Get the default value for a property that affects seraialization, or null if there is none. |
public OutputStream | getOutputStream()
Implements com. Get the output stream where the events will be serialized to. |
public String | getPrefix(String
the namespace URI uri)Implements com. This method returns the prefix that currently maps to the given namespace URI. |
public String | |
public Transformer | getTransformer()
Implements com. Get the transformer associated with the serializer. |
public String | |
public Writer | getWriter()
Implements com. Get the character stream where the events will be serialized to. |
public void | ignorableWhitespace(char[]
the characters from the XML document arg0, int the start position in the array arg1, int the number of characters to read from the array arg2)Implements org. Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. |
public void | internalEntityDecl(String
The name of the entity. If it is a parameter
entity, the name will begin with '%'. arg0, String The replacement text of the entity. arg1)Implements org. Report an internal entity declaration. |
public void | namespaceAfterStartElement(String
the namespace URI being declared uri, String the prefix that maps to the given namespace prefix)Implements com. This method is used to notify that a prefix mapping is to start, but after an element is started. |
public void | notationDecl(String
The notation name. arg0, String The notation's public identifier, or null if
none was given. arg1, String The notation's system identifier, or null if
none was given. arg2)Implements org. Receive notification of a notation declaration event. |
public void | processingInstruction(String
the processing instruction target arg0, String the processing instruction data, or null if
none was supplied. The data does not include any
whitespace separating it from the target arg1)Implements org. Receive notification of a processing instruction. |
public boolean | reset()
Implements com. This method resets the serializer. |
public void | serialize(Node
the DOM node to be serialized. node)Implements com. Notify that the serializer should take this DOM node as input to be serialized. |
public void | setCdataSectionElements(List<String>
pairs of namespace URI and local names that
identify elements whose text elements are to be output as CDATA sections.
The namespace of the local element must be the given URI to match. The
qName is not given because the prefix does not matter, only the namespace
URI to which that prefix would map matters, so the prefix itself is not
relevant in specifying which elements have their text to be output as
CDATA sections. URI_and_localNames)Implements com. Sets the value coming from the xsl:output cdata-section-elements stylesheet property. |
public void | setContentHandler(ContentHandler ch)
Implements com. Set the SAX Content handler that the serializer sends its output to. |
public void | setDoctype(String
the system identifier to be used in the DOCTYPE declaration
in the output document. system, String the public identifier to be used in the DOCTYPE declaration in
the output document. pub)Implements com. Set the value coming from the xsl:output doctype-public and doctype-system stylesheet properties |
public void | setDoctypePublic(String
the public identifier to be used in the DOCTYPE
declaration in the output document. doctype)Implements com. Set the value coming from the xsl:output doctype-public stylesheet attribute. |
public void | setDoctypeSystem(String
the system identifier to be used in the DOCTYPE
declaration in the output document. doctype)Implements com. Set the value coming from the xsl:output doctype-system stylesheet attribute. |
public void | setDocumentLocator(Locator
an object that can return the location of
any SAX document event arg0)Implements org. Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document events. |
public void | setDTDEntityExpansion(boolean
true if DTD entities are to be expanded,
false if they are to be left as DTD entity references. expand)Implements com. Default behavior is to expand DTD entities, that is the initall default value is true. |
public void | setEncoding(String
the character encoding encoding)Implements com. Sets the character encoding coming from the xsl:output encoding stylesheet attribute. |
public boolean | setEscaping(boolean
true if escaping is to be set on. escape)Implements com. Turns special character escaping on/off. |
public void | setIndent(boolean
true if the output document should be indented to visually
indicate its structure. indent)Implements com. Sets the value coming from the xsl:output indent stylesheet attribute. |
public void | setIndentAmount(int
the number of spaces to indent for each indentation level. spaces)Implements com. Set the number of spaces to indent for each indentation level. |
public void | setIsStandalone(boolean
true if the property "jdk.xml.xsltcIsStandalone" is set to yes isStandalone)Implements com. Specify if the output will be treated as a standalone property |
public void | setMediaType(String
the media-type or MIME type associated with the output
document. mediatype)Implements com. Sets the value coming from the xsl:output media-type stylesheet attribute. |
public void | setNamespaceMappings(NamespaceMappings
NamespaceMappings mappings)Implements com. Used only by TransformerSnapshotImpl to restore the serialization to a previous state. |
public void | setOmitXMLDeclaration(boolean
true if the XML declaration is to be omitted from the output
document. b)Implements com. Sets the value coming from the xsl:output omit-xml-declaration stylesheet attribute |
public void | setOutputFormat(Properties
The output format to use, as a set of key/value pairs. format)Implements com. Specifies an output format for this serializer. |
public void | setOutputProperty(String
The name of the property, which is just the local name
if it is in no namespace, but is the URI in curly braces followed by
the local name if it is in a namespace, for example:
name, String
The non-default value of the parameter val)Implements com. Set the non-default value for a property that affects seraialization. |
public void | setOutputPropertyDefault(String
The name of the property, which is just the local name
if it is in no namespace, but is the URI in curly braces followed by
the local name if it is in a namespace, for example:
name, String
The default value of the parameter val)Implements com. Set the default value for a property that affects seraialization. |
public void | setOutputStream(OutputStream
The output stream output)Implements com. Specifies an output stream to which the document should be serialized. |
public void | setSourceLocator(SourceLocator
the source locator locator)Implements com. This method is used to set the source locator, which might be used to generated an error message. |
public void | setStandalone(String
a value of "yes" indicates that the
standalone)standalone delaration is to be included in the output
document.Implements com. Sets the value coming from the xsl:output standalone stylesheet attribute. |
public void | setTransformer(Transformer
the transformer associated with the serializer. transformer)Implements com. Set the transformer associated with the serializer. |
public void | setVersion(String
the version of the output format. version)Implements com. Sets the value coming from the xsl:output version attribute. |
public void | setWriter(Writer
The output writer stream writer)Implements com. Specifies a writer to which the document should be serialized. |
public void | skippedEntity(String
the name of the skipped entity. If it is a
parameter entity, the name will begin with '%', and if
it is the external DTD subset, it will be the string
"[dtd]" arg0)Implements org. Receive notification of a skipped entity. |
public void | startCDATA()
Implements org. Report the start of a CDATA section. |
public void | startDocument()
Implements org. Receive notification of the beginning of a document. |
public void | startDTD(String
The document type name. arg0, String The declared public identifier for the
external DTD subset, or null if none was declared. arg1, String The declared system identifier for the
external DTD subset, or null if none was declared.
(Note that this is not resolved against the document
base URI.) arg2)Implements org. Report the start of DTD declarations, if any. |
public void | startElement(String
the namespace URI of the element uri, String the local name (without prefix) of the element localName, String the qualified name of the element qName)Implements com. This method is used to notify that an element is starting. |
public void | startElement(String
the fully qualified name of the element qName)Implements com. This method is used to notify of the start of an element |
public void | startElement(String
the Namespace URI, or the empty string if the
element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace
processing is not being performed arg0, String the local name (without prefix), or the
empty string if Namespace processing is not being
performed arg1, String the qualified name (with prefix), or the
empty string if qualified names are not available arg2, Attributes the attributes attached to the element. If
there are no attributes, it shall be an empty
Attributes object. The value of this object after
startElement returns is undefined arg3)Implements org. Receive notification of the beginning of an element. |
public void | startEntity(String
The name of the entity. If it is a parameter
entity, the name will begin with '%', and if it is the
external DTD subset, it will be "[dtd]". arg0)Implements org. Report the beginning of some internal and external XML entities. |
public boolean | startPrefixMapping(String
the prefix that maps to the given URI prefix, String the namespace URI of the given prefix uri, boolean if true this call is like the SAX
startPrefixMapping(prefix,uri) call and the mapping applies to the
element to come. If false the mapping applies to the current element. shouldFlush)Implements com. This method is used to notify that a prefix maping is to start, which can be for the current element, or for the one to come. |
public void | startPrefixMapping(String
the Namespace prefix being declared.
An empty string is used for the default element namespace,
which has no prefix. arg0, String the Namespace URI the prefix is mapped to arg1)Implements org. Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping. |
public void | unparsedEntityDecl(String
The unparsed entity's name. arg0, String The entity's public identifier, or null if none
was given. arg1, String The entity's system identifier. arg2, String The name of the associated notation. arg3)Implements org. Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event. |
public void | warning(SAXParseException
The warning information encapsulated in a
SAX parse exception. arg0)Implements org. Receive notification of a warning. |