Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static final int | CHUNK_MASK
Chunk mask (CHUNK_SIZE - 1). |
private static final int | CHUNK_SHIFT
Chunk shift (8). |
private static final int | CHUNK_SIZE
Chunk size (1 << CHUNK_SHIFT). |
private static final boolean | DEBUG
Debug DTDGrammar. |
protected XMLAttributeDecl | fAttributeDecl
Temporary Attribute decl. |
private int | fAttributeDeclCount
Number of attribute declarations. |
private short[][] | |
private String[][] | |
private String[][][] | fAttributeDeclEnumeration
Attribute declaration enumeration values. |
private QName[][] | fAttributeDeclName
Attribute declaration name. |
private int[][] | |
private String[][] | |
private short[][] | fAttributeDeclType
Attribute declaration type. |
protected int | fCurrentAttributeIndex
Current attribute index. |
protected int | fCurrentElementIndex
Current element index. |
protected XMLDTDContentModelSource | |
protected XMLDTDSource | |
private XMLElementDecl | fElementDecl
Element declaration. |
private int | fElementDeclCount
Number of element declarations. |
private int[][] | fElementDeclFirstAttributeDeclIndex
First attribute declaration of an element declaration. |
private int[][] | fElementDeclLastAttributeDeclIndex
Last attribute declaration of an element declaration. |
private QName[][] | fElementDeclName
Element declaration name. |
pack-priv Map | fElementDeclTab
table of XMLElementDecl |
private short[][] | fElementDeclType
Element declaration type. |
private final Map | fElementIndexMap
Element index mapping table. |
private final QName | fQName
Temporary qualified name. |
protected boolean | fReadingExternalDTD
fReadingExternalDTD |
private XMLSimpleType | fSimpleType
Simple type. |
private final SymbolTable | fSymbolTable
Symbol table. |
private static final int | INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT
Initial chunk count (1 << (10 - CHUNK_SHIFT)). |
private static final short | LIST_FLAG
List flag (0x80). |
private static final short | LIST_MASK
List mask (~LIST_FLAG). |
private final ArrayList | |
public static final int | TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE
Top level scope (-1). |
Access | Constructor and Description |
public |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public void | attributeDecl(String
The name of the element that this attribute
is associated with. elementName, String The name of the attribute. attributeName, String The attribute type. This value will be one of
the following: "CDATA", "ENTITY", "ENTITIES",
"NMTOKEN", "NMTOKENS", or "NOTATION". type, String[] If the type has the value "ENUMERATION", this
array holds the allowed attribute values;
otherwise, this array is null. enumeration, String The attribute default type. This value will be
one of the following: "#FIXED", "#IMPLIED",
"#REQUIRED", or null. defaultType, XMLString The attribute default value, or null if no
default value is specified. defaultValue, XMLString The attribute default value with no normalization
performed, or null if no default value is specified. nonNormalizedDefaultValue, Augmentations Additional information that may include infoset
augmentations. augs)An attribute declaration. |
protected int | |
protected int | |
public void | elementDecl(String
The name of the element. name, String The element content model. contentModel, Augmentations Additional information that may include infoset
augmentations. augs)An element declaration. |
public void | |
private void | |
private void | |
public boolean | Returns: true if getAttributeDecl was able to fill in the value of attributeDeclThe values of this structure are set by this call. attributeDecl)getAttributeDecl |
public int | |
public short | |
public boolean | Returns: True if find the element, False otherwise.The values of this structure are set by this call. elementDecl)getElementDecl |
public int | Returns: index of the elementDeclName in scopegetElementDeclIndex |
public int | getElementDeclIndex(QName
qualilfied name of the element elementDeclQName)Returns the element decl index. |
public int | Returns: index of the first attribute for element declaration elementDeclIndexgetFirstAttributeDeclIndex |
public int | |
public int | Returns: index of the next attribute of the attribute at attributeDeclIndexgetNextAttributeDeclIndex |
public int | getNextElementDeclIndex(int
The element declaration index. elementDeclIndex)Returns the next index of the element declaration following the specified element declaration. |
public List | |
public SymbolTable | |
public boolean | Returns: true if the attribute is of type CDATAThe element name. elName, QName The attribute name. atName)Returns whether the given attribute is of type CDATA or not |
private boolean | Returns: Whether the value was changed or not.The value to normalize value)Normalize the attribute value of a non CDATA default attribute collapsing sequences of space characters (x20) |
public void | |
private void | |
public void | |
public void | |
private static short[][] | |
private static int[][] | |
private static QName[][] | |
private static String[][] | |
private static String[][][] | |
protected void | |
protected void | |
protected void | |
public void | startDTD(XMLLocator
The document locator, or null if the document
location cannot be reported during the parsing of
the document DTD. However, it is strongly
recommended that a locator be supplied that can
at least report the base system identifier of the
DTD. locator, Augmentations Additional information that may include infoset
augmentations. augs)The start of the DTD. |
CHUNK_MASK | back to summary |
private static final int CHUNK_MASK Chunk mask (CHUNK_SIZE - 1). |
CHUNK_SHIFT | back to summary |
private static final int CHUNK_SHIFT Chunk shift (8). |
CHUNK_SIZE | back to summary |
private static final int CHUNK_SIZE Chunk size (1 << CHUNK_SHIFT). |
DEBUG | back to summary |
private static final boolean DEBUG Debug DTDGrammar. |
fAttributeDecl | back to summary |
protected XMLAttributeDecl fAttributeDecl Temporary Attribute decl. |
fAttributeDeclCount | back to summary |
private int fAttributeDeclCount Number of attribute declarations. |
fAttributeDeclDefaultType | back to summary |
private short[][] fAttributeDeclDefaultType |
fAttributeDeclDefaultValue | back to summary |
private String[][] fAttributeDeclDefaultValue |
fAttributeDeclEnumeration | back to summary |
private String[][][] fAttributeDeclEnumeration Attribute declaration enumeration values. |
fAttributeDeclName | back to summary |
private QName[][] fAttributeDeclName Attribute declaration name. |
fAttributeDeclNextAttributeDeclIndex | back to summary |
private int[][] fAttributeDeclNextAttributeDeclIndex |
fAttributeDeclNonNormalizedDefaultValue | back to summary |
private String[][] fAttributeDeclNonNormalizedDefaultValue |
fAttributeDeclType | back to summary |
private short[][] fAttributeDeclType Attribute declaration type.
fCurrentAttributeIndex | back to summary |
protected int fCurrentAttributeIndex Current attribute index. |
fCurrentElementIndex | back to summary |
protected int fCurrentElementIndex Current element index. |
fDTDContentModelSource | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDContentModelSource fDTDContentModelSource |
fDTDSource | back to summary |
protected XMLDTDSource fDTDSource |
fElementDecl | back to summary |
private XMLElementDecl fElementDecl Element declaration. |
fElementDeclCount | back to summary |
private int fElementDeclCount Number of element declarations. |
fElementDeclFirstAttributeDeclIndex | back to summary |
private int[][] fElementDeclFirstAttributeDeclIndex First attribute declaration of an element declaration. |
fElementDeclLastAttributeDeclIndex | back to summary |
private int[][] fElementDeclLastAttributeDeclIndex Last attribute declaration of an element declaration. |
fElementDeclName | back to summary |
private QName[][] fElementDeclName Element declaration name. |
fElementDeclTab | back to summary |
pack-priv Map<String, XMLElementDecl> fElementDeclTab table of XMLElementDecl |
fElementDeclType | back to summary |
private short[][] fElementDeclType Element declaration type.
fElementIndexMap | back to summary |
private final Map<String, Integer> fElementIndexMap Element index mapping table. |
fQName | back to summary |
private final QName fQName Temporary qualified name. |
fReadingExternalDTD | back to summary |
protected boolean fReadingExternalDTD fReadingExternalDTD |
fSimpleType | back to summary |
private XMLSimpleType fSimpleType Simple type. |
fSymbolTable | back to summary |
private final SymbolTable fSymbolTable Symbol table. |
INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT | back to summary |
private static final int INITIAL_CHUNK_COUNT Initial chunk count (1 << (10 - CHUNK_SHIFT)). |
LIST_FLAG | back to summary |
private static final short LIST_FLAG List flag (0x80). |
LIST_MASK | back to summary |
private static final short LIST_MASK List mask (~LIST_FLAG). |
notationDecls | back to summary |
private final ArrayList<XMLNotationDecl> notationDecls |
TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE | back to summary |
public static final int TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE Top level scope (-1). |
DTDGrammar | back to summary |
public DTDGrammar(SymbolTable symbolTable) Default constructor. |
attributeDecl | back to summary |
public void attributeDecl(String elementName, String attributeName, String type, String[] enumeration, String defaultType, XMLString defaultValue, XMLString nonNormalizedDefaultValue, Augmentations augs) throws XNIException An attribute declaration.
createAttributeDecl | back to summary |
protected int createAttributeDecl() |
createElementDecl | back to summary |
protected int createElementDecl() |
elementDecl | back to summary |
public void elementDecl(String name, String contentModel, Augmentations augs) throws XNIException An element declaration.
endDTD | back to summary |
public void endDTD(Augmentations augs) throws XNIException |
ensureAttributeDeclCapacity | back to summary |
private void ensureAttributeDeclCapacity(int chunk) |
ensureElementDeclCapacity | back to summary |
private void ensureElementDeclCapacity(int chunk) |
getAttributeDecl | back to summary |
public boolean getAttributeDecl(int attributeDeclIndex, XMLAttributeDecl attributeDecl) getAttributeDecl
getAttributeDeclIndex | back to summary |
public int getAttributeDeclIndex(int elementDeclIndex, String attributeDeclName) |
getContentSpecType | back to summary |
public short getContentSpecType(int elementIndex) make separate function for getting contentSpecType of element. we can avoid setting of the element values. |
getElementDecl | back to summary |
public boolean getElementDecl(int elementDeclIndex, XMLElementDecl elementDecl) getElementDecl
getElementDeclIndex | back to summary |
public int getElementDeclIndex(String elementDeclName) getElementDeclIndex
getElementDeclIndex | back to summary |
public int getElementDeclIndex(QName elementDeclQName) Returns the element decl index.
getFirstAttributeDeclIndex | back to summary |
public int getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(int elementDeclIndex) getFirstAttributeDeclIndex
getFirstElementDeclIndex | back to summary |
public int getFirstElementDeclIndex() Returns the index of the first element declaration. This index is then used to query more information about the element declaration.
getNextAttributeDeclIndex | back to summary |
public int getNextAttributeDeclIndex(int attributeDeclIndex) getNextAttributeDeclIndex
getNextElementDeclIndex | back to summary |
public int getNextElementDeclIndex(int elementDeclIndex) Returns the next index of the element declaration following the specified element declaration.
getNotationDecls | back to summary |
public List |
getSymbolTable | back to summary |
public SymbolTable getSymbolTable() Returns the symbol table. |
isCDATAAttribute | back to summary |
public boolean isCDATAAttribute(QName elName, QName atName) Returns whether the given attribute is of type CDATA or not |
normalizeDefaultAttrValue | back to summary |
private boolean normalizeDefaultAttrValue(XMLString value) Normalize the attribute value of a non CDATA default attribute collapsing sequences of space characters (x20)
notationDecl | back to summary |
public void notationDecl(String name, XMLResourceIdentifier identifier, Augmentations augs) throws XNIException |
printAttribute | back to summary |
private void printAttribute(int attributeDeclIndex) |
printAttributes | back to summary |
public void printAttributes(int elementDeclIndex) |
printElements | back to summary |
public void printElements() |
resize | back to summary |
private static short[][] resize(short[][] array, int newsize) |
resize | back to summary |
private static int[][] resize(int[][] array, int newsize) |
resize | back to summary |
private static QName[][] resize(QName[][] array, int newsize) |
resize | back to summary |
private static String[][] resize(String[][] array, int newsize) |
resize | back to summary |
private static String[][][] resize(String[][][] array, int newsize) |
setAttributeDecl | back to summary |
protected void setAttributeDecl(int elementDeclIndex, int attributeDeclIndex, XMLAttributeDecl attributeDecl) |
setElementDecl | back to summary |
protected void setElementDecl(int elementDeclIndex, XMLElementDecl elementDecl) |
setFirstAttributeDeclIndex | back to summary |
protected void setFirstAttributeDeclIndex(int elementDeclIndex, int newFirstAttrIndex) |
startDTD | back to summary |
public void startDTD(XMLLocator locator, Augmentations augs) throws XNIException The start of the DTD.