interface, representing a
local MBean server, extends this interface.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public void | addNotificationListener(ObjectName
The name of the MBean on which the listener should
be added. name, NotificationListener The listener object which will handle the
notifications emitted by the registered MBean. listener, NotificationFilter The filter object. If filter is null, no
filtering will be performed before handling notifications. filter, Object The context to be sent to the listener when a
notification is emitted. handback)Adds a listener to a registered MBean. |
public void | addNotificationListener(ObjectName
The name of the MBean on which the listener should
be added. name, ObjectName The object name of the listener which will
handle the notifications emitted by the registered MBean. listener, NotificationFilter The filter object. If filter is null, no
filtering will be performed before handling notifications. filter, Object The context to be sent to the listener when a
notification is emitted. handback)Adds a listener to a registered MBean. |
public ObjectInstance | Returns: AnObjectInstance , containing the
ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly
instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName
is n , the contained Java class name is
.The class name of the MBean to be instantiated. className, ObjectName The object name of the MBean. May be null. name)Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. |
public ObjectInstance | Returns: AnObjectInstance , containing the
ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly
instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName
is n , the contained Java class name is
.The class name of the MBean to be instantiated. className, ObjectName The object name of the MBean. May be null. name, ObjectName The object name of the class loader to be used. loaderName)Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. |
public ObjectInstance | Returns: AnObjectInstance , containing the
ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly
instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName
is n , the contained Java class name is
.The class name of the MBean to be instantiated. className, ObjectName The object name of the MBean. May be null. name, Object[] An array containing the parameters of the
constructor to be invoked. params, String[] An array containing the signature of the
constructor to be invoked. signature)Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. |
public ObjectInstance | Returns: AnObjectInstance , containing the
ObjectName and the Java class name of the newly
instantiated MBean. If the contained ObjectName
is n , the contained Java class name is
.The class name of the MBean to be instantiated. className, ObjectName The object name of the MBean. May be null. name, ObjectName The object name of the class loader to be used. loaderName, Object[] An array containing the parameters of the
constructor to be invoked. params, String[] An array containing the signature of the
constructor to be invoked. signature)Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. |
public Object | Returns: The value of the retrieved attribute.The object name of the MBean from which the
attribute is to be retrieved. name, String A String specifying the name of the attribute
to be retrieved. attribute)Gets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean. |
public AttributeList | Returns: The list of the retrieved attributes.The object name of the MBean from which the
attributes are retrieved. name, String[] A list of the attributes to be retrieved. attributes)Retrieves the values of several attributes of a named MBean. |
public String | |
public String[] | Returns: the list of domains.Returns the list of domains in which any MBean is currently registered. |
public Integer | Returns: the number of MBeans registered.Returns the number of MBeans registered in the MBean server. |
public MBeanInfo | Returns: An instance ofMBeanInfo allowing the
retrieval of all attributes and operations of this MBean.The name of the MBean to analyze name)This method discovers the attributes and operations that an MBean exposes for management. |
public ObjectInstance | Returns: TheObjectInstance associated with the MBean
specified by name. The contained ObjectName
is name and the contained class name is
.The object name of the MBean. name)Gets the |
public Object | Returns: The object returned by the operation, which represents the result of invoking the operation on the MBean specified.The object name of the MBean on which the method is
to be invoked. name, String The name of the operation to be invoked. operationName, Object[] An array containing the parameters to be set when
the operation is invoked params, String[] An array containing the signature of the
operation, an array of class names in the format returned by
signature)Class#getName() . The class objects will be loaded using the same
class loader as the one used for loading the MBean on which the
operation was invoked.Invokes an operation on an MBean. |
public boolean | Returns: true if the MBean specified is an instance of the specified class according to the rules above, false otherwise.The name, String ObjectName of the MBean.The name of the class. className)Returns true if the MBean specified is an instance of the specified class, false otherwise. |
public boolean | Returns: True if the MBean is already registered in the MBean server, false otherwise.The object name of the MBean to be checked. name)Checks whether an MBean, identified by its object name, is already registered with the MBean server. |
public Set | Returns: A set containing theObjectInstance
objects for the selected MBeans. If no MBean satisfies the
query an empty list is returned.The object name pattern identifying the MBeans to
be retrieved. If null or no domain and key properties are
specified, all the MBeans registered will be retrieved. name, QueryExp The query expression to be applied for selecting
MBeans. If null no query expression will be applied for
selecting MBeans. query)Gets MBeans controlled by the MBean server. |
public Set | Returns: A set containing the ObjectNames for the MBeans selected. If no MBean satisfies the query, an empty list is returned.The object name pattern identifying the MBean names
to be retrieved. If null or no domain and key properties are
specified, the name of all registered MBeans will be retrieved. name, QueryExp The query expression to be applied for selecting
MBeans. If null no query expression will be applied for
selecting MBeans. query)Gets the names of MBeans controlled by the MBean server. |
public void | removeNotificationListener(ObjectName
The name of the MBean on which the listener should
be removed. name, ObjectName The object name of the listener to be removed. listener)Removes a listener from a registered MBean. |
public void | removeNotificationListener(ObjectName
The name of the MBean on which the listener should
be removed. name, ObjectName The object name of the listener to be removed. listener, NotificationFilter The filter that was specified when the listener
was added. filter, Object The handback that was specified when the
listener was added. handback)Removes a listener from a registered MBean. |
public void | removeNotificationListener(ObjectName
The name of the MBean on which the listener should
be removed. name, NotificationListener The listener to be removed. listener)Removes a listener from a registered MBean. |
public void | removeNotificationListener(ObjectName
The name of the MBean on which the listener should
be removed. name, NotificationListener The listener to be removed. listener, NotificationFilter The filter that was specified when the listener
was added. filter, Object The handback that was specified when the
listener was added. handback)Removes a listener from a registered MBean. |
public void | setAttribute(ObjectName
The name of the MBean within which the attribute is
to be set. name, Attribute The identification of the attribute to be set
and the value it is to be set to. attribute)Sets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean. |
public AttributeList | Returns: The list of attributes that were set, with their new values.The object name of the MBean within which the
attributes are to be set. name, AttributeList A list of attributes: The identification of
the attributes to be set and the values they are to be set to. attributes)Sets the values of several attributes of a named MBean. |
public void | unregisterMBean(ObjectName
The object name of the MBean to be unregistered. name)Unregisters an MBean from the MBean server. |
addNotificationListener | back to summary |
public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IOException Adds a listener to a registered MBean. Notifications emitted by the MBean will be forwarded to the listener.
addNotificationListener | back to summary |
public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IOException Adds a listener to a registered MBean. A notification emitted by an MBean will be forwarded by the MBeanServer to the listener. If the source of the notification is a reference to an MBean object, the MBean server will replace it by that MBean's ObjectName. Otherwise the source is unchanged. The listener object that receives notifications is the one that is registered with the given name at the time this method is called. Even if it is subsequently unregistered, it will continue to receive notifications.
createMBean | back to summary |
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, IOException Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The
MBean server will use its This method is equivalent to
createMBean | back to summary |
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException, IOException Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The
class loader to be used is identified by its object name. An
object name is associated with the MBean. If the object name of
the loader is null, the ClassLoader that loaded the MBean
server will be used. If the MBean's object name given is null,
the MBean must provide its own name by implementing the This method is equivalent to
createMBean | back to summary |
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, IOException Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The
MBean server will use its
createMBean | back to summary |
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException, IOException Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server. The
class loader to be used is identified by its object name. An
object name is associated with the MBean. If the object name of
the loader is not specified, the ClassLoader that loaded the
MBean server will be used. If the MBean object name given is
null, the MBean must provide its own name by implementing the
getAttribute | back to summary |
public Object getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute) throws MBeanException, AttributeNotFoundException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException, IOException Gets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean. The MBean is identified by its object name.
getAttributes | back to summary |
public AttributeList getAttributes(ObjectName name, String[] attributes) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException, IOException Retrieves the values of several attributes of a named MBean. The MBean is identified by its object name. If one or more attributes cannot be retrieved for some reason, they
will be omitted from the returned Here is an example of calling this method and checking that it succeeded in retrieving all the requested attributes: String[] attrNames = ...; AttributeList list = mbeanServerConnection.getAttributes(objectName, attrNames); if (list.size() == attrNames.length) System.out.println("All attributes were retrieved successfully"); else {
getDefaultDomain | back to summary |
public String getDefaultDomain() throws IOException Returns the default domain used for naming the MBean. The default domain name is used as the domain part in the ObjectName of MBeans if no domain is specified by the user.
getDomains | back to summary |
public String[] getDomains() throws IOException Returns the list of domains in which any MBean is currently
registered. A string is in the returned array if and only if
there is at least one MBean registered with an ObjectName whose
getMBeanCount | back to summary |
public Integer getMBeanCount() throws IOException Returns the number of MBeans registered in the MBean server.
getMBeanInfo | back to summary |
public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IntrospectionException, ReflectionException, IOException This method discovers the attributes and operations that an MBean exposes for management.
getObjectInstance | back to summary |
public ObjectInstance getObjectInstance(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IOException Gets the
invoke | back to summary |
public Object invoke(ObjectName name, String operationName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException, IOException Invokes an operation on an MBean. Because of the need for a public interface FooMBean { public int countMatches(String[] patterns, boolean ignoreCase); } The String[] myPatterns = ...; int count = (Integer) mbeanServerConnection.invoke( objectName, "countMatches", new Object[] {myPatterns, true}, new String[] {String[].class.getName(), boolean.class.getName()}); Alternatively, it can be invoked through a proxy as follows: String[] myPatterns = ...; FooMBean fooProxy = JMX.newMBeanProxy( mbeanServerConnection, objectName, FooMBean.class); int count = fooProxy.countMatches(myPatterns, true);
isInstanceOf | back to summary |
public boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IOException Returns true if the MBean specified is an instance of the specified class, false otherwise. If Otherwise, let If N equals Otherwise, if L successfully loads Otherwise, if L successfully loads both N and
Otherwise, the result is false.
isRegistered | back to summary |
public boolean isRegistered(ObjectName name) throws IOException Checks whether an MBean, identified by its object name, is already registered with the MBean server.
queryMBeans | back to summary |
public Set Gets MBeans controlled by the MBean server. This method allows
any of the following to be obtained: All MBeans, a set of
MBeans specified by pattern matching on the
queryNames | back to summary |
public Set Gets the names of MBeans controlled by the MBean server. This
method enables any of the following to be obtained: The names
of all MBeans, the names of a set of MBeans specified by
pattern matching on the
removeNotificationListener | back to summary |
public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException, IOException Removes a listener from a registered MBean. If the listener is registered more than once, perhaps with different filters or callbacks, this method will remove all those registrations.
removeNotificationListener | back to summary |
public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException, IOException Removes a listener from a registered MBean. The MBean must have a listener that exactly matches the
given The
removeNotificationListener | back to summary |
public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException, IOException Removes a listener from a registered MBean. If the listener is registered more than once, perhaps with different filters or callbacks, this method will remove all those registrations.
removeNotificationListener | back to summary |
public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException, IOException Removes a listener from a registered MBean. The MBean must have a listener that exactly matches the
given The
setAttribute | back to summary |
public void setAttribute(ObjectName name, Attribute attribute) throws InstanceNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException, IOException Sets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean. The MBean is identified by its object name.
setAttributes | back to summary |
public AttributeList setAttributes(ObjectName name, AttributeList attributes) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException, IOException Sets the values of several attributes of a named MBean. The MBean is identified by its object name. If one or more attributes cannot be set for some reason, they will be
omitted from the returned Here is an example of calling this method and checking that it succeeded in setting all the requested attributes: AttributeList inputAttrs = ...; AttributeList outputAttrs = mbeanServerConnection.setAttributes(objectName, inputAttrs); if (inputAttrs.size() == outputAttrs.size()) System.out.println("All attributes were set successfully"); else {
unregisterMBean | back to summary |
public void unregisterMBean(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanRegistrationException, IOException Unregisters an MBean from the MBean server. The MBean is identified by its object name. Once the method has been invoked, the MBean may no longer be accessed by its object name.