Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
public interface | ConstraintsParameters
This interface contains parameters for checking against constraints that extend past the publicly available parameters in |
public interface | DerEncoder
Interface to an object that knows how to write its own DER encoding to an output stream. |
public interface | InternalPrivateKey
Extra private methods on a private key. |
public interface | Length
The Length interface defines the length of an object |
public interface | MessageDigestSpi2
Special interface for additional MessageDigestSpi method(s). |
public interface | RegisteredDomain
A domain that is registered under a "public suffix". |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
public abstract class | AbstractAlgorithmConstraints
The class contains common functionality for algorithm constraints classes. |
public class | AlgorithmDecomposer
The class decomposes standard algorithms into sub-elements. |
public class | AnchorCertificates
The purpose of this class is to determine the trust anchor certificates is in the cacerts file. |
public class | ArrayUtil
This class holds the various utility methods for array range checks. |
public class | AuthResources
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_de
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_es
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_fr
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_it
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_ja
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_ko
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_pt_BR
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_sv
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_zh_CN
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_zh_HK
This class represents the
public class | AuthResources_zh_TW
This class represents the
public class | BitArray
A packed array of booleans. |
public class | ByteArrayLexOrder
Compare two byte arrays in lexicographical order. |
public class | ByteArrays
A time-constant comparison of two byte arrays. |
public class | ByteArrayTagOrder
ByteArrayTagOrder: a class for comparing two DER encodings by the order of their tags. |
public abstract class | |
public class | ChannelBindingException
Thrown by TlsChannelBinding if an error occurs |
public class | ConsoleCallbackHandler
A |
public class | CurveDB
Repository for well-known Elliptic Curve parameters. |
public class | Debug
A utility class for debugging. |
pack-priv class | DerIndefLenConverter
A package private utility class to convert indefinite length BER encoded byte arrays to definite length DER encoded byte arrays. |
public class | DerInputStream
A DER input stream, used for parsing ASN.1 DER-encoded data such as that found in X.509 certificates. |
public class | DerOutputStream
Output stream marshaling DER-encoded data. |
public class | DerValue
Represents a single DER-encoded value. |
public class | DisabledAlgorithmConstraints
Algorithm constraints for disabled algorithms property See the "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" specification in for the syntax of the disabled algorithm string. |
pack-priv class | DomainName
Allows public suffixes and registered domains to be determined from a string that represents a target domain name. |
public class | ECKeySizeParameterSpec
This immutable class is used when randomly generating a key pair and the consumer only specifies the length of the key and therefore a curve for that key size must be picked from the list of supported curves using this spec. |
public class | ECParameters
This class implements encoding and decoding of Elliptic Curve parameters as specified in RFC 3279. |
public class | |
public class | Event
This class implements an event model with services for reporter and listener. |
public class | |
public class | FilePermCompat
Take care of FilePermission compatibility after JDK-8164705. |
public class | GCMParameters
This class implements the parameter set used with GCM encryption, which is defined in RFC 5084 as follows: GCMParameters ::= SEQUENCE { aes-iv OCTET STRING, -- recommended size is 12 octets aes-tLen AES-GCM-ICVlen DEFAULT 12 } AES-GCM-ICVlen ::= INTEGER (12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16) |
public class | HexDumpEncoder
This class encodes a buffer into the classic: "Hexadecimal Dump" format of the past. |
public class | HostnameChecker
Class to check hostnames against the names specified in a certificate as required for TLS and LDAP. |
public class | IOUtils
IOUtils: A collection of IO-related public static methods. |
public class | JarConstraintsParameters
This class contains parameters for checking signed JARs against constraints specified in the jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms security property. |
public class | KeyStoreDelegator
This class delegates to a primary or secondary keystore implementation. |
public class | KeyUtil
A utility class to get key length, validate keys, etc. |
public class | LazyCodeSourcePermissionCollection
This |
public class | LegacyAlgorithmConstraints
Algorithm constraints for legacy algorithms. |
public class | LocalizedMessage
This class produces formatted and localized messages describing security issues. |
public class | ManifestDigester
This class is used to compute digests on sections of the Manifest. |
public class | ManifestEntryVerifier
This class is used to verify each entry in a jar file with its manifest value. |
pack-priv class | |
public class | NamedCurve
Contains Elliptic Curve parameters. |
pack-priv class | |
public class | ObjectIdentifier
Represent an ISO Object Identifier. |
public class | Password
A utility class for reading passwords |
public class | |
public class | Pem
A utility class for PEM format encoding. |
public class | PendingException
An exception that denotes that an operation is pending. |
public class | PolicyUtil
A utility class for getting a KeyStore instance from policy information. |
public class | PropertyExpander
A utility class to expand properties embedded in a string. |
public class | RawKeySpec
This is a KeySpec that is used to specify a key by its byte array implementation. |
public class | Resources
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_de
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_es
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_fr
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_it
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_ja
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_ko
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_pt_BR
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_sv
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_zh_CN
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_zh_HK
This class represents the |
public class | Resources_zh_TW
This class represents the |
public class | |
public class | SafeDHParameterSpec
Internal marker class for well-known safe DH parameters. |
public class | SecurityConstants
Permission constants and string constants used to create permissions used throughout the JDK. |
public class | |
public class | SecurityProviderConstants
Various constants such as version number, default key length, used by the JDK security/crypto providers. |
public class | |
public class | SignatureUtil
Utility class for Signature related operations. |
public class | TlsChannelBinding
This class implements the Channel Binding for TLS as defined in Channel Bindings for TLS Format of the Channel Binding data is also defined in On the Use of Channel Bindings to Secure Channels section 2.1. |
public class | UntrustedCertificates
A utility class to check if a certificate is untrusted. |
Modifier and Type | Enum and Description |
public enum | KnownOIDs
This utility class maps algorithm name to the corresponding oid strings. |