Top Fields Constructors Methods

pack-priv abstract Class FileDispatcher

extends NativeDispatcher
Class Inheritance
Known Direct Subclasses
Imports, .IOException, java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
pack-priv abstract long
pack-priv abstract boolean
pack-priv abstract boolean
pack-priv abstract FileDescriptor
duplicateForMapping(FileDescriptor fd)

Returns a dup of fd if a file descriptor is required for memory-mapping operations, otherwise returns an invalid FileDescriptor (meaning a newly allocated FileDescriptor)

pack-priv abstract int
force(FileDescriptor fd, boolean metaData)

pack-priv abstract int
lock(FileDescriptor fd, boolean blocking, long pos, long size, boolean shared)

pack-priv abstract long
map(FileDescriptor fd, int prot, long position, long length, boolean isSync)

pack-priv abstract int
pack-priv abstract void
release(FileDescriptor fd, long pos, long size)

pack-priv abstract long
seek(FileDescriptor fd, long offset)

Sets or reports this file's position If offset is -1, the current position is returned otherwise the position is set to offset.

pack-priv abstract int
pack-priv abstract long
pack-priv abstract long
transferFrom(FileDescriptor src, FileDescriptor dst, long position, long count, boolean append)

pack-priv abstract long
transferTo(FileDescriptor src, long position, long count, FileDescriptor dst, boolean append)

pack-priv abstract boolean
pack-priv abstract int
truncate(FileDescriptor fd, long size)

pack-priv abstract int
unmap(long address, long length)

Inherited from

Field Detail

INTERRUPTEDback to summary
public static final int INTERRUPTED
LOCKEDback to summary
public static final int LOCKED
NO_LOCKback to summary
public static final int NO_LOCK
RET_EX_LOCKback to summary
public static final int RET_EX_LOCK

Constructor Detail

FileDispatcherback to summary
pack-priv FileDispatcher()

Method Detail

allocationGranularityback to summary
pack-priv abstract long allocationGranularity()
canTransferToDirectlyback to summary
pack-priv abstract boolean canTransferToDirectly(SelectableChannel sc)
canTransferToFromOverlappedMapback to summary
pack-priv abstract boolean canTransferToFromOverlappedMap()
duplicateForMappingback to summary
pack-priv abstract FileDescriptor duplicateForMapping(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException

Returns a dup of fd if a file descriptor is required for memory-mapping operations, otherwise returns an invalid FileDescriptor (meaning a newly allocated FileDescriptor)

forceback to summary
pack-priv abstract int force(FileDescriptor fd, boolean metaData) throws IOException
lockback to summary
pack-priv abstract int lock(FileDescriptor fd, boolean blocking, long pos, long size, boolean shared) throws IOException
mapback to summary
pack-priv abstract long map(FileDescriptor fd, int prot, long position, long length, boolean isSync) throws IOException
maxDirectTransferSizeback to summary
pack-priv abstract int maxDirectTransferSize()
releaseback to summary
pack-priv abstract void release(FileDescriptor fd, long pos, long size) throws IOException
seekback to summary
pack-priv abstract long seek(FileDescriptor fd, long offset) throws IOException

Sets or reports this file's position If offset is -1, the current position is returned otherwise the position is set to offset.

setDirectIOback to summary
pack-priv abstract int setDirectIO(FileDescriptor fd, String path)
sizeback to summary
pack-priv abstract long size(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException
transferFromback to summary
pack-priv abstract long transferFrom(FileDescriptor src, FileDescriptor dst, long position, long count, boolean append)
transferToback to summary
pack-priv abstract long transferTo(FileDescriptor src, long position, long count, FileDescriptor dst, boolean append)
transferToDirectlyNeedsPositionLockback to summary
pack-priv abstract boolean transferToDirectlyNeedsPositionLock()
truncateback to summary
pack-priv abstract int truncate(FileDescriptor fd, long size) throws IOException
unmapback to summary
pack-priv abstract int unmap(long address, long length)