Top Inners Constructors Methods

public Class LauncherProperties

extends Object
Class Inheritance
java.nio.file.Path,, .JCDiagnostic.Warning, .JCDiagnostic.Note, .JCDiagnostic.Fragment

Nested and Inner Type Summary

Modifier and TypeClass and Description
public static class

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Constructor Detail

LauncherPropertiesback to summary
public LauncherProperties() back to summary

public Class LauncherProperties.Errors

extends Object
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error

launcher.err.compilation.failed=\ compilation failed

public static final JCDiagnostic.Error

launcher.err.main.not.public.static=\ ''main'' method is not declared ''public static''

public static final JCDiagnostic.Error

launcher.err.main.not.void=\ ''main'' method is not declared with a return type of ''void''

public static final JCDiagnostic.Error
NoArgs\ no path for source file

public static final JCDiagnostic.Error
NoClass\ no class declared in source file

public static final JCDiagnostic.Error
SecurityManager\ cannot use source-code launcher with a security manager enabled

public static final JCDiagnostic.Error

launcher.err.unnamed.pkg.not.allowed.named.modules=\ unnamed package is not allowed in named modules

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public static JCDiagnostic.Error
CantAccessConstructor(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.access.constructor=\ can''t access no argument constructor in class: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
CantAccessMainMethod(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.access.main.method=\ can''t access main method in class: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
CantFindClass(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.find.class=\ can''t find class: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
CantFindConstructor(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.find.constructor=\ can''t find no argument constructor in class: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
CantFindMainMethod(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.find.main.method=\ can''t find main(String[]) method in class: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
CantReadFile(Path arg0, Object arg1)\ error reading source file {0}: {1}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
FileNotFound(Path arg0)

launcher.err.file.not.found=\ source file not found: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
InvalidFilename(String arg0)

launcher.err.invalid.filename=\ invalid path for source file: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
InvalidValueForSource(String arg0)

launcher.err.invalid.value.for.source=\ invalid value for --source option: {0}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
MismatchEndOfPathAndPackageName(String arg0, Path arg1)\ end of path to source file does not match its package name {0}: {1}

public static JCDiagnostic.Error
NoValueForOption(String arg0)\ no value given for option: {0}

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

CompilationFailedback to summary
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error CompilationFailed

launcher.err.compilation.failed=\ compilation failed

MainNotPublicStaticback to summary
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error MainNotPublicStatic

launcher.err.main.not.public.static=\ ''main'' method is not declared ''public static''

MainNotVoidback to summary
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error MainNotVoid

launcher.err.main.not.void=\ ''main'' method is not declared with a return type of ''void''

NoArgsback to summary
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error NoArgs\ no path for source file

NoClassback to summary
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error NoClass\ no class declared in source file

SecurityManagerback to summary
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error SecurityManager\ cannot use source-code launcher with a security manager enabled

UnnamedPkgNotAllowedNamedModulesback to summary
public static final JCDiagnostic.Error UnnamedPkgNotAllowedNamedModules

launcher.err.unnamed.pkg.not.allowed.named.modules=\ unnamed package is not allowed in named modules

Constructor Detail

Errorsback to summary
public Errors()

Method Detail

CantAccessConstructorback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error CantAccessConstructor(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.access.constructor=\ can''t access no argument constructor in class: {0}

CantAccessMainMethodback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error CantAccessMainMethod(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.access.main.method=\ can''t access main method in class: {0}

CantFindClassback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error CantFindClass(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.find.class=\ can''t find class: {0}

CantFindConstructorback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error CantFindConstructor(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.find.constructor=\ can''t find no argument constructor in class: {0}

CantFindMainMethodback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error CantFindMainMethod(String arg0)

launcher.err.cant.find.main.method=\ can''t find main(String[]) method in class: {0}

CantReadFileback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error CantReadFile(Path arg0, Object arg1)\ error reading source file {0}: {1}

FileNotFoundback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error FileNotFound(Path arg0)

launcher.err.file.not.found=\ source file not found: {0}

InvalidFilenameback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error InvalidFilename(String arg0)

launcher.err.invalid.filename=\ invalid path for source file: {0}

InvalidValueForSourceback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error InvalidValueForSource(String arg0)

launcher.err.invalid.value.for.source=\ invalid value for --source option: {0}

MismatchEndOfPathAndPackageNameback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error MismatchEndOfPathAndPackageName(String arg0, Path arg1)\ end of path to source file does not match its package name {0}: {1}

NoValueForOptionback to summary
public static JCDiagnostic.Error NoValueForOption(String arg0)\ no value given for option: {0}