Top Description Fields Constructors Methods

public final Enum FtpReplyCode

extends Enum<FtpReplyCode>
Class Inheritance

This class describes a FTP protocol reply code and associates a meaning to the numerical value according to the various RFCs (RFC 959 in particular).

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
public static final FtpReplyCode
private final int

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description
FtpReplyCode(int val)

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
public static FtpReplyCode


the FtpReplyCode associated with the value.
the value to convert

Static utility method to convert a value into a FtpReplyCode.

public int


the numerical value.

Returns the numerical value of the code.

public boolean


true if the reply code is an authentication related response.

Determines if the code is an authentication related response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a connection related response.

Determines if the code is a connection related response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a file system related response.

Determines if the code is a file system related response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is an information related response.

Determines if the code is an information related response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a permanent negative response.

Determines if the code is a permanent negative response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a positive completion response.

Determines if the code is a Positive Completion response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a positive intermediate response.

Determines if the code is a positive internediate response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a positive preliminary response.

Determines if the code is a Positive Preliminary response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a protected reply response.

Determines if the code is a protected reply response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a syntax related response.

Determines if the code is a syntax related response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is a transient negative response.

Determines if the code is a transient negative response.

public boolean


true if the reply code is an unspecified type of response.

Determines if the code is an unspecified type of response.

public static FtpReplyCode
public static FtpReplyCode[]
Inherited from java.lang.Enum:

Field Detail

ACTION_ABORTEDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode ACTION_ABORTED
BAD_SEQUENCEback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode BAD_SEQUENCE
public static final FtpReplyCode CANT_OPEN_DATA_CONNECTION
public static final FtpReplyCode CLOSING_DATA_CONNECTION
COMMAND_OKback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode COMMAND_OK
public static final FtpReplyCode COMMAND_UNRECOGNIZED
CONNECTION_CLOSEDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode CONNECTION_CLOSED
public static final FtpReplyCode DATA_CONNECTION_ALREADY_OPEN
public static final FtpReplyCode DATA_CONNECTION_OPEN
DIRECTORY_STATUSback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode DIRECTORY_STATUS
public static final FtpReplyCode ENTERING_EXT_PASSIVE_MODE
public static final FtpReplyCode ENTERING_PASSIVE_MODE
EXCEEDED_STORAGEback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode EXCEEDED_STORAGE
public static final FtpReplyCode FAILED_SECURITY_CHECK
FILE_ACTION_NOT_TAKENback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode FILE_ACTION_NOT_TAKEN
FILE_ACTION_OKback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode FILE_ACTION_OK
FILE_ACTION_PENDINGback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode FILE_ACTION_PENDING
FILE_NAME_NOT_ALLOWEDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode FILE_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED
FILE_STATUSback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode FILE_STATUS
FILE_STATUS_OKback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode FILE_STATUS_OK
FILE_UNAVAILABLEback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode FILE_UNAVAILABLE
HELP_MESSAGEback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode HELP_MESSAGE
public static final FtpReplyCode INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE
INVALID_PARAMETERback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode INVALID_PARAMETER
LOGGED_INback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode LOGGED_IN
NAME_SYSTEM_TYPEback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode NAME_SYSTEM_TYPE
NEED_ACCOUNTback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode NEED_ACCOUNT
public static final FtpReplyCode NEED_ACCOUNT_FOR_STORING
NEED_ADATback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode NEED_ADAT
NEED_MORE_ADATback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode NEED_MORE_ADAT
NEED_PASSWORDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode NEED_PASSWORD
public static final FtpReplyCode NEED_SECURITY_RESOURCE
NOT_IMPLEMENTEDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode NOT_IMPLEMENTED
public static final FtpReplyCode NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FOR_PARAMETER
NOT_LOGGED_INback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode NOT_LOGGED_IN
PAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWNback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode PAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN
PATHNAME_CREATEDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode PATHNAME_CREATED
PROT_LEVEL_DENIEDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode PROT_LEVEL_DENIED
public static final FtpReplyCode PROT_LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_SECURITY
PROTECTED_REPLYback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode PROTECTED_REPLY
REQUEST_DENIEDback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode REQUEST_DENIED
RESTART_MARKERback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode RESTART_MARKER
SECURELY_LOGGED_INback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode SECURELY_LOGGED_IN
public static final FtpReplyCode SECURITY_EXCHANGE_COMPLETE
public static final FtpReplyCode SECURITY_EXCHANGE_OK
SERVICE_CLOSINGback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode SERVICE_CLOSING
public static final FtpReplyCode SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
SERVICE_READYback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode SERVICE_READY
SERVICE_READY_INback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode SERVICE_READY_IN
SYSTEM_STATUSback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode SYSTEM_STATUS
UNKNOWN_ERRORback to summary
public static final FtpReplyCode UNKNOWN_ERROR
public static final FtpReplyCode UNSUPPORTED_PROT_LEVEL
valueback to summary
private final int value

Constructor Detail

FtpReplyCodeback to summary
private FtpReplyCode(int val)

Method Detail

findback to summary
public static FtpReplyCode find(int v)

Static utility method to convert a value into a FtpReplyCode.


the value to convert


the FtpReplyCode associated with the value.

getValueback to summary
public int getValue()

Returns the numerical value of the code.


the numerical value.

isAuthenticationback to summary
public boolean isAuthentication()

Determines if the code is an authentication related response. This means the second digit is a 3.


true if the reply code is an authentication related response.

isConnectionback to summary
public boolean isConnection()

Determines if the code is a connection related response. This means the second digit is a 2.


true if the reply code is a connection related response.

isFileSystemback to summary
public boolean isFileSystem()

Determines if the code is a file system related response. This means the second digit is a 5.


true if the reply code is a file system related response.

isInformationback to summary
public boolean isInformation()

Determines if the code is an information related response. This means the second digit is a 1.


true if the reply code is an information related response.

isPermanentNegativeback to summary
public boolean isPermanentNegative()

Determines if the code is a permanent negative response. This means beginning with a 5 (which means a value between 500 and 599)


true if the reply code is a permanent negative response.

isPositiveCompletionback to summary
public boolean isPositiveCompletion()

Determines if the code is a Positive Completion response. This means beginning with a 2 (which means a value between 200 and 299)


true if the reply code is a positive completion response.

isPositiveIntermediateback to summary
public boolean isPositiveIntermediate()

Determines if the code is a positive internediate response. This means beginning with a 3 (which means a value between 300 and 399)


true if the reply code is a positive intermediate response.

isPositivePreliminaryback to summary
public boolean isPositivePreliminary()

Determines if the code is a Positive Preliminary response. This means beginning with a 1 (which means a value between 100 and 199)


true if the reply code is a positive preliminary response.

isProtectedReplyback to summary
public boolean isProtectedReply()

Determines if the code is a protected reply response. This means beginning with a 6 (which means a value between 600 and 699)


true if the reply code is a protected reply response.

isSyntaxback to summary
public boolean isSyntax()

Determines if the code is a syntax related response. This means the second digit is a 0.


true if the reply code is a syntax related response.

isTransientNegativeback to summary
public boolean isTransientNegative()

Determines if the code is a transient negative response. This means beginning with a 4 (which means a value between 400 and 499)


true if the reply code is a transient negative response.

isUnspecifiedback to summary
public boolean isUnspecified()

Determines if the code is an unspecified type of response. This means the second digit is a 4.


true if the reply code is an unspecified type of response.

valueOfback to summary
public static FtpReplyCode valueOf(String name)
valuesback to summary
public static FtpReplyCode[] values()