Top Description Constructors Methods

public abstract Class Vector<E>

extends VectorSupport.Vector<E>
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
Type Parameters
the boxed version of ETYPE, the element type of a vector
java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment, java.nio.ByteOrder, java.util.Arrays

A sequence of a fixed number of lanes, all of some fixed element type such as byte, long, or float. Each lane contains an independent value of the element type. Operations on vectors are typically lane-wise, distributing some scalar operator (such as addition) across the lanes of the participating vectors, usually generating a vector result whose lanes contain the various scalar results. When run on a supporting platform, lane-wise operations can be executed in parallel by the hardware. This style of parallelism is called Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) parallelism.

In the SIMD style of programming, most of the operations within a vector lane are unconditional, but the effect of conditional execution may be achieved using masked operations such as blend(), under the control of an associated VectorMask. Data motion other than strictly lane-wise flow is achieved using cross-lane operations, often under the control of an associated VectorShuffle. Lane data and/or whole vectors can be reformatted using various kinds of lane-wise conversions, and byte-wise reformatting reinterpretations, often under the control of a reflective VectorSpecies object which selects an alternative vector format different from that of the input vector.

Vector<E> declares a set of vector operations (methods) that are common to all element types. These common operations include generic access to lane values, data selection and movement, reformatting, and certain arithmetic and logical operations (such as addition or comparison) that are common to all primitive types.

Public subtypes of Vector correspond to specific element types. These declare further operations that are specific to that element type, including unboxed access to lane values, bitwise operations on values of integral element types, or transcendental operations on values of floating point element types.

Some lane-wise operations, such as the add operator, are defined as a full-service named operation, where a corresponding method on Vector comes in masked and unmasked overloadings, and (in subclasses) also comes in covariant overrides (returning the subclass) and additional scalar-broadcast overloadings (both masked and unmasked). Other lane-wise operations, such as the min operator, are defined as a partially serviced (not a full-service) named operation, where a corresponding method on Vector and/or a subclass provide some but all possible overloadings and overrides (commonly the unmasked variant with scalar-broadcast overloadings). Finally, all lane-wise operations (those named as previously described, or otherwise unnamed method-wise) have a corresponding operator token declared as a static constant on VectorOperators. Each operator token defines a symbolic Java expression for the operation, such as a + b for the ADD operator token. General lane-wise operation-token accepting methods, such as for a unary lane-wise operation, are provided on Vector and come in the same variants as a full-service named operation.

This package contains a public subtype of Vector corresponding to each supported element type: ByteVector, ShortVector, IntVector, LongVector, FloatVector, and DoubleVector.

The element type of a vector, referred to as ETYPE, is one of the primitive types byte, short, int, long, float, or double.

The type E in Vector<E> is the boxed version of ETYPE. For example, in the type Vector<Integer>, the E parameter is Integer and the ETYPE is int. In such a vector, each lane carries a primitive int value. This pattern continues for the other primitive types as well. (See also sections 5.1.7 and 5.1.8 of the The Java Language Specification.)

The length of a vector is the lane count, the number of lanes it contains. This number is also called VLENGTH when the context makes clear which vector it belongs to. Each vector has its own fixed VLENGTH but different instances of vectors may have different lengths. VLENGTH is an important number, because it estimates the SIMD performance gain of a single vector operation as compared to scalar execution of the VLENGTH scalar operators which underly the vector operation.

Shapes and species

The information capacity of a vector is determined by its vector shape, also called its VSHAPE. Each possible VSHAPE is represented by a member of the VectorShape enumeration, and represents an implementation format shared in common by all vectors of that shape. Thus, the size in bits of of a vector is determined by appealing to its vector shape.

Some Java platforms give special support to only one shape, while others support several. A typical platform is not likely to support all the shapes described by this API. For this reason, most vector operations work on a single input shape and produce the same shape on output. Operations which change shape are clearly documented as such shape-changing, while the majority of operations are shape-invariant, to avoid disadvantaging platforms which support only one shape. There are queries to discover, for the current Java platform, the preferred shape for general SIMD computation, or the largest available shape for any given lane type. To be portable, code using this API should start by querying a supported shape, and then process all data with shape-invariant operations, within the selected shape.

Each unique combination of element type and vector shape determines a unique vector species. A vector species is represented by a fixed instance of VectorSpecies<E> shared in common by all vectors of the same shape and ETYPE.

Unless otherwise documented, lane-wise vector operations require that all vector inputs have exactly the same VSHAPE and VLENGTH, which is to say that they must have exactly the same species. This allows corresponding lanes to be paired unambiguously. The check() method provides an easy way to perform this check explicitly.

Vector shape, VLENGTH, and ETYPE are all mutually constrained, so that VLENGTH times the bit-size of each lane must always match the bit-size of the vector's shape. Thus, reinterpreting a vector may double its length if and only if it either halves the lane size, or else changes the shape. Likewise, reinterpreting a vector may double the lane size if and only if it either halves the length, or else changes the shape of the vector.

Vector subtypes

Vector declares a set of vector operations (methods) that are common to all element types (such as addition). Sub-classes of Vector with a concrete element type declare further operations that are specific to that element type (such as access to element values in lanes, logical operations on values of integral elements types, or transcendental operations on values of floating point element types). There are six abstract sub-classes of Vector corresponding to the supported set of element types, ByteVector, ShortVector, IntVector, LongVector, FloatVector, and DoubleVector. Along with type-specific operations these classes support creation of vector values (instances of Vector). They expose static constants corresponding to the supported species, and static methods on these types generally take a species as a parameter. For example, FloatVector.fromArray creates and returns a float vector of the specified species, with elements loaded from the specified float array. It is recommended that Species instances be held in static final fields for optimal creation and usage of Vector values by the runtime compiler.

As an example of static constants defined by the typed vector classes, constant FloatVector.SPECIES_256 is the unique species whose lanes are floats and whose vector size is 256 bits. Again, the constant FloatVector#SPECIES_PREFERRED is the species which best supports processing of float vector lanes on the currently running Java platform.

As another example, a broadcast scalar value of (double)0.5 can be obtained by calling DoubleVector.broadcast(dsp, 0.5), but the argument dsp is required to select the species (and hence the shape and length) of the resulting vector.

Lane-wise operations

We use the term lanes when defining operations on vectors. The number of lanes in a vector is the number of scalar elements it holds. For example, a vector of type float and shape S_256_BIT has eight lanes, since 32*8=256.

Most operations on vectors are lane-wise, which means the operation is composed of an underlying scalar operator, which is repeated for each distinct lane of the input vector. If there are additional vector arguments of the same type, their lanes are aligned with the lanes of the first input vector. (They must all have a common VLENGTH.) For most lane-wise operations, the output resulting from a lane-wise operation will have a VLENGTH which is equal to the VLENGTH of the input(s) to the operation. Thus, such lane-wise operations are length-invariant, in their basic definitions.

The principle of length-invariance is combined with another basic principle, that most length-invariant lane-wise operations are also shape-invariant, meaning that the inputs and the output of a lane-wise operation will have a common VSHAPE. When the principles conflict, because a logical result (with an invariant VLENGTH), does not fit into the invariant VSHAPE, the resulting expansions and contractions are handled explicitly with special conventions.

Vector operations can be grouped into various categories and their behavior can be generally specified in terms of underlying scalar operators. In the examples below, ETYPE is the element type of the operation (such as int.class) and EVector is the corresponding concrete vector type (such as IntVector.class).

If a vector operation does not belong to one of the above categories then the method documentation explicitly specifies how it processes the lanes of input vectors, and where appropriate illustrates the behavior using pseudocode.

Most lane-wise binary and comparison operations offer convenience overloadings which accept a scalar as the second input, in place of a vector. In this case the scalar value is promoted to a vector by broadcasting it into the same lane structure as the first input. For example, to multiply all lanes of a double vector by a scalar value 1.1, the expression v.mul(1.1) is easier to work with than an equivalent expression with an explicit broadcast operation, such as v.mul(v.broadcast(1.1)) or v.mul(DoubleVector.broadcast(v.species(), 1.1)). Unless otherwise specified the scalar variant always behaves as if each scalar value is first transformed to a vector of the same species as the first vector input, using the appropriate broadcast operation.

Masked operations

Many vector operations accept an optional mask argument, selecting which lanes participate in the underlying scalar operator. If present, the mask argument appears at the end of the method argument list.

Each lane of the mask argument is a boolean which is either in the set or unset state. For lanes where the mask argument is unset, the underlying scalar operator is suppressed. In this way, masks allow vector operations to emulate scalar control flow operations, without losing SIMD parallelism, except where the mask lane is unset.

An operation suppressed by a mask will never cause an exception or side effect of any sort, even if the underlying scalar operator can potentially do so. For example, an unset lane that seems to access an out of bounds array element or divide an integral value by zero will simply be ignored. Values in suppressed lanes never participate or appear in the result of the overall operation.

Result lanes corresponding to a suppressed operation will be filled with a default value which depends on the specific operation, as follows:

As an example, a masked binary operation on two input vectors a and b suppresses the binary operation for lanes where the mask is unset, and retains the original lane value from a. The following pseudocode illustrates this behavior:

ETYPE scalar_binary_op(ETYPE s, ETYPE t);
EVector a = ...;
VectorSpecies<E> species = a.species();
EVector b = ...;
b.check(species);  // must have same species
VectorMask<E> m = ...;
m.check(species);  // must have same species
boolean[] ar = new boolean[a.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
    if (m.laneIsSet(i)) {
        ar[i] = scalar_binary_op(a.lane(i), b.lane(i));
    } else {
        ar[i] = a.lane(i);  // from first input
EVector r = EVector.fromArray(species, ar, 0);

Lane order and byte order

The number of lane values stored in a given vector is referred to as its vector length or VLENGTH. It is useful to consider vector lanes as ordered sequentially from first to last, with the first lane numbered 0, the next lane numbered 1, and so on to the last lane numbered VLENGTH-1. This is a temporal order, where lower-numbered lanes are considered earlier than higher-numbered (later) lanes. This API uses these terms in preference to spatial terms such as "left", "right", "high", and "low".

Temporal terminology works well for vectors because they (usually) represent small fixed-sized segments in a long sequence of workload elements, where the workload is conceptually traversed in time order from beginning to end. (This is a mental model: it does not exclude multicore divide-and-conquer techniques.) Thus, when a scalar loop is transformed into a vector loop, adjacent scalar items (one earlier, one later) in the workload end up as adjacent lanes in a single vector (again, one earlier, one later). At a vector boundary, the last lane item in the earlier vector is adjacent to (and just before) the first lane item in the immediately following vector.

Vectors are also sometimes thought of in spatial terms, where the first lane is placed at an edge of some virtual paper, and subsequent lanes are presented in order next to it. When using spatial terms, all directions are equally plausible: Some vector notations present lanes from left to right, and others from right to left; still others present from top to bottom or vice versa. Using the language of time (before, after, first, last) instead of space (left, right, high, low) is often more likely to avoid misunderstandings.

As second reason to prefer temporal to spatial language about vector lanes is the fact that the terms "left", "right", "high" and "low" are widely used to describe the relations between bits in scalar values. The leftmost or highest bit in a given type is likely to be a sign bit, while the rightmost or lowest bit is likely to be the arithmetically least significant, and so on. Applying these terms to vector lanes risks confusion, however, because it is relatively rare to find algorithms where, given two adjacent vector lanes, one lane is somehow more arithmetically significant than its neighbor, and even in those cases, there is no general way to know which neighbor is the more significant.

Putting the terms together, we view the information structure of a vector as a temporal sequence of lanes ("first", "next", "earlier", "later", "last", etc.) of bit-strings which are internally ordered spatially (either "low" to "high" or "right" to "left"). The primitive values in the lanes are decoded from these bit-strings, in the usual way. Most vector operations, like most Java scalar operators, treat primitive values as atomic values, but some operations reveal the internal bit-string structure.

When a vector is loaded from or stored into memory, the order of vector lanes is always consistent with the inherent ordering of the memory container. This is true whether or not individual lane elements are subject to "byte swapping" due to details of byte order. Thus, while the scalar lane elements of vector might be "byte swapped", the lanes themselves are never reordered, except by an explicit method call that performs cross-lane reordering.

When vector lane values are stored to Java variables of the same type, byte swapping is performed if and only if the implementation of the vector hardware requires such swapping. It is therefore unconditional and invisible.

As a useful fiction, this API presents a consistent illusion that vector lane bytes are composed into larger lane scalars in little endian order. This means that storing a vector into a Java byte array will reveal the successive bytes of the vector lane values in little-endian order on all platforms, regardless of native memory order, and also regardless of byte order (if any) within vector unit registers.

This hypothetical little-endian ordering also appears when a reinterpretation cast is applied in such a way that lane boundaries are discarded and redrawn differently, while maintaining vector bits unchanged. In such an operation, two adjacent lanes will contribute bytes to a single new lane (or vice versa), and the sequential order of the two lanes will determine the arithmetic order of the bytes in the single lane. In this case, the little-endian convention provides portable results, so that on all platforms earlier lanes tend to contribute lower (rightward) bits, and later lanes tend to contribute higher (leftward) bits. The reinterpretation casts between ByteVectors and the other non-byte vectors use this convention to clarify their portable semantics.

The little-endian fiction for relating lane order to per-lane byte order is slightly preferable to an equivalent big-endian fiction, because some related formulas are much simpler, specifically those which renumber bytes after lane structure changes. The earliest byte is invariantly earliest across all lane structure changes, but only if little-endian convention are used. The root cause of this is that bytes in scalars are numbered from the least significant (rightmost) to the most significant (leftmost), and almost never vice-versa. If we habitually numbered sign bits as zero (as on some computers) then this API would reach for big-endian fictions to create unified addressing of vector bytes.

Memory operations

As was already mentioned, vectors can be loaded from memory and stored back. An optional mask can control which individual memory locations are read from or written to. The shape of a vector determines how much memory it will occupy. An implementation typically has the property, in the absence of masking, that lanes are stored as a dense sequence of back-to-back values in memory, the same as a dense (gap-free) series of single scalar values in an array of the scalar type. In such cases memory order corresponds exactly to lane order. The first vector lane value occupies the first position in memory, and so on, up to the length of the vector. Further, the memory order of stored vector lanes corresponds to increasing index values in a Java array or in a java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment.

Byte order for lane storage is chosen such that the stored vector values can be read or written as single primitive values, within the array or segment that holds the vector, producing the same values as the lane-wise values within the vector. This fact is independent of the convenient fiction that lane values inside of vectors are stored in little-endian order.

For example, FloatVector.fromArray(fsp,fa,i) creates and returns a float vector of some particular species fsp, with elements loaded from some float array fa. The first lane is loaded from fa[i] and the last lane is initialized loaded from fa[i+VL-1], where VL is the length of the vector as derived from the species fsp. Then, fv=fv.add(fv2) will produce another float vector of that species fsp, given a vector fv2 of the same species fsp. Next,, 0.0f) tests whether the result is zero, yielding a mask mnz. The non-zero lanes (and only those lanes) can then be stored back into the original array elements using the statement fv.intoArray(fa,i,mnz).

Expansions, contractions, and partial results

Since vectors are fixed in size, occasions often arise where the logical result of an operation is not the same as the physical size of the proposed output vector. To encourage user code that is as portable and predictable as possible, this API has a systematic approach to the design of such resizing vector operations.

As a basic principle, lane-wise operations are length-invariant, unless clearly marked otherwise. Length-invariance simply means that if VLENGTH lanes go into an operation, the same number of lanes come out, with nothing discarded and no extra padding.

As a second principle, sometimes in tension with the first, lane-wise operations are also shape-invariant, unless clearly marked otherwise. Shape-invariance means that VSHAPE is constant for typical computations. Keeping the same shape throughout a computation helps ensure that scarce vector resources are efficiently used. (On some hardware platforms shape changes could cause unwanted effects like extra data movement instructions, round trips through memory, or pipeline bubbles.)

Tension between these principles arises when an operation produces a logical result that is too large for the required output VSHAPE. In other cases, when a logical result is smaller than the capacity of the output VSHAPE, the positioning of the logical result is open to question, since the physical output vector must contain a mix of logical result and padding.

In the first case, of a too-large logical result being crammed into a too-small output VSHAPE, we say that data has expanded. In other words, an expansion operation has caused the output shape to overflow. Symmetrically, in the second case of a small logical result fitting into a roomy output VSHAPE, the data has contracted, and the contraction operation has required the output shape to pad itself with extra zero lanes.

In both cases we can speak of a parameter M which measures the expansion ratio or contraction ratio between the logical result size (in bits) and the bit-size of the actual output shape. When vector shapes are changed, and lane sizes are not, M is just the integral ratio of the output shape to the logical result. (With the possible exception of the maximum shape, all vector sizes are powers of two, and so the ratio M is always an integer. In the hypothetical case of a non-integral ratio, the value M would be rounded up to the next integer, and then the same general considerations would apply.)

If the logical result is larger than the physical output shape, such a shape change must inevitably drop result lanes (all but 1/M of the logical result). If the logical size is smaller than the output, the shape change must introduce zero-filled lanes of padding (all but 1/M of the physical output). The first case, with dropped lanes, is an expansion, while the second, with padding lanes added, is a contraction.

Similarly, consider a lane-wise conversion operation which leaves the shape invariant but changes the lane size by a ratio of M. If the logical result is larger than the output (or input), this conversion must reduce the VLENGTH lanes of the output by M, dropping all but 1/M of the logical result lanes. As before, the dropping of lanes is the hallmark of an expansion. A lane-wise operation which contracts lane size by a ratio of M must increase the VLENGTH by the same factor M, filling the extra lanes with a zero padding value; because padding must be added this is a contraction.

It is also possible (though somewhat confusing) to change both lane size and container size in one operation which performs both lane conversion and reshaping. If this is done, the same rules apply, but the logical result size is the product of the input size times any expansion or contraction ratio from the lane change size.

For completeness, we can also speak of in-place operations for the frequent case when resizing does not occur. With an in-place operation, the data is simply copied from logical output to its physical container with no truncation or padding. The ratio parameter M in this case is unity.

Note that the classification of contraction vs. expansion depends on the relative sizes of the logical result and the physical output container. The size of the input container may be larger or smaller than either of the other two values, without changing the classification. For example, a conversion from a 128-bit shape to a 256-bit shape will be a contraction in many cases, but it would be an expansion if it were combined with a conversion from byte to long, since in that case the logical result would be 1024 bits in size. This example also illustrates that a logical result does not need to correspond to any particular platform-supported vector shape.

Although lane-wise masked operations can be viewed as producing partial operations, they are not classified (in this API) as expansions or contractions. A masked load from an array surely produces a partial vector, but there is no meaningful "logical output vector" that this partial result was contracted from.

Some care is required with these terms, because it is the data, not the container size, that is expanding or contracting, relative to the size of its output container. Thus, resizing a 128-bit input into 512-bit vector has the effect of a contraction. Though the 128 bits of payload hasn't changed in size, we can say it "looks smaller" in its new 512-bit home, and this will capture the practical details of the situation.

If a vector method might expand its data, it accepts an extra int parameter called part, or the "part number". The part number must be in the range [0..M-1], where M is the expansion ratio. The part number selects one of M contiguous disjoint equally-sized blocks of lanes from the logical result and fills the physical output vector with this block of lanes.

Specifically, the lanes selected from the logical result of an expansion are numbered in the range [R..R+L-1], where L is the VLENGTH of the physical output vector, and the origin of the block, R, is part*L.

A similar convention applies to any vector method that might contract its data. Such a method also accepts an extra part number parameter (again called part) which steers the contracted data lanes one of M contiguous disjoint equally-sized blocks of lanes in the physical output vector. The remaining lanes are filled with zero, or as specified by the method.

Specifically, the data is steered into the lanes numbered in the range [R..R+L-1], where L is the VLENGTH of the logical result vector, and the origin of the block, R, is again a multiple of L selected by the part number, specifically |part|*L.

In the case of a contraction, the part number must be in the non-positive range [-M+1..0]. This convention is adopted because some methods can perform both expansions and contractions, in a data-dependent manner, and the extra sign on the part number serves as an error check. If vector method takes a part number and is invoked to perform an in-place operation (neither contracting nor expanding), the part parameter must be exactly zero. Part numbers outside the allowed ranges will elicit an indexing exception. Note that in all cases a zero part number is valid, and corresponds to an operation which preserves as many lanes as possible from the beginning of the logical result, and places them into the beginning of the physical output container. This is often a desirable default, so a part number of zero is safe in all cases and useful in most cases.

The various resizing operations of this API contract or expand their data as follows:

The method partLimit() on VectorSpecies can be used, before any expanding or contracting operation is performed, to query the limiting value on a part parameter for a proposed expansion or contraction. The value returned from partLimit() is positive for expansions, negative for contractions, and zero for in-place operations. Its absolute value is the parameter M, and so it serves as an exclusive limit on valid part number arguments for the relevant methods. Thus, for expansions, the partLimit() value M is the exclusive upper limit for part numbers, while for contractions the partLimit() value -M is the exclusive lower limit.

Moving data across lane boundaries

The cross-lane methods which do not redraw lanes or change species are more regularly structured and easier to reason about. These operations are:

Some vector operations are not lane-wise, but rather move data across lane boundaries. Such operations are typically rare in SIMD code, though they are sometimes necessary for specific algorithms that manipulate data formats at a low level, and/or require SIMD data to move in complex local patterns. (Local movement in a small window of a large array of data is relatively unusual, although some highly patterned algorithms call for it.) In this API such methods are always clearly recognizable, so that simpler lane-wise reasoning can be confidently applied to the rest of the code.

In some cases, vector lane boundaries are discarded and "redrawn from scratch", so that data in a given input lane might appear (in several parts) distributed through several output lanes, or (conversely) data from several input lanes might be consolidated into a single output lane. The fundamental method which can redraw lanes boundaries is reinterpretShape(). Built on top of this method, certain convenience methods such as reinterpretAsBytes() or reinterpretAsInts() will (potentially) redraw lane boundaries, while retaining the same overall vector shape.

Operations which produce or consume a scalar result can be viewed as very simple cross-lane operations. Methods in the reduceLanes() family fold together all lanes (or mask-selected lanes) of a method and return a single result. As an inverse, the broadcast family of methods can be thought of as crossing lanes in the other direction, from a scalar to all lanes of the output vector. Single-lane access methods such as lane(I) or withLane(I,E) might also be regarded as very simple cross-lane operations.

Likewise, a method which moves a non-byte vector to or from a byte array could be viewed as a cross-lane operation, because the vector lanes must be distributed into separate bytes, or (in the other direction) consolidated from array bytes.

Hardware platform dependencies and limitations

The Vector API is to accelerate computations in style of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD), using available hardware resources such as vector hardware registers and vector hardware instructions. The API is designed to make effective use of multiple SIMD hardware platforms.

This API will also work correctly even on Java platforms which do not include specialized hardware support for SIMD computations. The Vector API is not likely to provide any special performance benefit on such platforms.

Currently the implementation is optimized to work best on:

The implementation currently supports masked lane-wise operations in a cross-platform manner by composing the unmasked lane-wise operation with blend as in the expression a.blend(a.lanewise(op, b), m), where a and b are vectors, op is the vector operation, and m is the mask.

The implementation does not currently support optimal vectorized instructions for floating point transcendental functions (such as operators SIN and LOG).

No boxing of primitives

Although a vector type like Vector<Integer> may seem to work with boxed Integer values, the overheads associated with boxing are avoided by having each vector subtype work internally on lane values of the actual ETYPE, such as int.

Value-based classes and identity operations

Vector, along with all of its subtypes and many of its helper types like VectorMask and VectorShuffle, is a value-based class.

Once created, a vector is never mutated, not even if only a single lane is changed. A new vector is always created to hold a new configuration of lane values. The unavailability of mutative methods is a necessary consequence of suppressing the object identity of all vectors, as value-based classes.

With Vector, identity-sensitive operations such as == may yield unpredictable results, or reduced performance. Oddly enough, v.equals(w) is likely to be faster than v==w, since equals is not an identity sensitive method. Also, these objects can be stored in locals and parameters and as static final constants, but storing them in other Java fields or in array elements, while semantically valid, may incur performance penalties.

Implementation Note

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
Vector(Object bits)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public abstract Vector<E>


the absolute value of this vector

Returns the absolute value of this vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of adding this vector to the second input vector
a second input vector

Adds this vector to a second input vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of adding this vector to the given vector
the second input vector
the mask controlling lane selection

Adds this vector to a second input vector, selecting lanes under the control of a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of incrementing each lane element by its corresponding lane index N, scaled by scale
the number to multiply by each lane index N, typically 1

Adds the lanes of this vector to their corresponding lane numbers, scaled by a given constant.

public abstract int


the total size, in bits, of this vector

Returns the total size, in bits, of this vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of blending the lane elements of this vector with those of the second input vector
the second input vector, containing replacement lane values
the mask controlling lane selection from the second input vector

Replaces selected lanes of this vector with corresponding lanes from a second input vector under the control of a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of blending the lane elements of this vector with the scalar value
the input scalar, containing the replacement lane value
the mask controlling lane selection of the scalar

Replaces selected lanes of this vector with a scalar value under the control of a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


a vector where all lane elements are set to the primitive value e
the value to broadcast

Returns a vector of the same species as this one where all lane elements are set to the primitive value e.

public abstract int


the total size, in bytes, of this vector

Returns the total size, in bytes, of this vector.

public abstract <
the boxed element type of the output species


a vector converted by element type from this vector
the desired output species
the part number of the result, or zero if neither expanding nor contracting

Convenience method for converting a vector from one lane type to another, reshaping as needed when lane sizes change.

public abstract <
the boxed element type of the required lane type


the same vector
the required lane type

Checks that this vector has the given element type, and returns this vector unchanged.

public abstract <
the boxed element type of the required species


the same vector
the required species

Checks that this vector has the given species, and returns this vector unchanged.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing lane-wise if this vector compares to the input, according to the selected comparison operator
the operation used to compare lane values
a second input vector

Tests this vector by comparing it with another input vector, according to the given comparison operation.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing lane-wise if this vector compares to the input, according to the selected comparison operator, and only in the lanes selected by the mask
the operation used to compare lane values
a second input vector
the mask controlling lane selection

Tests this vector by comparing it with another input vector, according to the given comparison operation, in lanes selected by a mask.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing lane-wise if this vector compares to the input, according to the selected comparison operator
the operation used to compare lane values
the input scalar

Tests this vector by comparing it with an input scalar, according to the given comparison operation.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing lane-wise if this vector compares to the input, according to the selected comparison operator, and only in the lanes selected by the mask
the operation used to compare lane values
the input scalar
the mask controlling lane selection

Tests this vector by comparing it with an input scalar, according to the given comparison operation, in lanes selected by a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the compressed lane elements of this vector
the mask controlling the compression

Compresses the lane elements of this vector selecting lanes under the control of a specific mask.

public abstract <
the boxed element type of the species


a vector converted by shape and element type from this vector
(VectorOperators.Conversion<E, F>
the desired scalar conversion to apply lane-wise
the part number of the result, or zero if neither expanding nor contracting

Convert this vector to a vector of the same shape and a new element type, converting lane values from the current ETYPE to a new lane type (called FTYPE here) according to the indicated conversion.

public abstract <
the boxed element type of the output species


a vector converted by element type from this vector
(VectorOperators.Conversion<E, F>
the desired scalar conversion to apply lane-wise
the desired output species
the part number of the result, or zero if neither expanding nor contracting

Converts this vector to a vector of the given species, shape and element type, converting lane values from the current ETYPE to a new lane type (called FTYPE here) according to the indicated conversion.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of dividing this vector by the second input vector
a second input vector

Divides this vector by a second input vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of dividing this vector by the second input vector
a second input vector
the mask controlling lane selection

Divides this vector by a second input vector under the control of a mask.

public abstract int


the lane size, in bits, of this vector

Returns the size of each lane, in bits, of this vector.

public abstract Class<E>


the primitive element type of this vector

Returns the primitive element type (ETYPE) of this vector.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing lane-wise if this vector equal to the second input vector
a second input vector

Tests if this vector is equal to another input vector.

public abstract boolean


whether this vector is identical to some other object
the reference object with which to compare.

Overrides java.lang.Object.equals.

Indicates whether this vector is identical to some other object.

public abstract Vector<E>


the expanded lane elements of this vector
the mask controlling the compression

Expands the lane elements of this vector under the control of a specific mask.

public abstract int


a hash code value for this vector

Overrides java.lang.Object.hashCode.

Returns a hash code value for the vector.

public abstract void
the memory segment
the offset into the memory segment
the intended byte order

Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order.

public abstract void
the memory segment
the offset into the memory segment
the intended byte order
the mask controlling lane selection

Stores this vector into a memory segment starting at an offset using explicit byte order and a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the input vector
the operation used to process lane values

Operates on the lane values of this vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the input vector
the operation used to process lane values
the mask controlling lane selection

Operates on the lane values of this vector, with selection of lane elements controlled by a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the two input vectors
the operation used to combine lane values
the input vector

Combines the corresponding lane values of this vector with those of a second input vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the two input vectors
the operation used to combine lane values
the second input vector
the mask controlling lane selection

Combines the corresponding lane values of this vector with those of a second input vector, with selection of lane elements controlled by a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the input vector and the scalar
the operation used to combine lane values
the input scalar

Combines the lane values of this vector with the value of a broadcast scalar.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the input vector and the scalar
the operation used to combine lane values
the input scalar
the mask controlling lane selection

Combines the corresponding lane values of this vector with those of a second input vector, with selection of lane elements controlled by a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the three input vectors
the operation used to combine lane values
the second input vector
the third input vector

Combines the corresponding lane values of this vector with the lanes of a second and a third input vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of applying the operation lane-wise to the three input vectors
the operation used to combine lane values
the second input vector
the third input vector
the mask controlling lane selection

Combines the corresponding lane values of this vector with the lanes of a second and a third input vector, with selection of lane elements controlled by a mask.

public abstract int


the lane count

Returns the lane count, or vector length (VLENGTH).

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing lane-wise if this vector is less than the second input vector
a second input vector

Tests if this vector is less than another input vector.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


a mask where each lane is set or unset according to the given bit
the given mask bit to be replicated

Returns a mask of same species as this vector, where each lane is set or unset according to given single boolean, which is broadcast to all lanes.

public abstract Vector<E>


the lanewise maximum of this vector and the second input vector
a second input vector

Computes the larger of this vector and a second input vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the lanewise minimum of this vector and the second input vector
a second input vector

Computes the smaller of this vector and a second input vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of multiplying this vector by the second input vector
a second input vector

Multiplies this vector by a second input vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of multiplying this vector by the given vector
the second input vector
the mask controlling lane selection

Multiplies this vector by a second input vector under the control of a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the negation of this vector

Negates this vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the rearrangement of the lane elements of this vector
the shuffle controlling lane index selection

Rearranges the lane elements of this vector, selecting lanes under the control of a specific shuffle.

public abstract Vector<E>


the rearrangement of the lane elements of this vector
the shuffle controlling lane index selection
the mask controlling application of the shuffle

Rearranges the lane elements of this vector, selecting lanes under the control of a specific shuffle and a mask.

public abstract Vector<E>


the rearrangement of lane elements of this vector and a second input vector
the shuffle controlling lane selection from both input vectors
the second input vector

Rearranges the lane elements of two vectors, selecting lanes under the control of a specific shuffle, using both normal and exceptional indexes in the shuffle to steer data.

public abstract long


the accumulated result, cast to long
the operation used to combine lane values

Returns a value accumulated from all the lanes of this vector.

public abstract long


the reduced result accumulated from the selected lane values
the operation used to combine lane values
the mask controlling lane selection

Returns a value accumulated from selected lanes of this vector, controlled by a mask.

public abstract ByteVector


a ByteVector with the same shape and information content

Views this vector as a vector of the same shape and contents but a lane type of byte, where the bytes are extracted from the lanes according to little-endian order.

public abstract DoubleVector


a DoubleVector with the same shape and information content

Reinterprets this vector as a vector of the same shape and contents but a lane type of double, where the lanes are assembled from successive bytes according to little-endian order.

public abstract FloatVector


a FloatVector with the same shape and information content

Reinterprets this vector as a vector of the same shape and contents but a lane type of float, where the lanes are assembled from successive bytes according to little-endian order.

public abstract IntVector


a IntVector with the same shape and information content

Reinterprets this vector as a vector of the same shape and contents but a lane type of int, where the lanes are assembled from successive bytes according to little-endian order.

public abstract LongVector


a LongVector with the same shape and information content

Reinterprets this vector as a vector of the same shape and contents but a lane type of long, where the lanes are assembled from successive bytes according to little-endian order.

public abstract ShortVector


a ShortVector with the same shape and information content

Reinterprets this vector as a vector of the same shape and contents but a lane type of short, where the lanes are assembled from successive bytes according to little-endian order.

public abstract <
the boxed element type of the species


a vector transformed, by shape and element type, from this vector
the desired vector species
the part number of the result, or zero if neither expanding nor contracting

Transforms this vector to a vector of the given species of element type F, reinterpreting the bytes of this vector without performing any value conversions.

public abstract Vector<E>


the rearrangement of the lane elements of v
the vector supplying the result values

Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector v.

public abstract Vector<E>


the rearrangement of the lane elements of v
the vector supplying the result values
the mask controlling selection from v

Using index values stored in the lanes of this vector, assemble values stored in second vector, under the control of a mask.

public abstract VectorShape


the shape of this vector

Returns the shape of this vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


a contiguous slice of VLENGTH lanes, taken from this vector starting at the indicated origin, and continuing (as needed) into the second vector
the first input lane to transfer into the slice
a second vector logically concatenated with the first, before the slice is taken (if omitted it defaults to zero)

Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given origin lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


a contiguous slice of VLENGTH lanes, taken from this vector starting at the indicated origin, and continuing (as needed) into the second vector
the first input lane to transfer into the slice
a second vector logically concatenated with the first, before the slice is taken (if omitted it defaults to zero)
the mask controlling lane selection into the resulting vector

Slices a segment of adjacent lanes under the control of a mask, starting at a given origin lane in the current vector, and continuing (as needed) into an immediately following vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the last VLENGTH-origin input lanes, placed starting in the first lane of the output, padded at the end with zeroes
the first input lane to transfer into the slice

Slices a segment of adjacent lanes, starting at a given origin lane in the current vector.

public abstract VectorSpecies<E>


the species of this vector

Returns the species of this vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of subtracting the second input vector from this vector
a second input vector

Subtracts a second input vector from this vector.

public abstract Vector<E>


the result of subtracting the second input vector from this vector
the second input vector
the mask controlling lane selection

Subtracts a second input vector from this vector under the control of a mask.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing the lanes of this vector, according to the selected test operator
the operation used to test lane values

Tests the lanes of this vector according to the given operation.

public abstract VectorMask<E>


the mask result of testing the lanes of this vector, according to the selected test operator, and only in the lanes selected by the mask
the operation used to test lane values
the mask controlling lane selection

Test selected lanes of this vector, according to the given operation.

public abstract Object


an accurately typed array containing the lane values of this vector

Returns a packed array containing all the lane values.

public abstract double[]


a double[] array containing the lane values of this vector, possibly rounded to representable double values

Returns a double[] array containing all the lane values, converted to the type double.

public abstract int[]


an int[] array containing the lane values of this vector

Returns an int[] array containing all the lane values, converted to the type int.

public abstract long[]


a long[] array containing the lane values of this vector

Returns a long[] array containing all the lane values, converted to the type long.

public abstract VectorShuffle<E>


a shuffle representation of this vector

Converts this vector into a shuffle, converting the lane values to int and regarding them as source indexes.

public abstract String


a string of the form "[0,1,2...]" reporting the lane values of this vector

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of this vector, of the form "[0,1,2...]", reporting the lane values of this vector, in lane order.

public abstract Vector<E>


either the first or second part of a pair of background vectors w, updated by inserting this vector at the indicated origin
the first output lane to receive the slice
the background vector that (as two copies) will receive the inserted slice
the part number of the result (either zero or one)

Reverses a slice(), inserting the current vector as a slice within another "background" input vector, which is regarded as one or the other input to a hypothetical subsequent slice() operation.

public abstract Vector<E>


either the first or second part of a pair of background vectors w, updated by inserting selected lanes of this vector at the indicated origin
the first output lane to receive the slice
the background vector that (as two copies) will receive the inserted slice, if they are set in m
the part number of the result (either zero or one)
the mask controlling lane selection from the current vector

Reverses a slice(), inserting (under the control of a mask) the current vector as a slice within another "background" input vector, which is regarded as one or the other input to a hypothetical subsequent slice() operation.

public abstract Vector<E>


the first VLENGTH-origin input lanes, placed starting at the given origin, padded at the beginning with zeroes
the first output lane to receive the slice

Reverses a slice(), inserting the current vector as a slice within a "background" input of zero lane values.

public abstract Vector<?>


the original vector, reinterpreted as floating point

Views this vector as a vector of the same shape, length, and contents, but a lane type that is a floating-point type.

public abstract Vector<?>


the original vector, reinterpreted as non-floating point

Views this vector as a vector of the same shape, length, and contents, but a lane type that is not a floating-point type.