Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public final Class AccessControlContext

extends Object
Class Inheritance
java.util.ArrayList, .List,, .FilePermCompat, .SecurityConstants


for removal since 17.

This class is only useful in conjunction with the Security Manager, which is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release. Consequently, this class is also deprecated and subject to removal. There is no replacement for the Security Manager or this class.

An AccessControlContext is used to make system resource access decisions based on the context it encapsulates.

More specifically, it encapsulates a context and has a single method, checkPermission, that is equivalent to the checkPermission method in the AccessController class, with one difference: The checkPermission method makes access decisions based on the context it encapsulates, rather than that of the current execution thread.

Thus, the purpose of AccessControlContext is for those situations where a security check that should be made within a given context actually needs to be done from within a different context (for example, from within a worker thread).

An AccessControlContext is created by calling the AccessController.getContext method. The getContext method takes a "snapshot" of the current calling context, and places it in an AccessControlContext object, which it returns. A sample call is the following:

  AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext()

Code within a different context can subsequently call the checkPermission method on the previously-saved AccessControlContext object. A sample call is the following:

Roland Schemers
See Also

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private DomainCombiner

References Deprecated DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.
private ProtectionDomain[]
private static Debug
private static boolean
private boolean
private boolean
private boolean
private boolean
private ProtectionDomain[]
private AccessControlContext

References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.
private Permission[]
private AccessControlContext

References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
the ProtectionDomain objects associated with this context. The non-duplicate domains are copied from the array. Subsequent changes to the array will not affect this AccessControlContext.

Create an AccessControlContext with the given array of ProtectionDomain objects.

the AccessControlContext associated with the provided DomainCombiner.
the DomainCombiner to be associated with the provided AccessControlContext.
References Deprecated AccessControlContext and DomainCombiner are deprecated or reference (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

Create a new AccessControlContext with the given AccessControlContext and DomainCombiner.

AccessControlContext(AccessControlContext acc, DomainCombiner combiner, boolean preauthorized)
References Deprecated AccessControlContext and DomainCombiner are deprecated or reference (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

package private to allow calls from ProtectionDomain without performing the security check for SecurityConstants#CREATE_ACC_PERMISSION permission

AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain caller, DomainCombiner combiner, AccessControlContext parent, AccessControlContext context, Permission[] perms)
References Deprecated DomainCombiner and AccessControlContext are deprecated or reference (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

package private for AccessController This "argument wrapper" context will be passed as the actual context parameter on an internal doPrivileged() call used in the implementation.

AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain[] context, boolean isPrivileged)

package private constructor for AccessController.getContext()

AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain[] context, AccessControlContext privilegedContext)
References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

Constructor for JavaSecurityAccess.doIntersectionPrivilege()

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private void
calculateFields(AccessControlContext assigned, AccessControlContext parent, Permission[] permissions)
References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

public void
the requested permission.

Determines whether the access request indicated by the specified permission should be allowed or denied, based on the security policy currently in effect, and the context in this object.

private void
private static ProtectionDomain[]
combine(ProtectionDomain[] current, ProtectionDomain[] assigned)

private boolean
containsAllLimits(AccessControlContext that)
References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

private static boolean
containsAllPDs(ProtectionDomain[] thisContext, ProtectionDomain[] thatContext)

private boolean
equalContext(AccessControlContext that)
References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

private boolean
equalLimitedContext(AccessControlContext that)
References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

private boolean
public boolean


true if obj is an AccessControlContext, and has the same set of ProtectionDomain objects as this context, false otherwise.
the object we are testing for equality with this object.

Overrides java.lang.Object.equals.

Checks two AccessControlContext objects for equality.

pack-priv DomainCombiner
References Deprecated DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

get the assigned combiner from the privileged or inherited context

pack-priv DomainCombiner
References Deprecated DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

package private for AccessController

pack-priv ProtectionDomain[]

Returns this context's context.

pack-priv static Debug
public DomainCombiner


the DomainCombiner associated with this AccessControlContext, or null if there is none.
References Deprecated DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

Get the DomainCombiner associated with this AccessControlContext.

private static AccessControlContext
getNextPC(AccessControlContext acc)
References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

public int


the hash code value for this context

Overrides java.lang.Object.hashCode.

Returns the hash code value for this context.

pack-priv boolean
pack-priv boolean

Returns true if this context is privileged.

pack-priv AccessControlContext
References Deprecated AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

Take the stack-based context (this) and combine it with the privileged or inherited context, if need be.

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

combinerback to summary
private DomainCombiner combiner

References Deprecated

DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

contextback to summary
private ProtectionDomain[] context
debugback to summary
private static Debug debug
debugInitback to summary
private static boolean debugInit
isAuthorizedback to summary
private boolean isAuthorized
isLimitedback to summary
private boolean isLimited
isPrivilegedback to summary
private boolean isPrivileged
isWrappedback to summary
private boolean isWrapped
limitedContextback to summary
private ProtectionDomain[] limitedContext
parentback to summary
private AccessControlContext parent

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

permissionsback to summary
private Permission[] permissions
privilegedContextback to summary
private AccessControlContext privilegedContext

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

Constructor Detail

AccessControlContextback to summary
public AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain[] context)

Create an AccessControlContext with the given array of ProtectionDomain objects. Context must not be null. Duplicate domains will be removed from the context.


the ProtectionDomain objects associated with this context. The non-duplicate domains are copied from the array. Subsequent changes to the array will not affect this AccessControlContext.

if context is null
AccessControlContextback to summary
public AccessControlContext(AccessControlContext acc, DomainCombiner combiner)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext and DomainCombiner are deprecated or reference (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

Create a new AccessControlContext with the given AccessControlContext and DomainCombiner. This constructor associates the provided DomainCombiner with the provided AccessControlContext.


the AccessControlContext associated with the provided DomainCombiner.


the DomainCombiner to be associated with the provided AccessControlContext.

if the provided context is null.
if a security manager is installed and the caller does not have the "createAccessControlContext" SecurityPermission
AccessControlContextback to summary
pack-priv AccessControlContext(AccessControlContext acc, DomainCombiner combiner, boolean preauthorized)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext and DomainCombiner are deprecated or reference (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

package private to allow calls from ProtectionDomain without performing the security check for SecurityConstants#CREATE_ACC_PERMISSION permission

AccessControlContextback to summary
pack-priv AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain caller, DomainCombiner combiner, AccessControlContext parent, AccessControlContext context, Permission[] perms)

References Deprecated

DomainCombiner and AccessControlContext are deprecated or reference (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

package private for AccessController This "argument wrapper" context will be passed as the actual context parameter on an internal doPrivileged() call used in the implementation.

AccessControlContextback to summary
pack-priv AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain[] context, boolean isPrivileged)

package private constructor for AccessController.getContext()

AccessControlContextback to summary
pack-priv AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain[] context, AccessControlContext privilegedContext)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

Constructor for JavaSecurityAccess.doIntersectionPrivilege()

Method Detail

calculateFieldsback to summary
private void calculateFields(AccessControlContext assigned, AccessControlContext parent, Permission[] permissions)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

checkPermissionback to summary
public void checkPermission(Permission perm) throws AccessControlException

Determines whether the access request indicated by the specified permission should be allowed or denied, based on the security policy currently in effect, and the context in this object. The request is allowed only if every ProtectionDomain in the context implies the permission. Otherwise the request is denied.

This method quietly returns if the access request is permitted, or throws a suitable AccessControlException otherwise.


the requested permission.

if the specified permission is not permitted, based on the current security policy and the context encapsulated by this object.
if the permission to check for is null.
checkPermission2back to summary
private void checkPermission2(Permission perm)
combineback to summary
private static ProtectionDomain[] combine(ProtectionDomain[] current, ProtectionDomain[] assigned)
containsAllLimitsback to summary
private boolean containsAllLimits(AccessControlContext that)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

containsAllPDsback to summary
private static boolean containsAllPDs(ProtectionDomain[] thisContext, ProtectionDomain[] thatContext)
equalContextback to summary
private boolean equalContext(AccessControlContext that)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

equalLimitedContextback to summary
private boolean equalLimitedContext(AccessControlContext that)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

equalPDsback to summary
private boolean equalPDs(ProtectionDomain[] a, ProtectionDomain[] b)
equalsback to summary
public boolean equals(Object obj)

Overrides java.lang.Object.equals.

Checks two AccessControlContext objects for equality. Checks that obj is an AccessControlContext and has the same set of ProtectionDomain objects as this context.


the object we are testing for equality with this object.


true if obj is an AccessControlContext, and has the same set of ProtectionDomain objects as this context, false otherwise.

getAssignedCombinerback to summary
pack-priv DomainCombiner getAssignedCombiner()

References Deprecated

DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

get the assigned combiner from the privileged or inherited context

getCombinerback to summary
pack-priv DomainCombiner getCombiner()

References Deprecated

DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

package private for AccessController

getContextback to summary
pack-priv ProtectionDomain[] getContext()

Returns this context's context.

getDebugback to summary
pack-priv static Debug getDebug()
getDomainCombinerback to summary
public DomainCombiner getDomainCombiner()

References Deprecated

DomainCombiner is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

Get the DomainCombiner associated with this AccessControlContext.


the DomainCombiner associated with this AccessControlContext, or null if there is none.

if a security manager is installed and the caller does not have the "getDomainCombiner" SecurityPermission
getNextPCback to summary
private static AccessControlContext getNextPC(AccessControlContext acc)

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

hashCodeback to summary
public int hashCode()

Overrides java.lang.Object.hashCode.

Returns the hash code value for this context. The hash code is computed by exclusive or-ing the hash code of all the protection domains in the context together.


the hash code value for this context

isAuthorizedback to summary
pack-priv boolean isAuthorized()
isPrivilegedback to summary
pack-priv boolean isPrivileged()

Returns true if this context is privileged.

optimizeback to summary
pack-priv AccessControlContext optimize()

References Deprecated

AccessControlContext is deprecated or references (maybe indirectly) at least one deprecated element.

See corresponding docs for further information.

Take the stack-based context (this) and combine it with the privileged or inherited context, if need be. Any limited privilege scope is flagged regardless of whether the assigned context comes from an immediately enclosing limited doPrivileged(). The limited privilege scope can indirectly flow from the inherited parent thread or an assigned context previously captured by getContext().
