Top Inners Constructors Methods

public abstract sealed Class AbstractPseudoInstruction

extends AbstractElement
implements PseudoInstruction
permits ExceptionCatchImpl, UnboundCharacterRange, AbstractLocalPseudo
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
java.lang.classfile.PseudoInstruction, java.lang.classfile.CodeElement, java.lang.classfile.ClassFileElement
Known Direct Subclasses
jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.ExceptionCatchImpl, jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.UnboundCharacterRange, jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.AbstractLocalPseudo
java.util.Optional, java.lang.classfile.BufWriter, .Label, .PseudoInstruction, java.lang.classfile.constantpool.ClassEntry, .Utf8Entry, java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange, .ExceptionCatch, .LocalVariable, .LocalVariableType

Nested and Inner Type Summary

Modifier and TypeClass and Description
private abstract static class
public static class
public static class
public static class
public static class

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public abstract void
Inherited from jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractElement:

Constructor Detail

AbstractPseudoInstructionback to summary
public AbstractPseudoInstruction()

Method Detail

writeToback to summary
public abstract void writeTo(DirectCodeBuilder writer)

Overrides jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractElement.writeTo.

jdk.internal.classfile.impl back to summary

private abstract sealed Class AbstractPseudoInstruction.AbstractLocalPseudo

extends AbstractPseudoInstruction
permits UnboundLocalVariable, UnboundLocalVariableType
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.UnboundLocalVariable, jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.UnboundLocalVariableType

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
protected final Utf8Entry
protected final Label
protected final Utf8Entry
protected final int
protected final Label

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
AbstractLocalPseudo(int slot, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry descriptor, Label startScope, Label endScope)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public Label
public Utf8Entry

public String
public int

public Label
public boolean
Inherited from jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction:

Field Detail

descriptorback to summary
protected final Utf8Entry descriptor
endScopeback to summary
protected final Label endScope
nameback to summary
protected final Utf8Entry name
slotback to summary
protected final int slot
startScopeback to summary
protected final Label startScope

Constructor Detail

AbstractLocalPseudoback to summary
public AbstractLocalPseudo(int slot, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry descriptor, Label startScope, Label endScope)

Method Detail

endScopeback to summary
public Label endScope()
nameback to summary
public Utf8Entry name()
nameStringback to summary
public String nameString()
slotback to summary
public int slot()
startScopeback to summary
public Label startScope()
writeToback to summary
public boolean writeTo(BufWriter b)
jdk.internal.classfile.impl back to summary

public final Class AbstractPseudoInstruction.ExceptionCatchImpl

extends AbstractPseudoInstruction
implements ExceptionCatch
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch, java.lang.classfile.PseudoInstruction, java.lang.classfile.CodeElement, java.lang.classfile.ClassFileElement

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public final ClassEntry
public final Label
public final Label
public final Label

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
ExceptionCatchImpl(Label handler, Label tryStart, Label tryEnd, ClassEntry catchTypeEntry)

ExceptionCatchImpl(Label handler, Label tryStart, Label tryEnd, Optional<ClassEntry> catchTypeEntry)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public Optional<ClassEntry>

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.catchType.

Returns the type of the exception to catch, or empty if this handler is unconditional.

pack-priv ClassEntry
public Label

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.handler.

Returns the handler for the exception.

public String

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object.

public Label

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.tryEnd.

Returns the end of the instruction range for the guarded instructions.

public Label

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.tryStart.

Returns the beginning of the instruction range for the guarded instructions.

public void

Field Detail

catchTypeEntryback to summary
public final ClassEntry catchTypeEntry
handlerback to summary
public final Label handler
tryEndback to summary
public final Label tryEnd
tryStartback to summary
public final Label tryStart

Constructor Detail

ExceptionCatchImplback to summary
public ExceptionCatchImpl(Label handler, Label tryStart, Label tryEnd, ClassEntry catchTypeEntry)
ExceptionCatchImplback to summary
public ExceptionCatchImpl(Label handler, Label tryStart, Label tryEnd, Optional<ClassEntry> catchTypeEntry)

Method Detail

catchTypeback to summary
public Optional<ClassEntry> catchType()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.catchType.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.catchType.

Returns the type of the exception to catch, or empty if this handler is unconditional.


the type of the exception to catch, or empty if this handler is unconditional

catchTypeEntryback to summary
pack-priv ClassEntry catchTypeEntry()
handlerback to summary
public Label handler()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.handler.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.handler.

Returns the handler for the exception.


the handler for the exception

toStringback to summary
public String toString()

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Doc from java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object. Satisfying this method's contract implies a non-null result must be returned.


a string representation of the object

tryEndback to summary
public Label tryEnd()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.tryEnd.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.tryEnd.

Returns the end of the instruction range for the guarded instructions.


the end of the instruction range for the guarded instructions

tryStartback to summary
public Label tryStart()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.tryStart.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.ExceptionCatch.tryStart.

Returns the beginning of the instruction range for the guarded instructions.


the beginning of the instruction range for the guarded instructions

writeToback to summary
public void writeTo(DirectCodeBuilder writer)

Implements abstract jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.writeTo.

jdk.internal.classfile.impl back to summary

public final Class AbstractPseudoInstruction.UnboundCharacterRange

extends AbstractPseudoInstruction
implements CharacterRange
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange, java.lang.classfile.PseudoInstruction, java.lang.classfile.CodeElement, java.lang.classfile.ClassFileElement

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public final int
public final int
public final Label
public final int
public final Label

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
UnboundCharacterRange(Label startScope, Label endScope, int characterRangeStart, int characterRangeEnd, int flags)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public int

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.characterRangeEnd.

Returns the encoded end of the character range region (exclusive).

public int

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.characterRangeStart.

Returns the encoded start of the character range region (inclusive).

public Label

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.endScope.

Returns the end of the instruction range.

public int

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.flags.

A flags word, indicating the kind of range.

public Label

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.startScope.

Returns the start of the instruction range.

public void

Field Detail

characterRangeEndback to summary
public final int characterRangeEnd
characterRangeStartback to summary
public final int characterRangeStart
endScopeback to summary
public final Label endScope
flagsback to summary
public final int flags
startScopeback to summary
public final Label startScope

Constructor Detail

UnboundCharacterRangeback to summary
public UnboundCharacterRange(Label startScope, Label endScope, int characterRangeStart, int characterRangeEnd, int flags)

Method Detail

characterRangeEndback to summary
public int characterRangeEnd()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.characterRangeEnd.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.characterRangeEnd.

Returns the encoded end of the character range region (exclusive). . The value is constructed from the line_number/column_number pair as given by line_number << 10 + column_number, where the source file is viewed as an array of (possibly multi-byte) characters.


the encoded end of the character range region (exclusive)

characterRangeStartback to summary
public int characterRangeStart()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.characterRangeStart.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.characterRangeStart.

Returns the encoded start of the character range region (inclusive). The value is constructed from the line_number/column_number pair as given by line_number << 10 + column_number, where the source file is viewed as an array of (possibly multi-byte) characters.


the encoded start of the character range region (inclusive)

endScopeback to summary
public Label endScope()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.endScope.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.endScope.

Returns the end of the instruction range.


the end of the instruction range

flagsback to summary
public int flags()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.flags.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.flags.

A flags word, indicating the kind of range. Multiple flag bits may be set. Valid flags include:


the flags

startScopeback to summary
public Label startScope()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.startScope.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.CharacterRange.startScope.

Returns the start of the instruction range.


the start of the instruction range

writeToback to summary
public void writeTo(DirectCodeBuilder writer)

Implements abstract jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.writeTo.

jdk.internal.classfile.impl back to summary

public final Class AbstractPseudoInstruction.UnboundLocalVariable

extends AbstractLocalPseudo
implements LocalVariable
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariable, java.lang.classfile.PseudoInstruction, java.lang.classfile.CodeElement, java.lang.classfile.ClassFileElement

Field Summary

Inherited from jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.AbstractLocalPseudo:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
UnboundLocalVariable(int slot, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry descriptor, Label startScope, Label endScope)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public String

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object.

public Utf8Entry

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariable.type.

Returns the local variable field descriptor.

public void
Inherited from jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.AbstractLocalPseudo:

Constructor Detail

UnboundLocalVariableback to summary
public UnboundLocalVariable(int slot, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry descriptor, Label startScope, Label endScope)

Method Detail

toStringback to summary
public String toString()

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Doc from java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object. Satisfying this method's contract implies a non-null result must be returned.


a string representation of the object

typeback to summary
public Utf8Entry type()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariable.type.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariable.type.

Returns the local variable field descriptor.


the local variable field descriptor

writeToback to summary
public void writeTo(DirectCodeBuilder writer)

Implements abstract jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.writeTo.

jdk.internal.classfile.impl back to summary

public final Class AbstractPseudoInstruction.UnboundLocalVariableType

extends AbstractLocalPseudo
implements LocalVariableType
Class Inheritance
All Implemented Interfaces
java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableType, java.lang.classfile.PseudoInstruction, java.lang.classfile.CodeElement, java.lang.classfile.ClassFileElement

Field Summary

Inherited from jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.AbstractLocalPseudo:

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
UnboundLocalVariableType(int slot, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry signature, Label startScope, Label endScope)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public Utf8Entry

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableType.signature.

Returns the local variable signature.

public String

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object.

public void
Inherited from jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.AbstractLocalPseudo:

Constructor Detail

UnboundLocalVariableTypeback to summary
public UnboundLocalVariableType(int slot, Utf8Entry name, Utf8Entry signature, Label startScope, Label endScope)

Method Detail

signatureback to summary
public Utf8Entry signature()

Implements java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableType.signature.

Doc from java.lang.classfile.instruction.LocalVariableType.signature.

Returns the local variable signature.


the local variable signature

toStringback to summary
public String toString()

Overrides java.lang.Object.toString.

Doc from java.lang.Object.toString.

Returns a string representation of the object. Satisfying this method's contract implies a non-null result must be returned.


a string representation of the object

writeToback to summary
public void writeTo(DirectCodeBuilder writer)

Implements abstract jdk.internal.classfile.impl.AbstractPseudoInstruction.writeTo.
