Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public ByteOrder | |
public boolean | Returns: The module data or null if not found.The module data to check existence for. data)Check if the ResourcePool contains the given ResourcePoolEntry. |
public Stream | Returns: The stream of ResourcePoolEntries.Get all ResourcePoolEntry contained in this ResourcePool instance. |
public int | Returns: the entry count.Return the number of ResourcePoolEntry count in this ResourcePool. |
public Optional | |
public Optional | Returns: A ModuleEntry instance or null if the data is not foundA data path path, ResourcePoolEntry A context of the search context)Get the ModuleEntry for the passed path restricted to supplied context. |
public boolean | Returns: True, no content, false otherwise.Check if the ResourcePool contains some content at all. |
public ResourcePoolModuleView | Returns: a module based view of this resource pool.Return the module view of this resource pool. |
public default void | transformAndCopy(Function<ResourcePoolEntry, ResourcePoolEntry>
The function called for each ResourcePoolEntry found in the
ResourcePool. The transform function should return a ResourcePoolEntry
instance which will be added to the output or it should return null if
the passed ResourcePoolEntry is to be ignored for the output. transform, ResourcePoolBuilder The ResourcePoolBuilder to be filled with Visitor returned
ResourcePoolEntries. outBuilder)Visit each ResourcePoolEntry in this ResourcePool to transform it and copy the transformed ResourcePoolEntry to the output ResourcePoolBuilder. |
byteOrder | back to summary |
public ByteOrder byteOrder() The ByteOrder currently in use when generating the jimage file.
contains | back to summary |
public boolean contains(ResourcePoolEntry data) Check if the ResourcePool contains the given ResourcePoolEntry.
entries | back to summary |
public Stream Get all ResourcePoolEntry contained in this ResourcePool instance.
entryCount | back to summary |
public int entryCount() Return the number of ResourcePoolEntry count in this ResourcePool.
findEntry | back to summary |
public Optional Get the ResourcePoolEntry for the passed path.
findEntryInContext | back to summary |
public Optional Get the ModuleEntry for the passed path restricted to supplied context.
isEmpty | back to summary |
public boolean isEmpty() Check if the ResourcePool contains some content at all.
moduleView | back to summary |
public ResourcePoolModuleView moduleView() Return the module view of this resource pool.
transformAndCopy | back to summary |
public default void transformAndCopy(Function<ResourcePoolEntry, ResourcePoolEntry> transform, ResourcePoolBuilder outBuilder) Visit each ResourcePoolEntry in this ResourcePool to transform it and copy the transformed ResourcePoolEntry to the output ResourcePoolBuilder.