Top Fields Constructors Methods

public final Class P256OrderField

extends IntegerPolynomial
Class Inheritance

Field Summary

Modifier and TypeField and Description
private static final int
private static final long
private static final int
private static final int
public static final BigInteger
private static final int
public static final P256OrderField
Inherited from

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
private void
carryReduce(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18)

private void
carryReduce(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9)

pack-priv void
carryReduce0(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18, long c19)

pack-priv void
carryReduce0(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10)

pack-priv void
carryReduce1(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18, long c19)

pack-priv void
carryReduce2(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18, long c19)

private static BigInteger
protected void
finalCarryReduceLast(long[] limbs)

Implements abstract

Carry out of the last limb and reduce back in. This method will be called as part of the "finalReduce" operation that puts the representation into a fully-reduced form.

protected void
mult(long[] a, long[] b, long[] r)

Implements abstract

Multiply two IntegerPolynomial representations (a and b) and store the result in an IntegerPolynomial representation (r).

protected void
reduce(long[] a)

Implements abstract

Reduce an IntegerPolynomial representation (a) and store the result in a.

protected void
reduceIn(long[] limbs, long v, int i)

Implements abstract

protected void
square(long[] a, long[] r)

Implements abstract

Multiply an IntegerPolynomial representation (a) with itself and store the result in an IntegerPolynomialRepresentation (r).

Inherited from

Field Detail

BITS_PER_LIMBback to summary
private static final int BITS_PER_LIMB
CARRY_ADDback to summary
private static final long CARRY_ADD
LIMB_MASKback to summary
private static final int LIMB_MASK
MAX_ADDSback to summary
private static final int MAX_ADDS
MODULUSback to summary
public static final BigInteger MODULUS
NUM_LIMBSback to summary
private static final int NUM_LIMBS
ONEback to summary
public static final P256OrderField ONE

Constructor Detail

P256OrderFieldback to summary
private P256OrderField()

Method Detail

carryReduceback to summary
private void carryReduce(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18)
carryReduceback to summary
private void carryReduce(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9)
carryReduce0back to summary
pack-priv void carryReduce0(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18, long c19)
carryReduce0back to summary
pack-priv void carryReduce0(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10)
carryReduce1back to summary
pack-priv void carryReduce1(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18, long c19)
carryReduce2back to summary
pack-priv void carryReduce2(long[] r, long c0, long c1, long c2, long c3, long c4, long c5, long c6, long c7, long c8, long c9, long c10, long c11, long c12, long c13, long c14, long c15, long c16, long c17, long c18, long c19)
evaluateModulusback to summary
private static BigInteger evaluateModulus()
finalCarryReduceLastback to summary
protected void finalCarryReduceLast(long[] limbs)

Implements abstract

Doc from

Carry out of the last limb and reduce back in. This method will be called as part of the "finalReduce" operation that puts the representation into a fully-reduced form. It is representation- specific, because representations have different amounts of empty space in the high-order limb. Requires that limbs.length=numLimbs.

multback to summary
protected void mult(long[] a, long[] b, long[] r)

Implements abstract

Doc from

Multiply two IntegerPolynomial representations (a and b) and store the result in an IntegerPolynomial representation (r). Requires that a.length == b.length == r.length == numLimbs. It is allowed for a and r to be the same array.

reduceback to summary
protected void reduce(long[] a)

Implements abstract

Doc from

Reduce an IntegerPolynomial representation (a) and store the result in a. Requires that a.length == numLimbs.

reduceInback to summary
protected void reduceIn(long[] limbs, long v, int i)

Implements abstract

squareback to summary
protected void square(long[] a, long[] r)

Implements abstract

Doc from

Multiply an IntegerPolynomial representation (a) with itself and store the result in an IntegerPolynomialRepresentation (r). Requires that a.length == r.length == numLimbs. It is allowed for a and r to be the same array.
