Java resources wishing to be manageable instantiate the ModelMBean using the MBeanServer's createMBean method. The resource then sets the ModelMBeanInfo and Descriptors for the ModelMBean instance. The attributes, operations, and notifications exposed via the ModelMBeanInfo for the ModelMBean comprise the management interface and are accessible from MBeans, connectors/adaptors like other MBeans. Through the Descriptors, values and methods in the managed application can be defined and mapped to attributes and operations of the ModelMBean. This mapping can be defined during development in a file or dynamically and programmatically at runtime.
Every ModelMBean which is instantiated in the MBeanServer becomes manageable: its attributes, operations, and notifications become remotely accessible through the connectors/adaptors connected to that MBeanServer. A Java object cannot be registered in the MBeanServer unless it is a JMX compliant MBean. By instantiating a ModelMBean, resources are guaranteed that the MBean is valid. MBeanException and RuntimeOperationsException must be thrown on every public method. This allows for wrapping exceptions from distributed communications (RMI, EJB, etc.)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public Object | |
public ModelMBeanAttributeInfo | Returns: the attribute info for the named attribute, or null if there is none.The name of the ModelMBeanAttributeInfo to get.
If no ModelMBeanAttributeInfo exists for this name null is returned. inName)Returns a ModelMBeanAttributeInfo requested by name. |
public MBeanAttributeInfo[] | Returns: An array ofMBeanAttributeInfo objects.Returns the list of attributes exposed for management. |
public String | Returns: the Java class name.Returns the name of the Java class of the MBean described by
this |
public MBeanConstructorInfo[] | Returns: An array ofMBeanConstructorInfo objects.Returns the list of the public constructors of the MBean. |
public String | |
public Descriptor | Returns: Descriptor containing the descriptor for the ModelMBean with the same name and descriptorType. If no descriptor is found, null is returned.The name of the descriptor. inDescriptorName, String The type of the descriptor being
requested. If this is null or empty then all types are
searched. Valid types are 'mbean', 'attribute', 'constructor'
'operation', and 'notification'. This value will be equal to
the 'descriptorType' field in the descriptor that is returned. inDescriptorType)Returns a Descriptor requested by name and descriptorType. |
public Descriptor[] | Returns: Descriptor array containing all descriptors for the ModelMBean if type inDescriptorType.value of descriptorType field that must be set for the descriptor
to be returned. Must be "mbean", "attribute", "operation", "constructor" or "notification".
If it is null or empty then all types will be returned. inDescriptorType)Returns a Descriptor array consisting of all Descriptors for the ModelMBeanInfo of type inDescriptorType. |
public Descriptor | Returns: the MBean descriptor.Returns the ModelMBean's descriptor which contains MBean wide policies. |
public ModelMBeanNotificationInfo | Returns: the info for the named notification, or null if there is none.The name of the ModelMBeanNotificationInfo to get.
If no ModelMBeanNotificationInfo exists for this name null is returned. inName)Returns a ModelMBeanNotificationInfo requested by name. |
public MBeanNotificationInfo[] | Returns: An array ofMBeanNotificationInfo objects.Returns the list of the notifications emitted by the MBean. |
public ModelMBeanOperationInfo | Returns: the operation info for the named operation, or null if there is none.The name of the ModelMBeanOperationInfo to get.
If no ModelMBeanOperationInfo exists for this name null is returned. inName)Returns a ModelMBeanOperationInfo requested by name. |
public MBeanOperationInfo[] | Returns: An array ofMBeanOperationInfo objects.Returns the list of operations of the MBean. |
public void | setDescriptor(Descriptor
The descriptor to be set in the
ModelMBean. It must NOT be null. All descriptors must have
name and descriptorType fields. inDescriptor, String The type of the descriptor being
set. If this is null then the descriptorType field in the
descriptor is used. If specified this value must be set in
the descriptorType field in the descriptor. Must be
"mbean","attribute", "constructor", "operation", or
"notification". inDescriptorType)Sets descriptors in the info array of type inDescriptorType for the ModelMBean. |
public void | setDescriptors(Descriptor[]
The descriptors to be set in the ModelMBeanInfo. Null
elements of the list will be ignored. All descriptors must have name and descriptorType fields. inDescriptors)Adds or replaces descriptors in the ModelMBeanInfo. |
public void |
clone | back to summary |
public Object clone() Creates and returns a copy of this object.
getAttribute | back to summary |
public ModelMBeanAttributeInfo getAttribute(String inName) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Returns a ModelMBeanAttributeInfo requested by name.
getAttributes | back to summary |
public MBeanAttributeInfo[] getAttributes() Returns the list of attributes exposed for management.
Each attribute is described by an
getClassName | back to summary |
public String getClassName() Returns the name of the Java class of the MBean described by
getConstructors | back to summary |
public MBeanConstructorInfo[] getConstructors() Returns the list of the public constructors of the MBean.
Each constructor is described by an
getDescription | back to summary |
public String getDescription() Returns a human readable description of the MBean.
getDescriptor | back to summary |
public Descriptor getDescriptor(String inDescriptorName, String inDescriptorType) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Returns a Descriptor requested by name and descriptorType.
getDescriptors | back to summary |
public Descriptor[] getDescriptors(String inDescriptorType) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Returns a Descriptor array consisting of all Descriptors for the ModelMBeanInfo of type inDescriptorType.
getMBeanDescriptor | back to summary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
public Descriptor getMBeanDescriptor() throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Returns the ModelMBean's descriptor which contains MBean wide policies. This descriptor contains metadata about the MBean and default policies for persistence and caching. The fields in the descriptor are defined, but not limited to, the following. Note that when the Type in this table is Number, a String that is the decimal representation of a Long can also be used.
The default descriptor is: name=className,descriptorType="mbean", displayName=className, persistPolicy="never",log="F",visibility="1" If the descriptor does not contain all these fields, they will be added with these default values. Note because of inconsistencies in previous versions of
this specification, it is recommended not to use negative or zero
values for
getNotification | back to summary |
public ModelMBeanNotificationInfo getNotification(String inName) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Returns a ModelMBeanNotificationInfo requested by name.
getNotifications | back to summary |
public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotifications() Returns the list of the notifications emitted by the MBean.
Each notification is described by an In addition to any notification specified by the application, a ModelMBean may always send also two additional notifications:
getOperation | back to summary |
public ModelMBeanOperationInfo getOperation(String inName) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Returns a ModelMBeanOperationInfo requested by name.
getOperations | back to summary |
public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperations() Returns the list of operations of the MBean.
Each operation is described by an
setDescriptor | back to summary |
public void setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor, String inDescriptorType) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Sets descriptors in the info array of type inDescriptorType for the ModelMBean. The setDescriptor method of the corresponding ModelMBean*Info will be called to set the specified descriptor.
setDescriptors | back to summary |
public void setDescriptors(Descriptor[] inDescriptors) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Adds or replaces descriptors in the ModelMBeanInfo.
setMBeanDescriptor | back to summary |
public void setMBeanDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor) throws MBeanException, RuntimeOperationsException Sets the ModelMBean's descriptor. This descriptor contains default, MBean wide
metadata about the MBean and default policies for persistence and caching. This operation
does a complete replacement of the descriptor, no merging is done. If the descriptor to
set to is null then the default descriptor will be created.
The default descriptor is: name=className,descriptorType="mbean", displayName=className,
If the descriptor does not contain all these fields, they will be added with these default values.