Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class TableRenderer

extends Object
Class Inheritance
Static Imports
jdk.jfr.internal.query.Configuration.MAX_PREFERRED_WIDTH, .Configuration.MIN_PREFERRED_WIDTH, .Configuration.PREFERRED_WIDTH

Class responsible for printing and formatting the contents of a table.

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private final Configuration
private final Output
private int
private final Query
private final Table
private final List<TableCell>
private int

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
TableRenderer(Configuration configuration, Table table, Query query)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private double[]
private TableCell
private List<TableCell>
private int
private void
private String
private void
public long
private boolean
private boolean
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
private void
public void
private void
setCellContent(TableCell cell, Row row, int columnIndex)

private void
private void
setMultiline(TableCell cell, Collection<?> objects)

private void
private void
private void
private boolean
Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Field Detail

configurationback to summary
private final Configuration configuration
outback to summary
private final Output out
preferredWidthback to summary
private int preferredWidth
queryback to summary
private final Query query
tableback to summary
private final Table table
tableCellsback to summary
private final List<TableCell> tableCells
widthback to summary
private int width

Constructor Detail

TableRendererback to summary
public TableRenderer(Configuration configuration, Table table, Query query)

Method Detail

calculateNormalizationback to summary
private double[] calculateNormalization()
createTableCellback to summary
private TableCell createTableCell(Field field)
createTableCellsback to summary
private List<TableCell> createTableCells(Table table)
determineTableWidthback to summary
private int determineTableWidth()
distributeback to summary
private void distribute(Predicate<TableCell> condition)
fieldNameback to summary
private String fieldName(Field field)
formatRowback to summary
private void formatRow()
getWidthback to summary
public long getWidth()
isEmptyback to summary
private boolean isEmpty()
isExperimentalback to summary
private boolean isExperimental()
printHeaderRowback to summary
private void printHeaderRow()
printHeaderRowSeparatorsback to summary
private void printHeaderRowSeparators()
printRowback to summary
private void printRow(Function<TableCell, String> action)
printRowback to summary
private void printRow()
printRowsback to summary
private void printRows()
printTitleback to summary
private void printTitle()
renderback to summary
public void render()
setCellContentback to summary
private void setCellContent(TableCell cell, Row row, int columnIndex)
setColumnWidthsback to summary
private void setColumnWidths()
setMultilineback to summary
private void setMultiline(TableCell cell, Collection<?> objects)
setPreferredHeaderWidthsback to summary
private void setPreferredHeaderWidths()
setRowWidthsback to summary
private void setRowWidths()
sortRowsback to summary
private void sortRows()
tooManyColumnsback to summary
private boolean tooManyColumns()