Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class FieldBuilder

extends Object
Class Inheritance
java.time.Duration, .Instant, java.util.ArrayDeque, .ArrayList, .HashMap, .HashSet, .List, .Map, .Set, java.util.function.Function, .Predicate, jdk.jfr.DataAmount, .EventType, .Frequency, .MemoryAddress, .Percentage, .Timespan, .Timestamp, .ValueDescriptor, jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedClass, .RecordedClassLoader, .RecordedEvent, .RecordedFrame, .RecordedStackTrace

This is a helper class to QueryResolver. It handles the creation of fields and their default configuration.

The class applies heuristics to decide how values should be formatted, and labeled.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private final ValueDescriptor
private final List<EventType>
private final Field
private final String
private static final Set<String>

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
FieldBuilder(List<EventType> eventTypes, FilteredType type, String fieldName)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public List<Field>
public static void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private boolean
private void
private void
private void
private void
private Map<Long, String>
private static Set<String>
public static List<Field>
private static List<Field>
private boolean
private static boolean
private static String
makeLabel(ValueDescriptor v, boolean hasDuration)

private static Function<RecordedEvent, Object>
Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

descriptorback to summary
private final ValueDescriptor descriptor
eventTypesback to summary
private final List<EventType> eventTypes
fieldback to summary
private final Field field
fieldNameback to summary
private final String fieldName
KNOWN_TYPESback to summary
private static final Set<String> KNOWN_TYPES

Constructor Detail

FieldBuilderback to summary
public FieldBuilder(List<EventType> eventTypes, FilteredType type, String fieldName)

Method Detail

buildback to summary
public List<Field> build()
configureAggregatorback to summary
public static void configureAggregator(Field field)
configureCustomFrameback to summary
private void configureCustomFrame(Predicate<RecordedFrame> condition)
configureDataAmountback to summary
private void configureDataAmount()
configureEventTypeback to summary
private void configureEventType(Function<RecordedEvent, Object> retriever)
configureEventTypeIdFieldback to summary
private void configureEventTypeIdField()
configureFrequencyback to summary
private void configureFrequency()
configureKnownTypeback to summary
private void configureKnownType()
configureMemoryAddressback to summary
private void configureMemoryAddress()
configureNotInitFrameFieldback to summary
private void configureNotInitFrameField()
configureNumericTypesback to summary
private void configureNumericTypes()
configurePercentageback to summary
private void configurePercentage()
configureSyntheticFieldsback to summary
private boolean configureSyntheticFields()
configureTimeback to summary
private void configureTime()
configureTopApplicationFrameFieldback to summary
private void configureTopApplicationFrameField()
configureTopFrameClassFieldback to summary
private void configureTopFrameClassField()
configureTopFrameFieldback to summary
private void configureTopFrameField()
createEventTypeLookupback to summary
private Map<Long, String> createEventTypeLookup()
createKnownTypesback to summary
private static Set<String> createKnownTypes()
createWildcardFieldsback to summary
public static List<Field> createWildcardFields(List<EventType> eventTypes, List<FilteredType> types)
createWildcardFieldsback to summary
private static List<Field> createWildcardFields(List<EventType> eventTypes, FilteredType type)
hasDurationback to summary
private boolean hasDuration()
hasDurationback to summary
private static boolean hasDuration(FilteredType type)
makeLabelback to summary
private static String makeLabel(ValueDescriptor v, boolean hasDuration)
valueGetterback to summary
private static Function<RecordedEvent, Object> valueGetter(String name)