Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public Class Link

extends Node
Class Inheritance

A link with a destination and an optional title; the link text is in child nodes.

Example for an inline link in a CommonMark document:

[link](/uri "title")

The corresponding Link node would look like this:

Note that the text in the link can contain inline formatting, so it could also contain an Image or Emphasis, etc.

See Also
CommonMark Spec for links

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private String
private String

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public void
public String
public String
public void
setDestination(String destination)

public void
protected String
Inherited from

Field Detail

destinationback to summary
private String destination
titleback to summary
private String title

Constructor Detail

Method Detail

acceptback to summary
public void accept(Visitor visitor)

Implements abstract

getDestinationback to summary
public String getDestination()
getTitleback to summary
public String getTitle()
setDestinationback to summary
public void setDestination(String destination)
setTitleback to summary
public void setTitle(String title)
toStringAttributesback to summary
protected String toStringAttributes()

