Top Annotations
module java.base

Package jdk.internal.vm.annotation

Annotation Summary

Modifier and TypeAnnotation and Description
public @interface

A method or constructor must be annotated as "changes current thread" if it calls Thread.setCurrentThread.

public @interface

An annotation expressing that objects and/or their fields are expected to encounter memory contention, generally in the form of "false sharing".

public @interface

A method or constructor may be annotated as "don't inline" if the inlining of this method should not be performed by the HotSpot VM.

public @interface

A method or constructor may be annotated as "force inline" if the standard inlining metrics are to be ignored when the HotSpot VM inlines the method or constructor.

public @interface

A method or constructor may be annotated as "hidden" to hint it is desirable to omit it from stack traces.

public @interface

The @IntrinsicCandidate annotation is specific to the HotSpot Virtual Machine.

public @interface

A method is annotated as "jvmti mount transition" if it starts or ends virtual thread mount state transition (VTMS transition).

public @interface

An annotation expressing that a method is especially sensitive to stack overflows.

public @interface

A field may be annotated as stable if all of its component variables changes value at most once.