is an interface representing a
string of characters that supports the replacement of a range of
itself with a new string of characters. It is used by APIs that
change a piece of text while retaining metadata. Metadata is data
other than the Unicode characters returned by char32At(). One
example of metadata is style attributes; another is an edit
history, marking each character with an author and revision number.
An implicit aspect of the Replaceable
API is that
during a replace operation, new characters take on the metadata of
the old characters. For example, if the string "the bold
font" has range (4, 8) replaced with "strong", then it becomes "the
strong font".
specifies ranges using a start
offset and a limit offset. The range of characters thus specified
includes the characters at offset start..limit-1. That is, the
start offset is inclusive, and the limit offset is exclusive.
also includes API to access characters
in the string: length()
, charAt()
, and extractBetween()
For a subclass to support metadata, typical behavior of
is the following:
Copyright © IBM Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public char | Returns: 16-bit code unit of text at given offsetan integer between 0 and offset)length() -1
inclusiveReturns the 16-bit code unit at the given offset into the text. |
public void | getChars(int
the beginning index to copy, inclusive;
srcStart, int 0 <= start <= limit .the ending index to copy, exclusive;
srcLimit, char[] start <= limit <= length() .the destination array. dst, int the start offset in the destination array. dstStart)Copies characters from this object into the destination character array. |
public int | Returns: number of 16-bit code units in textReturns the number of 16-bit code units in the text. |
charAt | back to summary |
public char charAt(int offset) Returns the 16-bit code unit at the given offset into the text.
getChars | back to summary |
public void getChars(int srcStart, int srcLimit, char[] dst, int dstStart) Copies characters from this object into the destination
character array. The first character to be copied is at index
length | back to summary |
public int length() Returns the number of 16-bit code units in the text.