Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
pack-priv boolean | m_cdataTagOpen
Hides com. |
private static CharInfo | m_xmlcharInfo
Map that tells which XML characters should have special treatment, and it provides character to entity name lookup. |
Access | Constructor and Description |
public | |
public |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public void | addAttribute(String
the URI associated with the element name uri, String local part of the attribute name localName, String prefix:localName rawName, String type, String the value of the attribute value, boolean true if this attribute is from an xsl:attribute,
false if declared within the elements opening tag. xslAttribute)Overrides com. Implements com. Add an attribute to the current element. |
public void | addUniqueAttribute(String
the qualified name of the attribute name, String the value of the attribute which can contain only
ASCII printable characters characters in the range 32 to 127 inclusive. value, int the bit values of this integer give optimization information. flags)Implements com. This method is used to add an attribute to the currently open element. |
public void | CopyFrom(ToXMLStream
non-null reference to a SerializerToXML object. xmlListener)Copy properties from another SerializerToXML. |
public void | endDocument()
Implements org. Receive notification of the end of a document. |
public void | endElement(String
The element type name elemName)Overrides com. Implements com. Receive notification of the end of an element. |
public void | |
public void | entityReference(String
The name of the entity. name)Overrides com. Implements com. Receive notivication of a entityReference. |
private String | Returns: string (XML version)This method checks for the XML version of output document. |
public void | namespaceAfterStartElement(final String
the URI of the namespace prefix, final String the prefix associated with the given URI. uri)Overrides com. Implements com. This method is used to notify the serializer of a namespace mapping (or node) that applies to the current element whose startElement() call has already been seen. |
public void | processingInstruction(String
The processing instruction target. target, String The processing instruction data, or null if
none was supplied. data)Implements org. Receive notification of a processing instruction. |
protected boolean | |
public boolean | Returns: true if the class was successfuly reset.Overrides com. Implements com. Try's to reset the super class and reset this class for re-use, so that you don't need to create a new serializer (mostly for performance reasons). |
private void | |
public void | startDocumentInternal()
Overrides com. Receive notification of the beginning of a document. |
public void |
m_cdataTagOpen | back to summary |
pack-priv boolean m_cdataTagOpen Hides com. remembers if we need to write out "]]>" to close the CDATA |
m_xmlcharInfo | back to summary |
private static CharInfo m_xmlcharInfo Map that tells which XML characters should have special treatment, and it provides character to entity name lookup. |
ToXMLStream | back to summary |
public ToXMLStream() Default constructor. |
ToXMLStream | back to summary |
public ToXMLStream(ErrorListener l) Default constructor. |
addAttribute | back to summary |
public void addAttribute(String uri, String localName, String rawName, String type, String value, boolean xslAttribute) throws SAXException Overrides com. Implements com. Add an attribute to the current element.
addUniqueAttribute | back to summary |
public void addUniqueAttribute(String name, String value, int flags) throws SAXException Implements com. This method is used to add an attribute to the currently open element. The caller has guaranted that this attribute is unique, which means that it not been seen before and will not be seen again. |
CopyFrom | back to summary |
public void CopyFrom(ToXMLStream xmlListener) Copy properties from another SerializerToXML.
endDocument | back to summary |
public void endDocument() throws SAXException Implements org. Receive notification of the end of a document.
endElement | back to summary |
public void endElement(String elemName) throws SAXException Overrides com. Implements com. Doc from com. Receive notification of the end of an element.
endPreserving | back to summary |
public void endPreserving() throws SAXException Ends a whitespace preserving section.
entityReference | back to summary |
public void entityReference(String name) throws SAXException Overrides com. Implements com. Receive notivication of a entityReference.
getXMLVersion | back to summary |
private String getXMLVersion() This method checks for the XML version of output document. If XML version of output document is not specified, then output document is of version XML 1.0. If XML version of output doucment is specified, but it is not either XML 1.0 or XML 1.1, a warning message is generated, the XML Version of output document is set to XML 1.0 and processing continues.
namespaceAfterStartElement | back to summary |
public void namespaceAfterStartElement(final String prefix, final String uri) throws SAXException Overrides com. Implements com. This method is used to notify the serializer of a namespace mapping (or node) that applies to the current element whose startElement() call has already been seen. The official SAX startPrefixMapping(prefix,uri) is to define a mapping for a child element that is soon to be seen with a startElement() call. The official SAX call does not apply to the current element, hence the reason for this method.
processingInstruction | back to summary |
public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException Implements org. Receive notification of a processing instruction.
pushNamespace | back to summary |
protected boolean pushNamespace(String prefix, String uri) From XSLTC Declare a prefix to point to a namespace URI. Inform SAX handler if this is a new prefix mapping. |
reset | back to summary |
public boolean reset() Overrides com. Implements com. Try's to reset the super class and reset this class for re-use, so that you don't need to create a new serializer (mostly for performance reasons).
resetToXMLStream | back to summary |
private void resetToXMLStream() Reset all of the fields owned by ToStream class |
startDocumentInternal | back to summary |
public void startDocumentInternal() throws SAXException Overrides com. Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
startPreserving | back to summary |
public void startPreserving() throws SAXException Starts a whitespace preserving section. All characters printed within a preserving section are printed without indentation and without consolidating multiple spaces. This is equivalent to the xml:space="preserve" attribute. Only XML and HTML serializers need to support this method. The contents of the whitespace preserving section will be delivered through the regular characters event. |