Top Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv abstract Class SystemImage

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
Imports,, .URL, java.nio.file.Files, .FileSystem, .FileSystems, .FileSystemNotFoundException, .Path, .Paths,, .CodeSource, .PrivilegedAction, jdk.internal.jimage.ImageReader, .ImageReader.Node

Implementation Note

This class needs to maintain JDK 8 source compatibility. It is used internally in the JDK to implement jimage/jrtfs access, but also compiled and delivered as part of the jrtfs.jar to support access to the jimage file provided by the shipped JDK by tools running on JDK 8.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
pack-priv static final Path
pack-priv static final Path
pack-priv static final boolean
pack-priv static final String

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
pack-priv abstract void
private static String

Returns the appropriate JDK home for this usage of the FileSystemProvider.

pack-priv abstract ImageReader.Node
pack-priv abstract byte[]
pack-priv static SystemImage

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

explodedModulesDirback to summary
pack-priv static final Path explodedModulesDir
moduleImageFileback to summary
pack-priv static final Path moduleImageFile
modulesImageExistsback to summary
pack-priv static final boolean modulesImageExists
RUNTIME_HOMEback to summary
pack-priv static final String RUNTIME_HOME

Constructor Detail

SystemImageback to summary
pack-priv SystemImage()

Method Detail

closeback to summary
pack-priv abstract void close() throws IOException
findHomeback to summary
private static String findHome()

Returns the appropriate JDK home for this usage of the FileSystemProvider. When the CodeSource is null (null loader) then jrt:/ is the current runtime, otherwise the JDK home is located relative to jrt-fs.jar.

findNodeback to summary
pack-priv abstract ImageReader.Node findNode(String path) throws IOException
getResourceback to summary
pack-priv abstract byte[] getResource(ImageReader.Node node) throws IOException
openback to summary
pack-priv static SystemImage open() throws IOException