Top Constructors Methods

public Class LinkScanner

extends Object
Class Inheritance

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private static boolean
isEscapable(char c)

public static boolean
scanLinkDestination(Scanner scanner)

Attempt to scan a link destination, stopping after the destination or returning false.

private static boolean
public static boolean
scanLinkLabelContent(Scanner scanner)

Attempt to scan the contents of a link label (inside the brackets), stopping after the content or returning false.

public static boolean
public static boolean
scanLinkTitleContent(Scanner scanner, char endDelimiter)

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Constructor Detail

LinkScannerback to summary
public LinkScanner()

Method Detail

isEscapableback to summary
private static boolean isEscapable(char c)
scanLinkDestinationback to summary
public static boolean scanLinkDestination(Scanner scanner)

Attempt to scan a link destination, stopping after the destination or returning false.

scanLinkDestinationWithBalancedParensback to summary
private static boolean scanLinkDestinationWithBalancedParens(Scanner scanner)
scanLinkLabelContentback to summary
public static boolean scanLinkLabelContent(Scanner scanner)

Attempt to scan the contents of a link label (inside the brackets), stopping after the content or returning false. The stopped position can bei either the closing ], or the end of the line if the label continues on the next line.

scanLinkTitleback to summary
public static boolean scanLinkTitle(Scanner scanner)
scanLinkTitleContentback to summary
public static boolean scanLinkTitleContent(Scanner scanner, char endDelimiter)