Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public Class FloatConsts

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Static Imports
java.lang.Float.MIN_EXPONENT, .Float.PRECISION, .Float.SIZE

This class contains additional constants documenting limits of the float type.
Joseph D. Darcy

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public static final int

Bias used in representing a float exponent.

public static final int

Bit mask to isolate the exponent field of a float.

public static final int

Bit mask to isolate the magnitude bits (combined exponent and significand fields) of a float.

public static final int

The exponent the smallest positive float subnormal value would have if it could be normalized.

public static final int

Bit mask to isolate the sign bit of a float.

public static final int

Bit mask to isolate the significand field of a float.

public static final int

The number of logical bits in the significand of a float number, including the implicit bit.

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Don't let anyone instantiate this class.

Method Summary

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

EXP_BIASback to summary
public static final int EXP_BIAS

Bias used in representing a float exponent.

EXP_BIT_MASKback to summary
public static final int EXP_BIT_MASK

Bit mask to isolate the exponent field of a float.

MAG_BIT_MASKback to summary
public static final int MAG_BIT_MASK

Bit mask to isolate the magnitude bits (combined exponent and significand fields) of a float.

MIN_SUB_EXPONENTback to summary
public static final int MIN_SUB_EXPONENT

The exponent the smallest positive float subnormal value would have if it could be normalized.

SIGN_BIT_MASKback to summary
public static final int SIGN_BIT_MASK

Bit mask to isolate the sign bit of a float.

SIGNIF_BIT_MASKback to summary
public static final int SIGNIF_BIT_MASK

Bit mask to isolate the significand field of a float.

SIGNIFICAND_WIDTHback to summary
public static final int SIGNIFICAND_WIDTH

The number of logical bits in the significand of a float number, including the implicit bit.

Constructor Detail

FloatConstsback to summary
private FloatConsts()

Don't let anyone instantiate this class.